function jmc_new_lib(){
// Because we still want the script to load but not the styles
wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-mediaelement' );
// Enqueue our own styles here.
wp_enqueue_style( 'jmc-media-styles', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/media.css' );
return '';

Super sweet if you ask me. That’s great and all but what about the markup? Now we have to think about what needs to be styled right?

Well, I’ve gone ahead and extracted some of the classes for both the audio and video markup to make it easier:

.mejs-offscreen {}
.mejs-container {}
.svg {}
.wp-audio-shortcode {}
.mejs-audio {}
.mejs-inner {}
.mejs-mediaelement {}
.mejs-layers {}
.mejs-poster {}
.mejs-layer {}
.mejs-controls {}
.mejs-button {}
.mejs-playpause-button {}
.mejs-play {}
.mejs-time {}
.mejs-currenttime-container {}
.mejs-currenttime {}
.mejs-time-rail {}
.mejs-time-total {}
.mejs-time-slider {}
.mejs-time-buffering {}
.mejs-time-loaded {}
.mejs-time-current {}
.mejs-time-handle {}
.mejs-time-float {}
.mejs-time-float-current {}
.mejs-time-float-corner {}
.mejs-duration-container {}
.mejs-duration {}
.mejs-volume-button {}
.mejs-mute {}
.mejs-horizontal-volume-slider {}
.mejs-horizontal-volume-total {}
.mejs-horizontal-volume-current {}
.mejs-horizontal-volume-handle {}
.mejs-clear {}
.wp-video {}
.wp-video-shortcode {}
.mejs-video {}
.mejs-overlay {}
.mejs-overlay-loading {}
.mejs-overlay-error {}
.mejs-overlay-play {}
.mejs-overlay-button {}
.mejs-volume-slider {}
.mejs-volume-total {}
.mejs-volume-current {}
.mejs-volume-handle {}
.mejs-fullscreen-button {}

Those are some of the common classes that are used in the final markup. It may not be a complete list but it is a starting point for many and I hope it does help somebody out in theming the audio and video post formats. I will mention this because I know it may be asked down the road: some of those classes may have inline styles so it would be w

I also created a quick gist for the files if you only wanted to target one media type. This is useful if the user has a playlist.

In the following example, I’ve removed the core action and am only documenting the basics.

// remove the scripts/styles originally enqueued
remove_action( 'wp_playlist_scripts', 'wp_playlist_scripts' );
// enqueue ours instead
add_action( 'wp_playlist_scripts', 'jmc_new_liststyles', 10, 2 );
function jmc_new_liststyles( $type, $style ) {
// $type is the type of playlist either an 'audio' or 'video'.
// $style can be core 'light' or 'dark' but can add more by having user input
// and enqueueing the needed style.
wp_enqueue_style( 'jmc-style', 'path/to/file' );
// Because we still want to enqueue the script just not the style.
wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-playlist' );

04-27 22:39