In this lesson well stub a POST request and use Cypress commands to fill in and submit a form. We’ll wait for the submission to resolve and then assert that the new item was added to the list.

For example when we dealing with Form submition, we want to issue a new POST request and then check it should update number of todos.

    it.only('should post new todo to the backend', function () {
// Serve the page
cy.server(); // Prepare a POST request
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/todos',
response: {id: 123, name: 'new todo', isComplete: false}
}).as('save'); // Call a custom command to load initial todos
cy.seedAndVisit(); // Enter a new todo
.type('new todo')
.type('{enter}'); // Wait network request to be finished
cy.wait('@save'); // Calculate the expected length of todos
cy.get('.todo-list li')
.should('have.length', 5);
}); // command
Cypress.Commands.add('seedAndVisit', (seedData = 'fixture:todos') => {
cy.route('GET', '/api/todos', seedData).as('load') cy.visit('/') cy.wait('@load')
05-27 14:11