
【1】 笛卡尔积与子查询解决累计



select templateid,needitem1Count from db_tank..TS_CardMain


select t1.templateId,t1.needitem1Count,sum(t2.needitem1count) sum_num from db_tank..TS_CardMain t1
cross join db_tank..TS_CardMain t2
where t2.templateid <= t1.templateid
group by t1.templateid,t1.needitem1Count



select templateid,needitem1Count,
(select sum(needitem1Count) from db_tank..TS_CardMain t2 where t2.templateid<=t1.templateid ) as sum_num
from db_tank..TS_CardMain t1




;with temp1 as (
select 1 as id ,1 as num
union all
select 1 as id ,2 as num
union all
select 1 as id ,3 as num
union all
select 2 as id ,4 as num
union all
select 2 as id ,5 as num
union all
select 2 as id ,6 as num
select t1.id,t1.num,sum(t2.num) sum_num from temp1 t1 join temp1 t2 on t2.id =t1.id AND t2.num <= t1.num
group by t1.id,t1.num
order by id



;with temp1 as (
select 1 as id ,1 as num
union all
select 1 as id ,2 as num
union all
select 1 as id ,3 as num
union all
select 2 as id ,4 as num
union all
select 2 as id ,5 as num
union all
select 2 as id ,6 as num
select *,(select sum(num) from temp1 where id=t.id and num <= t.num) sum_num from temp1 t

【3】窗口函数_分析函数(sum over)

sql server 2012及以上可用

rows between unbounded preceding and current row
--【3.1】利用sum() over()嵌套使用
;with temp1 as (
select 1 as id ,1 as num union all
select 1 as id ,2 as num union all
select 1 as id ,3 as num union all
select 2 as id ,4 as num union all
select 2 as id ,5 as num union all
select 2 as id ,6 as num
select *,sum(num) over(partition by id order by num asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from temp1


05-11 18:14