

  puppet是一个IT基础设施自动化运维工具,它能够帮助系统管理员管理基础设施的整个生命周期;比如,安装服务,提供配置文件,启动服务等等一系列操作;基于puppet,可实现自动化重复任务、快速部署关键性应用以及在本地或云端完成主动变更和快速扩展架构规模等;它遵循GPL协议(2.7.0以前),基于ruby语言开发,2.7.0以后使用apache 2.0协议;







  puppet standalone模式工作过程



  puppet master/agent模式工作过程





[root@node12 ~]# yum install -y puppet




[root@node12 ~]# puppet help

Usage: puppet <subcommand> [options] <action> [options]

Available subcommands:

  agent             The puppet agent daemon
  apply             Apply Puppet manifests locally
  ca                Local Puppet Certificate Authority management.
  catalog           Compile, save, view, and convert catalogs.
  cert              Manage certificates and requests
  certificate       Provide access to the CA for certificate management.
  certificate_request  Manage certificate requests.
  certificate_revocation_list  Manage the list of revoked certificates.
  config            Interact with Puppet's settings.
  describe          Display help about resource types
  device            Manage remote network devices
  doc               Generate Puppet documentation and references
  facts             Retrieve and store facts.
  file              Retrieve and store files in a filebucket
  filebucket        Store and retrieve files in a filebucket
  help              Display Puppet help.
  inspect           Send an inspection report
  instrumentation_data  Manage instrumentation listener accumulated data.
  instrumentation_listener  Manage instrumentation listeners.
  instrumentation_probe  Manage instrumentation probes.
  key               Create, save, and remove certificate keys.
  kick              Remotely control puppet agent
  man               Display Puppet manual pages.
  master            The puppet master daemon
  module            Creates, installs and searches for modules on the Puppet Forge.
  node              View and manage node definitions.
  parser            Interact directly with the parser.
  plugin            Interact with the Puppet plugin system.
  queue             Deprecated queuing daemon for asynchronous storeconfigs
  report            Create, display, and submit reports.
  resource          The resource abstraction layer shell
  resource_type     View classes, defined resource types, and nodes from all manifests.
  secret_agent      Mimics puppet agent.
  status            View puppet server status.

See 'puppet help <subcommand> <action>' for help on a specific subcommand action.
See 'puppet help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.
Puppet v3.6.2
[root@node12 ~]#




[root@node12 ~]# puppet describe --help

puppet-describe(8) -- Display help about resource types

Prints help about Puppet resource types, providers, and metaparameters.

puppet describe [-h|--help] [-s|--short] [-p|--providers] [-l|--list] [-m|--meta]

* --help:
  Print this help text

* --providers:
  Describe providers in detail for each type

* --list:
  List all types

* --meta:
  List all metaparameters

* --short:
  List only parameters without detail

    $ puppet describe --list
    $ puppet describe file --providers
    $ puppet describe user -s -m

David Lutterkort

Copyright (c) 2011 Puppet Labs, LLC Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License

[root@node12 ~]#



[root@node12 ~]# puppet describe --list
These are the types known to puppet:
augeas          - Apply a change or an array of changes to the  ...
computer        - Computer object management using DirectorySer ...
cron            - Installs and manages cron jobs
exec            - Executes external commands
file            - Manages files, including their content, owner ...
filebucket      - A repository for storing and retrieving file  ...
group           - Manage groups
host            - Installs and manages host entries
interface       - This represents a router or switch interface
k5login         - Manage the `.k5login` file for a user
macauthorization - Manage the Mac OS X authorization database
mailalias       - .. no documentation ..
maillist        - Manage email lists
mcx             - MCX object management using DirectoryService  ...
mount           - Manages mounted filesystems, including puttin ...
nagios_command  - The Nagios type command
nagios_contact  - The Nagios type contact
nagios_contactgroup - The Nagios type contactgroup
nagios_host     - The Nagios type host
nagios_hostdependency - The Nagios type hostdependency
nagios_hostescalation - The Nagios type hostescalation
nagios_hostextinfo - The Nagios type hostextinfo
nagios_hostgroup - The Nagios type hostgroup
nagios_service  - The Nagios type service
nagios_servicedependency - The Nagios type servicedependency
nagios_serviceescalation - The Nagios type serviceescalation
nagios_serviceextinfo - The Nagios type serviceextinfo
nagios_servicegroup - The Nagios type servicegroup
nagios_timeperiod - The Nagios type timeperiod
notify          - .. no documentation ..
package         - Manage packages
resources       - This is a metatype that can manage other reso ...
router          - .. no documentation ..
schedule        - Define schedules for Puppet
scheduled_task  - Installs and manages Windows Scheduled Tasks
selboolean      - Manages SELinux booleans on systems with SELi ...
selmodule       - Manages loading and unloading of SELinux poli ...
service         - Manage running services
ssh_authorized_key - Manages SSH authorized keys
sshkey          - Installs and manages ssh host keys
stage           - A resource type for creating new run stages
tidy            - Remove unwanted files based on specific crite ...
user            - Manage users
vlan            - .. no documentation ..
whit            - Whits are internal artifacts of Puppet's curr ...
yumrepo         - The client-side description of a yum reposito ...
zfs             - Manage zfs
zone            - Manages Solaris zones
zpool           - Manage zpools
[root@node12 ~]#



