代码如下(保存到本地ps1文件中,右键run with PowerShell即可):
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
function createSPWeb()
$webApps = Get-SPWebApplication
chooseWebAppAndSelectSite $webApps
function chooseWebAppAndSelectSite($webApps)
Write-Host "Web applications in the farm:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
for($i=;$i -le $webApps.count-;$i++)
$tip = "[" + $i.ToString() +"]" + $webApps[$i].name
Write-Host $tip -ForegroundColor Green
$choice = Read-Host "Select the web application, enter the number before"
$siteCollections = Get-SPSite -WebApplication $webApps[$choice].url
if($siteCollections.count -eq )
#Write warning tip here.
Write-Warning "There is no site collection under the web application, you need to make an alternative choice."
chooseWebAppAndSelectSite $webApps
Write-Host "Site collections under the web application:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
for($i=;$i -le $siteCollections.count-;$i++)
$tip = "[" + $i.ToString() + "]" +$siteCollections[$i].url
Write-Host $tip
$choice = Read-Host "Select the site collection, enter the number before"
$tip = "You want to create a new web(subsite) under the site collection " + $siteCollections[$i] + "? Enter 'y' to verify"
Write-Host $tip -ForegroundColor Cyan
$newChoice =Read-Host
if($newChoice -eq "y")
$name = Read-Host "Please enter the name of the web(subsite)"
$webUrl = $siteCollections[$choice].url + "/" + $name
write-host "The web(subsite) is creating, please wait for a moment..." -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
New-SPWeb -Url $webUrl -Name $name -Template "STS#0"
Write-Host "The web(subsite) has been created. The url is above." -ForegroundColor Green
创建Site Collection的脚本,详见上一篇blog。