

但是,感觉有些地方理解的不是很透彻明白,照猫画虎的比划着文档也做了下来。现在借助单机asm升级搞懂Patch For Grid Infrastructure (GI) 的一些细节。







966023.1 :How To Create An OCM Response File For Opatch Silent Installation


[oracle@bdspoc_st bin]# ./emocmrsp
OCM Installation Response Generator - Production
Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Provide your email address to be informed of security issues, install and
initiate Oracle Configuration Manager. Easier for you if you use your My
Oracle Support Email address/User Name.
Visit http://www.oracle.com/support/policies.html for details.
Email address/User Name:

You have not provided an email address for notification of security issues.
Do you wish to remain uninformed of security issues ([Y]es, [N]o) [N]:  Y
The OCM configuration response file (ocm.rsp) was successfully created.

Oracle Grid Infrastructure (Includes Database) 自动升级

我没有使用ACFS并且GI HOME和DB HOME不是共享的,借用Oracle用户的OPatch 工具执行如下的自动升级就可以升级相应的GI和DB的PSU

[root@bdspoc_st OPatch]# ./opatch auto /var/ftp/pub/p16742216_112030_Linux-x86-64/ -ocmrf ./ocm/bin/ocm.rsp
Executing /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/perl/bin/perl ./crs/patch11203.pl -patchdir /var/ftp/pub -patchn p16742216_112030_Linux-x86-64 -ocmrf ./ocm/bin/ocm.rsp -paramfile /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params

This is the main log file: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto2013-08-29_15-03-53.log
This file will show your detected configuration and all the steps that opatchauto attempted to do on your system: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto2013-08-29_15-03-53.report.log

2013-08-29 15:03:53: Starting Oracle Restart Patch Setup
Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
patch /var/ftp/pub/p16742216_112030_Linux-x86-64/16619898/custom/server/16619898  apply successful for home  /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
patch /var/ftp/pub/p16742216_112030_Linux-x86-64/16619892  apply successful for home  /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
Successfully unlock /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
patch /var/ftp/pub/p16742216_112030_Linux-x86-64/16619898  apply successful for home  /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
patch /var/ftp/pub/p16742216_112030_Linux-x86-64/16619892  apply successful for home  /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.



[oracle@bdspoc_st OPatch]$  ./opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2013-08-29_15-17-28PM_1.log

Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2013-08-29_15-17-28PM.txt

Installed Top-level Products (1):

Oracle Database 11g                                        
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (2) :