[root@node12 ~]# puppet describe user

Manage users.  This type is mostly built to manage system
users, so it is lacking some features useful for managing normal
This resource type uses the prescribed native tools for creating
groups and generally uses POSIX APIs for retrieving information
about them.  It does not directly modify `/etc/passwd` or anything.
**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the user's primary group (as
provided in the `gid` attribute), the user resource will autorequire
that group. If Puppet is managing any role accounts corresponding to the
user's roles, the user resource will autorequire those role accounts.


- **allowdupe**
    Whether to allow duplicate UIDs. Defaults to `false`.
    Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.

- **attribute_membership**
    Whether specified attribute value pairs should be treated as the
    **complete list** (`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of
    attribute/value pairs for the user. Defaults to `minimum`.
    Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.

- **attributes**
    Specify AIX attributes for the user in an array of attribute = value
Requires features manages_aix_lam.

- **auth_membership**
    Whether specified auths should be considered the **complete list**
    (`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of auths the user
    has. Defaults to `minimum`.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.

- **auths**
    The auths the user has.  Multiple auths should be
    specified as an array.
Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.

- **comment**
    A description of the user.  Generally the user's full name.

- **ensure**
    The basic state that the object should be in.
    Valid values are `present`, `absent`, `role`.

- **expiry**
    The expiry date for this user. Must be provided in
    a zero-padded YYYY-MM-DD format --- e.g. 2010-02-19.
    If you want to make sure the user account does never
    expire, you can pass the special value `absent`.
    Valid values are `absent`. Values can match `/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/`.
    Requires features manages_expiry.

- **forcelocal**
    Forces the mangement of local accounts when accounts are also
    being managed by some other NSS
    Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.
    Requires features libuser.

- **gid**
    The user's primary group.  Can be specified numerically or by name.
    This attribute is not supported on Windows systems; use the `groups`
    attribute instead. (On Windows, designating a primary group is only
    meaningful for domain accounts, which Puppet does not currently manage.)

- **groups**
    The groups to which the user belongs.  The primary group should
    not be listed, and groups should be identified by name rather than by
    GID.  Multiple groups should be specified as an array.

- **home**
    The home directory of the user.  The directory must be created
    separately and is not currently checked for existence.

- **ia_load_module**
    The name of the I&A module to use to manage this user.
    Requires features manages_aix_lam.

- **iterations**
    This is the number of iterations of a chained computation of the
    password hash (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2).  This parameter
    is used in OS X. This field is required for managing passwords on OS X
    >= 10.8.
Requires features manages_password_salt.

- **key_membership**
    Whether specified key/value pairs should be considered the
    **complete list** (`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of
    the user's attributes. Defaults to `minimum`.
    Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.

- **keys**
    Specify user attributes in an array of key = value pairs.
    Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.

- **managehome**
    Whether to manage the home directory when managing the user.
    This will create the home directory when `ensure => present`, and
    delete the home directory when `ensure => absent`. Defaults to `false`.
    Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.

- **membership**
    Whether specified groups should be considered the **complete list**
    (`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of groups to which
    the user belongs. Defaults to `minimum`.
    Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.

- **name**
    The user name. While naming limitations vary by operating system,
    it is advisable to restrict names to the lowest common denominator,
    which is a maximum of 8 characters beginning with a letter.
    Note that Puppet considers user names to be case-sensitive, regardless
    of the platform's own rules; be sure to always use the same case when
    referring to a given user.

- **password**
    The user's password, in whatever encrypted format the local
    system requires.
    * Most modern Unix-like systems use salted SHA1 password hashes. You can
      Puppet's built-in `sha1` function to generate a hash from a password.
    * Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 also use salted SHA1 hashes.
    * Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) uses salted SHA512 hashes. The Puppet Labs
      module contains a `str2saltedsha512` function which can generate
      hashes for Lion.
    * Mac OS X 10.8 and higher use salted SHA512 PBKDF2 hashes. When
      managing passwords on these systems the salt and iterations properties
      need to be specified as well as the password.
    * Windows passwords can only be managed in cleartext, as there is no
    Windows API
      for setting the password hash.
    [stdlib]: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib/
    Be sure to enclose any value that includes a dollar sign ($) in single
    quotes (') to avoid accidental variable interpolation.
    Requires features manages_passwords.

