#include <mongoc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h> class MongoGridFS {
MongoGridFS(const char* db);
~MongoGridFS(); void saveFile(const char* input_file_path, const char* filename);
mongoc_gridfs_t *gridfs;
mongoc_client_t *client;
}; MongoGridFS::MongoGridFS(const char* db) {
assert(db != NULL);
mongoc_init ();
/* connect to localhost client */
client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://");
assert (client);
mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, ); /* grab a gridfs handle in test prefixed by fs */
bson_error_t error;
gridfs = mongoc_client_get_gridfs (client, db, "fs", &error);
assert (gridfs);
} void MongoGridFS::saveFile(const char* input_file_path, const char* filename) {
assert(input_file_path != NULL && filename != NULL);
mongoc_stream_t *stream = mongoc_stream_file_new_for_path (input_file_path, O_RDONLY, );
assert (stream); mongoc_gridfs_file_opt_t opt = {};
opt.filename = filename; /* the driver generates a file_id for you */
mongoc_gridfs_file_t *file = mongoc_gridfs_create_file_from_stream (gridfs, stream, &opt);
assert (file); mongoc_gridfs_file_save (file);
mongoc_gridfs_file_destroy (file);
} MongoGridFS::~MongoGridFS() {
mongoc_gridfs_destroy (gridfs);
mongoc_client_destroy (client);
mongoc_cleanup ();
} int
main (int argc, char *argv[])
MongoGridFS gridfs("test2gridfs");
gridfs.saveFile("test.py", "test.py");
return ;