


#define DRIVERVERSION 0     /* 设备驱动版本               */
#define TECHNOLOGY 2 /* Device classification */
#define HORZSIZE 4 /* 可打印区域宽度,毫米 */
#define VERTSIZE 6 /* 可打印区域高度,毫米 */
#define HORZRES 8 /* 可打印区域宽度,像素 */
#define VERTRES 10 /* 可打印区域高度,像素 */
#define BITSPIXEL 12 /* 像素位深 */
#define PLANES 14 /* Number of planes */
#define NUMBRUSHES 16 /* Number of brushes the device has */
#define NUMPENS 18 /* Number of pens the device has */
#define NUMMARKERS 20 /* Number of markers the device has */
#define NUMFONTS 22 /* Number of fonts the device has */
#define NUMCOLORS 24 /* Number of colors the device supports */
#define PDEVICESIZE 26 /* Size required for device descriptor */
#define CURVECAPS 28 /* Curve capabilities */
#define LINECAPS 30 /* Line capabilities */
#define POLYGONALCAPS 32 /* Polygonal capabilities */
#define TEXTCAPS 34 /* Text capabilities */
#define CLIPCAPS 36 /* Clipping capabilities */
#define RASTERCAPS 38 /* Bitblt capabilities */
#define ASPECTX 40 /* Length of the X leg */
#define ASPECTY 42 /* Length of the Y leg */
#define ASPECTXY 44 /* 设备对角线长度,单位像素 */

#define LOGPIXELSX 88 /* 水平方向,每英寸像素数                */
  #define LOGPIXELSY 90 /* 垂直方向,每英寸像素数                 */

// Printing related DeviceCaps. These replace the appropriate Escapes

#define PHYSICALWIDTH 110 /* 设备物理宽度,像素 Physical Width in device units */
#define PHYSICALHEIGHT 111 /* 设备物理高度,像素 Physical Height in device units */
#define PHYSICALOFFSETX 112 /* 纸张可打印区域左边距,单位像素 Physical Printable Area x margin */
#define PHYSICALOFFSETY 113 /* 纸张可打印区域上边距,单位像素 Physical Printable Area y margin */
#define SCALINGFACTORX 114 /* Scaling factor x */
#define SCALINGFACTORY 115 /* Scaling factor y */


05-01 02:23