Xfce 远程桌面Tab键设置

Use CTRL-tab instead of  tab

The XFCE Terminal has kidnapped the tab key for a feature of it's own, tab/windows switching. Instead the normal tab is sent if you press  CTRL-tab .

Or Graphic Interface

When using the Xfce desktop, users may notice that the tab key does not work. This is due to a bug in Xfce sending a super key modifier with the command

To fix this,
Open the Xfce

Application Menu > Settings > Window Manager

Click on the  Keyboard  Tab

Clear the  Switch window for same application setting

Or Manually

You may find that this is a more general issue with interception of the Tab key under remote XFCE4 sessions, rather than a problem with bash completion itself.

I had a similar issue running XFCE4 over VNC and the workaround for me was to edit the  ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml  file to unset the following mapping

<       <property name="&lt;Super&gt;Tab" type="string" value="switch_window_key"/>
> <property name="&lt;Super&gt;Tab" type="string" value="empty"/>

Note that there may be two entries, and the first already has the value "empty". If this is the case, edit the second entry.

来源: https://www.starnet.com/xwin32kb/tab-key-not-working-when-using-xfce-desktop/

来源: https://askubuntu.com/questions/352121/bash-auto-completion-with-xubuntu-and-xrdp-from-windows

05-10 20:09