Patch  16619892     : applied on Thu Aug 29 15:08:24 CST 2013
Unique Patch ID:  16346737
Patch description:  "Database Patch Set Update : (16619892)"
   Created on 23 Jun 2013, 09:03:20 hrs PST8PDT
Sub-patch  16056266; "Database Patch Set Update : (16056266)"
Sub-patch  14727310; "Database Patch Set Update : (14727310)"
Sub-patch  14275605; "Database Patch Set Update : (14275605)"
Sub-patch  13923374; "Database Patch Set Update : (13923374)"
Sub-patch  13696216; "Database Patch Set Update : (13696216)"
Sub-patch  13343438; "Database Patch Set Update : (13343438)"
   Bugs fixed:
     13593999, 13566938, 10350832, 14138130, 12919564, 13561951, 13624984
     13588248, 13080778, 13914613, 13804294, 14258925, 12873183, 13645875
     14472647, 12880299, 14664355, 12998795, 14409183, 13719081, 14469008
     13492735, 14263036, 12857027, 13496884, 13015379, 14263073, 13742433
     13732226, 16314469, 16368108, 12905058, 6690853, 13742434, 12849688
     12950644, 13742435, 13464002, 13063120, 13534412, 12879027, 13958038
     14613900, 12585543, 13790109, 12535346, 16382448, 12588744, 11877623
     12395918, 13814739, 13786142, 12847466, 13649031, 13855490, 13981051
     12582664, 12797765, 14262913, 12923168, 16279401, 12912137, 13612575
     13384182, 13466801, 13484963, 14207163, 13724193, 13772618, 11063191
     16694777, 13070939, 12797420, 15869211, 13041324, 16279211, 16314467
     16314468, 12976376, 11708510, 13680405, 13742437, 13026410, 14589750
     13737746, 13742438, 14644185, 15841373, 13326736, 13596521, 14398795
     13579992, 13001379, 16344871, 13099577, 9873405, 13742436, 14275605
     9858539, 14841812, 11715084, 16231699, 14040433, 9703627, 12662040
     12617123, 16530565, 14207317, 12845115, 12764337, 13354082, 14459552
     13397104, 13913630, 12964067, 12983611, 13550185, 12780983, 13810393
     12583611, 14546575, 15862016, 13476583, 13489024, 11840910, 13903046
     15862017, 13572659, 16294378, 13718279, 14088346, 13657605, 13448206
     16314466, 14480676, 13419660, 13632717, 14668670, 14063281, 14110275
     13430938, 13467683, 13420224, 13812031, 14548763, 16299830, 12646784
     14512189, 12755116, 14035825, 13616375, 13427062, 12861463, 12834027
     15862021, 13632809, 13377816, 13036331, 14727310, 16619892, 13685544
     13499128, 15862018, 13584130, 16175381, 12829021, 15862019, 12794305
     14546673, 12791981, 13561750, 13503598, 13787482, 10133521, 12718090
     13848402, 13399435, 14023636, 9095696, 13860201, 12401111, 13257247
     13362079, 14176879, 12917230, 16014985, 13923374, 14220725, 13524899
     14480675, 16306019, 13559697, 12974860, 9706792, 12940620, 14480674
     13916709, 13098318, 14076523, 13773133, 15905421, 16794244, 13340388
     12731940, 13528551, 13366202, 12894807, 13343438, 13454210, 12748240
     14205448, 13385346, 14127231, 15853081, 14273397, 14467061, 12971775
     13923995, 14571027, 13582702, 13907462, 10242202, 13493847, 13857111
     13035804, 13544396, 16382353, 8547978, 14226599, 16794241, 14062795
     13035360, 12925089, 12693626, 13332439, 14038787, 11071989, 14062796
     16794243, 12913474, 14841409, 14390252, 16314470, 13370330, 13059165
     14062797, 14062794, 12959852, 12345082, 13358781, 12960925, 16703112
     9659614, 14546638, 13699124, 13936424, 14301592, 16794240, 13338048
     12938841, 12658411, 12620823, 12656535, 14062793, 12678920, 13038684
     14062792, 13807411, 16742095, 16794238, 15862022, 12594032, 13250244
     12612118, 9761357, 14053457, 13742464, 14052474, 13911821, 13457582
     7509451, 13527323, 13791364, 15862020, 13910420, 12780098, 13502183
     13696216, 13705338, 10263668, 14841558, 16794242, 15862023, 16056266
     16794239, 15862024, 13554409, 13645917, 13103913, 12772404, 13011409, 14063280

Patch  16619898     : applied on Thu Aug 29 15:04:52 CST 2013
Unique Patch ID:  16376391
Patch description:  "Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update : (16742216)"
   Created on 24 Jun 2013, 22:52:45 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     16619898, 16315641, 15876003, 14275572, 13919095, 13696251, 13348650
     12659561, 14305980, 14277586, 13987807, 14625969, 13825231, 12794268
     13000491, 13498267, 15934834, 11675721, 14082976, 12771830, 14515980
     14085018, 13943175, 14102704, 14171552, 12594616, 13879428, 12897902
     12726222, 12829429, 13079948, 13090686, 12995950, 13251796, 13582411
     12990582, 13857364, 15856610, 13082238, 12947871, 13256955, 13037709
     14535011, 12878750, 14048512, 11772838, 13058611, 13001955, 13440962
     13727853, 13425727, 12885323, 12870400, 14212634, 14407395, 13332363
     13430626, 13811209, 12709476, 14168708, 14096821, 14626717, 13460353
     13694885, 12857064, 12899169, 13111013, 12558569, 13323698, 10260842
     13085732, 16555186, 10317921, 16077216, 13869978, 12914824, 13789135
     12730342, 12950823, 13355963, 13531373, 14268365, 13776758, 12720728
     13620816, 13023609, 16578706, 13024624, 13039908, 15911134, 13036424
     13938166, 13011520, 13569812, 12758736, 13001901, 13077654, 13430715
     13550689, 13806545, 13634583, 14271305, 12538907, 13947200, 12996428
     13066371, 13483672, 12897651, 13540563, 12896850, 13241779, 12728585
     12876314, 12925041, 12650672, 12398492, 12848480, 13652088, 16307750
     12917897, 12975811, 13653178, 13371153, 14800989, 10114953, 14001941
     11836951, 14179376, 12965049, 14773530, 12765467, 12950415, 15998768
     13339443, 13965075, 16210540, 14307855, 12784559, 14242977, 13955385
     12704789, 13745317, 13074261, 12971251, 13993634, 13523527, 13719731
     13396284, 12639013, 12867511, 12959140, 14748254, 13912274, 12829917
     12349553, 12849377, 12934171, 13843080, 14496536, 13899736, 13924431
     12680491, 13334158, 10418841, 12832204, 13838047, 13002015, 14639430
     15920201, 12791719


OPatch succeeded.