- **password_max_age**
    The maximum number of days a password may be used before it must be
Requires features manages_password_age.

- **password_min_age**
    The minimum number of days a password must be used before it may be
Requires features manages_password_age.

- **profile_membership**
    Whether specified roles should be treated as the **complete list**
    (`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of roles
    of which the user is a member. Defaults to `minimum`.
    Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.

- **profiles**
    The profiles the user has.  Multiple profiles should be
    specified as an array.
Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.

- **project**
    The name of the project associated with a user.
    Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.

- **purge_ssh_keys**
    Purge ssh keys authorized for the user
    if they are not managed via ssh_authorized_keys. When true,
    looks for keys in .ssh/authorized_keys in the user's home
    directory. Possible values are true, false, or an array of
    paths to file to search for authorized keys. If a path starts
    with ~ or %h, this token is replaced with the user's home directory.
    Valid values are `true`, `false`.

- **role_membership**
    Whether specified roles should be considered the **complete list**
    (`inclusive`) or the **minimum list** (`minimum`) of roles the user
    has. Defaults to `minimum`.
Valid values are `inclusive`, `minimum`.

- **roles**
    The roles the user has.  Multiple roles should be
    specified as an array.
Requires features manages_solaris_rbac.

- **salt**
    This is the 32 byte salt used to generate the PBKDF2 password used in
    OS X. This field is required for managing passwords on OS X >= 10.8.
    Requires features manages_password_salt.

- **shell**
    The user's login shell.  The shell must exist and be
    This attribute cannot be managed on Windows systems.
    Requires features manages_shell.

- **system**
    Whether the user is a system user, according to the OS's criteria;
    on most platforms, a UID less than or equal to 500 indicates a system
    user. Defaults to `false`.
    Valid values are `true`, `false`, `yes`, `no`.

- **uid**
    The user ID; must be specified numerically. If no user ID is
    specified when creating a new user, then one will be chosen
    automatically. This will likely result in the same user having
    different UIDs on different systems, which is not recommended. This is
    especially noteworthy when managing the same user on both Darwin and
    other platforms, since Puppet does UID generation on Darwin, but
    the underlying tools do so on other platforms.
    On Windows, this property is read-only and will return the user's
    security identifier (SID).

    aix, directoryservice, hpuxuseradd, ldap, pw, user_role_add, useradd,
[root@node12 ~]#



type {'title':
    attribute1 	=> value1,
    atrribute2	=> value2,



    Namevar, 可简称为name;


[root@node12 ~]# cat user.pp
        ensure  => present,
        uid     => 5000,
        home    => '/home/tom',
        shell   => '/bin/bash',
        comment => 'this is test user',
[root@node12 ~]#



[root@node12 ~]# puppet apply -v --noop user.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for node12.test.org in environment production in 0.07 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1606542594'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/User[tom]/ensure: current_value absent, should be present (noop)
Notice: Class[Main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Stage[main]: Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Info: Creating state file /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.02 seconds
[root@node12 ~]#

  提示:应用资源清单使用puppet apply命令,其中-v用于指定显示执行输出过程;--noop用于指定干跑,不应用,主要检测对应的manifast文件是否有语法错误;如果没有语法错误,我们就可以把对应noop选项取消,然后真正应用其资源清单到本地;

[root@node12 ~]# puppet apply -v  user.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for node12.test.org in environment production in 0.06 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1606542785'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/User[tom]/ensure: created
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.05 seconds
[root@node12 ~]#


[root@node12 ~]# getent passwd tom
tom:x:5000:5000:this is test user:/home/tom:/bin/bash
[root@node12 ~]#



[root@node12 ~]# cat user.pp
        ensure  => absent,
        uid     => 5000,
        home    => '/home/tom',
        shell   => '/bin/bash',
        comment => 'this is test user',
[root@node12 ~]#



[root@node12 ~]# puppet apply -v user.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for node12.test.org in environment production in 0.25 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1606574872'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/User[tom]/ensure: removed
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.11 seconds
[root@node12 ~]# getent passwd tom
[root@node12 ~]# id tom
id: tom: no such user
[root@node12 ~]#


  以上就是puppet的基础使用方式,在使用puppet我们最核心的就是要写manifest(资源清单),就是我们要让某资源处于什么状态,就用puppet的配置语言描述,然后使用puppet apply命令应用对应的资源清单即可;

11-29 13:10