蓝眼睛与红眼睛(The blue-eyed islanders puzzle)-LMLPHP

澳大利亚的华裔数学神童陶哲轩曾在网上贴出来一个问题 The blue-eyed islanders puzzle 让大家思考,逗大家玩儿。


  1. 他们不能照镜子,不能看自己眼睛的颜色。
  2. 他们不能告诉别人对方的眼睛是什么颜色。
  3. 一旦有人知道了自己的眼睛颜色,他就必须在第二天中午自杀。








如果这个岛上只有 1 个红眼睛,其他人都是蓝眼睛。那么,当旅行者说了这句话之后,此人立刻就会知道自己是红眼睛,因为他看到的其他人都是蓝眼睛,他就会在当天自杀。即,当 n 取第一个值 n0 = 1 时,命题成立。

假设当这个岛上有 N 个红眼睛的时候,在旅行者说了这句话之后的第N天,这些红眼睛会全部自杀。

那么,当这个岛上有 N + 1 个红眼睛的时候,在每个红眼睛看来,岛上都确定有N个红眼睛,并等待着他们在第N天自杀。而在第N天,大家都没有自杀。所以一到第 N + 1 天,每个红眼睛都明白了这个岛上还有第 N + 1个红眼睛——他自己。于是大家都在第 N + 1 天自杀了。

所以命题得证:如果这个岛上有 N 个红眼睛,那么在旅行者说这句话的第 N 天,他们全部都会自杀。








但是,实际想想,旅行者说了一句“这个岛上有红眼睛的人?” 而这个事实岛上人已经知道了,所以这个问题看似是一个悖论(paradox)。



首先,岛上的人,一部分人心里都知道岛上有红眼睛的人(蓝眼睛的人能看到红眼睛的人,红眼睛的人能看到其他红眼睛的人(如果红眼睛的人数大于 1)),但是,每个人并不知道其他人是否已经知道这个岛上有红眼睛。旅行者的话,也就让大家都知道岛上有红眼睛的人,并且其他人也都知道这个事实。比如说,当只有一个红眼睛的人时,所有蓝眼睛的人都知道有红眼睛,但是红眼睛的人不知道。

  • 共有知识: 所有人都知道的知识称为共有知识。
  • 公共知识:1.知识是共有知识,2.所有人都知道其他人也知道这个知识。

The blue-eyed islanders puzzle

5 February, 2008 in diversionsmath.GMmath.ITmath.LO | Tags: blue-eyed islander puzzlecommon informationlogic puzzlemathematical induction

Given that there has recently been a lot of discussion on this blog about this logic puzzle, I thought I would make a dedicated post for it (and move all the previous comments to this post). The text here is adapted from an earlier web page of mine from a few years back.

The puzzle has a number of formulations, but I will use this one:

The interesting thing about this puzzle is that there are two quite plausible arguments here, which give opposing conclusions:

[Note: if you have not seen the puzzle before, I recommend thinking about it first before clicking ahead.]

Argument 1. The foreigner has no effect, because his comments do not tell the tribe anything that they do not already know (everyone in the tribe can already see that there are several blue-eyed people in their tribe). 蓝眼睛与红眼睛(The blue-eyed islanders puzzle)-LMLPHP

Argument 2. 100 days after the address, all the blue eyed people commit suicide. This is proven as a special case of

Proof: We induct on n. When n=1, the single blue-eyed person realizes that the traveler is referring to him or her, and thus commits suicide on the next day. Now suppose inductively that n is larger than 1. Each blue-eyed person will reason as follows: “If I am not blue-eyed, then there will only be n-1 blue-eyed people on this island, and so they will all commit suicide n-1 days after the traveler’s address”. But when n-1 days pass, none of the blue-eyed people do so (because at that stage they have no evidence that they themselves are blue-eyed). After nobody commits suicide on the 蓝眼睛与红眼睛(The blue-eyed islanders puzzle)-LMLPHP day, each of the blue eyed people then realizes that they themselves must have blue eyes, and will then commit suicide on the 蓝眼睛与红眼睛(The blue-eyed islanders puzzle)-LMLPHP day. 蓝眼睛与红眼睛(The blue-eyed islanders puzzle)-LMLPHP 蓝眼睛与红眼睛(The blue-eyed islanders puzzle)-LMLPHP

Which argument is valid? I won’t spoil it in this main post, but readers are welcome to discuss the solution in the comments. (Again, for those of you who haven’t seen the puzzle before, I recommend thinking about it first before reading the comments below.)

Added, Feb 12: It is undoubtedly true that the assumptions of this logic puzzle are highly unrealistic, and defy common sense. This however does not invalidate the above question, which is to resolve the fact that there are two separate and seemingly valid arguments which start with the same hypotheses but yield contradictory conclusions. This fact requires resolution even if the hypotheses are extremely unlikely to be completely satisfied in any reasonable situation; it is only when the hypotheses are logically impossible to satisfy completely that there is no need to analyse the situation further.

[Update, Feb 10: wording of the puzzle clarified. (My original version, which did not contain the last parenthetical of the first paragraph, can be found on my web page; it had an unexpectedly interesting subtlety in its formulation, but was not the puzzle I had actually intended to write. See also this formulation of the puzzle by xkcd.)]

05-15 20:35