可以看到Patch  16619898应用的了DB HOME上了,DB的补丁成功。


[grid@bdspoc_st OPatch]$  ./opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2013-08-29_15-18-47PM_1.log

Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2013-08-29_15-18-47PM.txt

Installed Top-level Products (1):

Oracle Grid Infrastructure                                 
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (2) :

Patch  16619892     : applied on Thu Aug 29 15:13:46 CST 2013
Unique Patch ID:  16346737
Patch description:  "Database Patch Set Update : (16619892)"
   Created on 23 Jun 2013, 09:03:20 hrs PST8PDT
Sub-patch  16056266; "Database Patch Set Update : (16056266)"
Sub-patch  14727310; "Database Patch Set Update : (14727310)"
Sub-patch  14275605; "Database Patch Set Update : (14275605)"
Sub-patch  13923374; "Database Patch Set Update : (13923374)"
Sub-patch  13696216; "Database Patch Set Update : (13696216)"
Sub-patch  13343438; "Database Patch Set Update : (13343438)"
   Bugs fixed:
     13593999, 13566938, 10350832, 14138130, 12919564, 13561951, 13624984
     13588248, 13080778, 13914613, 13804294, 14258925, 12873183, 13645875
     14472647, 12880299, 14664355, 12998795, 14409183, 13719081, 14469008
     13492735, 14263036, 12857027, 13496884, 13015379, 14263073, 13742433
     13732226, 16314469, 16368108, 12905058, 6690853, 13742434, 12849688
     12950644, 13742435, 13464002, 13063120, 13534412, 12879027, 13958038
     14613900, 12585543, 13790109, 12535346, 16382448, 12588744, 11877623
     12395918, 13814739, 13786142, 12847466, 13649031, 13855490, 13981051
     12582664, 12797765, 14262913, 12923168, 16279401, 12912137, 13612575
     13384182, 13466801, 13484963, 14207163, 13724193, 13772618, 11063191
     16694777, 13070939, 12797420, 15869211, 13041324, 16279211, 16314467
     16314468, 12976376, 11708510, 13680405, 13742437, 13026410, 14589750
     13737746, 13742438, 14644185, 15841373, 13326736, 13596521, 14398795
     13579992, 13001379, 16344871, 13099577, 9873405, 13742436, 14275605
     9858539, 14841812, 11715084, 16231699, 14040433, 9703627, 12662040
     12617123, 16530565, 14207317, 12845115, 12764337, 13354082, 14459552
     13397104, 13913630, 12964067, 12983611, 13550185, 12780983, 13810393
     12583611, 14546575, 15862016, 13476583, 13489024, 11840910, 13903046
     15862017, 13572659, 16294378, 13718279, 14088346, 13657605, 13448206
     16314466, 14480676, 13419660, 13632717, 14668670, 14063281, 14110275
     13430938, 13467683, 13420224, 13812031, 14548763, 16299830, 12646784
     14512189, 12755116, 14035825, 13616375, 13427062, 12861463, 12834027
     15862021, 13632809, 13377816, 13036331, 14727310, 16619892, 13685544
     13499128, 15862018, 13584130, 16175381, 12829021, 15862019, 12794305
     14546673, 12791981, 13561750, 13503598, 13787482, 10133521, 12718090
     13848402, 13399435, 14023636, 9095696, 13860201, 12401111, 13257247
     13362079, 14176879, 12917230, 16014985, 13923374, 14220725, 13524899
     14480675, 16306019, 13559697, 12974860, 9706792, 12940620, 14480674
     13916709, 13098318, 14076523, 13773133, 15905421, 16794244, 13340388
     12731940, 13528551, 13366202, 12894807, 13343438, 13454210, 12748240
     14205448, 13385346, 14127231, 15853081, 14273397, 14467061, 12971775
     13923995, 14571027, 13582702, 13907462, 10242202, 13493847, 13857111
     13035804, 13544396, 16382353, 8547978, 14226599, 16794241, 14062795
     13035360, 12925089, 12693626, 13332439, 14038787, 11071989, 14062796
     16794243, 12913474, 14841409, 14390252, 16314470, 13370330, 13059165
     14062797, 14062794, 12959852, 12345082, 13358781, 12960925, 16703112
     9659614, 14546638, 13699124, 13936424, 14301592, 16794240, 13338048
     12938841, 12658411, 12620823, 12656535, 14062793, 12678920, 13038684
     14062792, 13807411, 16742095, 16794238, 15862022, 12594032, 13250244
     12612118, 9761357, 14053457, 13742464, 14052474, 13911821, 13457582
     7509451, 13527323, 13791364, 15862020, 13910420, 12780098, 13502183
     13696216, 13705338, 10263668, 14841558, 16794242, 15862023, 16056266
     16794239, 15862024, 13554409, 13645917, 13103913, 12772404, 13011409, 14063280

Patch  16619898     : applied on Thu Aug 29 15:11:06 CST 2013
Unique Patch ID:  16376391
Patch description:  "Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update : (16742216)"
   Created on 24 Jun 2013, 22:52:45 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     16619898, 16315641, 15876003, 14275572, 13919095, 13696251, 13348650
     12659561, 14305980, 14277586, 13987807, 14625969, 13825231, 12794268
     13000491, 13498267, 15934834, 11675721, 14082976, 12771830, 14515980
     14085018, 13943175, 14102704, 14171552, 12594616, 13879428, 12897902
     12726222, 12829429, 13079948, 13090686, 12995950, 13251796, 13582411
     12990582, 13857364, 15856610, 13082238, 12947871, 13256955, 13037709
     14535011, 12878750, 14048512, 11772838, 13058611, 13001955, 13440962
     13727853, 13425727, 12885323, 12870400, 14212634, 14407395, 13332363
     13430626, 13811209, 12709476, 14168708, 14096821, 14626717, 13460353
     13694885, 12857064, 12899169, 13111013, 12558569, 13323698, 10260842
     13085732, 16555186, 10317921, 16077216, 13869978, 12914824, 13789135
     12730342, 12950823, 13355963, 13531373, 14268365, 13776758, 12720728
     13620816, 13023609, 16578706, 13024624, 13039908, 15911134, 13036424
     13938166, 13011520, 13569812, 12758736, 13001901, 13077654, 13430715
     13550689, 13806545, 13634583, 14271305, 12538907, 13947200, 12996428
     13066371, 13483672, 12897651, 13540563, 12896850, 13241779, 12728585
     12876314, 12925041, 12650672, 12398492, 12848480, 13652088, 16307750
     12917897, 12975811, 13653178, 13371153, 14800989, 10114953, 14001941
     11836951, 14179376, 12965049, 14773530, 12765467, 12950415, 15998768
     13339443, 13965075, 16210540, 14307855, 12784559, 14242977, 13955385
     12704789, 13745317, 13074261, 12971251, 13993634, 13523527, 13719731
     13396284, 12639013, 12867511, 12959140, 14748254, 13912274, 12829917
     12349553, 12849377, 12934171, 13843080, 14496536, 13899736, 13924431
     12680491, 13334158, 10418841, 12832204, 13838047, 13002015, 14639430
     15920201, 12791719, 13886023, 13821454, 12782756, 14100232, 14186070
     14569263, 12873909, 13845120, 14214257, 12914722, 12842804, 12772345
     12663376, 14059576, 13889047, 12695029, 13924910, 13146560, 14070200
     13820621, 14304758, 12996572, 13941934, 14711358, 13019958, 13888719
     16463033, 12823838, 13877508, 12983005, 12823042, 16436434, 14494305
     13582706, 13617861, 12825835, 13025879, 13853089, 13410987, 13570879
     13247273, 13255295, 14152875, 13912373, 13011182, 13243172, 15978267
     13045518, 12765868, 11825850, 15986571, 13345868, 13683090, 12932852
     13038806, 14588629, 14251904, 13396356, 13697828, 12834777, 13258062
     14371335, 13657366, 12810890, 15917085, 13502441, 14637577, 13880925
     13726162, 14153867, 13506114, 12820045, 13604057, 13506408, 13542331
     13263435, 14009845, 12827493, 13637590, 13068077


OPatch succeeded.

可以看到Patch  应用的了DB HOME上了,GI的补丁成功。


SQL> select action,comments from registry$history;

ACTION                         COMMENTS
------------------------------ ------------------------------
APPLY Patchset
APPLY Patchset 2 rows selected. SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catbundle.sql psu apply --将升级信息录入到数据库视图中 SQL> select action,comments from registry$history; ACTION COMMENTS
------------------------------ ------------------------------
APPLY Patchset
APPLY Patchset
APPLY PSU 3 rows selected.




*  Auther : Paladin                                                                                                                                                        *

*  Blog     :http://blog.csdn.net/jyjxs                                                                                                                            *


05-08 15:24