[反汇编练习] 160个CrackMe之032.








提醒各位看客: 如果文章中的逻辑看不明白,那你一定是没有亲手操刀!OD中的跳转提示很强大,只要你跟踪了,不用怎么看代码就理解了!



WinXP SP3 + 52Pojie六周年纪念版OD + PEID + 汇编金手指。


下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1xUWOY 密码: jbnq




[反汇编练习] 160个CrackMe之032-LMLPHP







[反汇编练习] 160个CrackMe之032-LMLPHP


得到 crackme.2.unpacked.exe,再用PEID看看:Borland Delphi 3.0




[反汇编练习] 160个CrackMe之032-LMLPHP


004383DC push ebp
004383DD mov ebp,esp
004383DF add esp,0FFFFFFF4
004383E2 mov eax,4382E4
004383E7 call @InitExe
004383EC mov edx,438498; 'Reg.dat'
004383F1 mov eax,43A760
004383F6 call @Assign
004383FB mov edx,80
00438400 mov eax,43A760
00438405 call @ResetFile
0043840A call IOResult
0043840F test eax,eax
>00438411 je 00438428
00438413 push 0
00438415 push 4384A0; 'Missing!'
0043841A push 4384AC; 'Hey, where is my little Reg.dat\rI love it so much that I can't\rlive without it. Return it back! Arrgh!'
0043841F push 0
00438421 call USER32.MessageBoxA
>00438426 jmp 00438488
00438428 mov eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication
0043842D mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
0043842F call TApplication.Initialize
00438434 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[439B0C]; ^gvar_0043A758:TForm1
0043843A mov eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication
0043843F mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
00438441 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[4380C8]; TForm1
00438447 call TApplication.CreateForm
0043844C mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[439B20]; ^gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00438452 mov eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication
00438457 mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
00438459 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[4379C0]; TForm2
0043845F call TApplication.CreateForm
00438464 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[439A6C]; ^gvar_0043A750:TForm3
0043846A mov eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication
0043846F mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
00438471 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[437F38]; TForm3
00438477 call TApplication.CreateForm
0043847C mov eax,[00439A90]; ^Application:TApplication
00438481 mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
00438483 call TApplication.Run
00438488 call @Halt0



[反汇编练习] 160个CrackMe之032-LMLPHP


[反汇编练习] 160个CrackMe之032-LMLPHP


00437E70 mov eax,1
00437E75 call 00437D1C
00437E7A ret Reg::TForm2.Edit1Change
00437E70 mov eax,1
00437E75 call 00437D1C
00437E7A ret

内部调用了Call 00437D1C,相当于是参数为eax,函数为00437D1C。看看这个Call的内容:

00437D1C push ebp
00437D1D mov ebp,esp
00437D1F push 0
00437D21 push ebx
00437D22 mov ebx,eax
00437D24 xor eax,eax
00437D26 push ebp
00437D27 push 437DEE
00437D2C push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00437D2F mov dword ptr fs:[eax],esp
00437D32 mov eax,ebx
00437D34 dec eax
>00437D35 je 00437D45
00437D37 dec eax
>00437D38 je 00437D69
00437D3A dec eax
>00437D3B je 00437D8D
00437D3D dec eax
>00437D3E je 00437DB1
>00437D40 jmp 00437DD3
00437D45 lea edx,[ebp-4]
00437D48 mov eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437D4D mov eax,dword ptr [eax+1E8]; TForm2.Edit1:TEdit
00437D53 call TControl.GetText
00437D58 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00437D5B call StrToInt
00437D60 mov dword ptr [ebx*4+43A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer
>00437D67 jmp 00437DD3
00437D69 lea edx,[ebp-4]
00437D6C mov eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437D71 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+1EC]; TForm2.Edit2:TEdit
00437D77 call TControl.GetText
00437D7C mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00437D7F call StrToInt
00437D84 mov dword ptr [ebx*4+43A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer
>00437D8B jmp 00437DD3
00437D8D lea edx,[ebp-4]
00437D90 mov eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437D95 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+1F0]; TForm2.Edit3:TEdit
00437D9B call TControl.GetText
00437DA0 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00437DA3 call StrToInt
00437DA8 mov dword ptr [ebx*4+43A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer
>00437DAF jmp 00437DD3
00437DB1 lea edx,[ebp-4]
00437DB4 mov eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437DB9 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+1F4]; TForm2.Edit4:TEdit
00437DBF call TControl.GetText
00437DC4 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00437DC7 call StrToInt
00437DCC mov dword ptr [ebx*4+43A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer
00437DD3 call 00437BD8
00437DD8 xor eax,eax
00437DDA pop edx
00437DDB pop ecx
00437DDC pop ecx
00437DDD mov dword ptr fs:[eax],edx
00437DE0 push 437DF5
00437DE5 lea eax,[ebp-4]
00437DE8 call @LStrClr
00437DED ret
<00437DEE jmp @HandleFinally
<00437DF3 jmp 00437DE5
00437DF5 pop ebx
00437DF6 pop ecx
00437DF7 pop ebp
00437DF8 ret

在OD中,从开头地址 00437D1C 跟踪分析:

00437D1C    55              push ebp                                 ; // Serial数字发生变化时调用
00437D1D 8BEC mov ebp,esp
00437D1F 6A 00 push 0x0
00437D21 53 push ebx
00437D22 8BD8 mov ebx,eax ; // eax 传过来的参数,1-4
00437D24 33C0 xor eax,eax
00437D26 55 push ebp
00437D27 68 EE7D4300 push 00437DEE
00437D2C 64:FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00437D2F 64:8920 mov dword ptr fs:[eax],esp
00437D32 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
00437D34 48 dec eax
00437D35 74 0E je short 00437D45 ; 1
00437D37 48 dec eax
00437D38 74 2F je short 00437D69 ; 2
00437D3A 48 dec eax
00437D3B 74 50 je short 00437D8D ; 3
00437D3D 48 dec eax
00437D3E 74 71 je short 00437DB1 ; 4
00437D40 E9 8E000000 jmp 00437DD3
00437D45 8D55 FC lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4] ; // 1的处理
00437D48 A1 28A74300 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728] ; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437D4D 8B80 E8010000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1E8] ; TForm2.Edit1:TEdit
00437D53 E8 6854FEFF call 0041D1C0 ; TControl.GetText
00437D58 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437D5B E8 D0EBFCFF call 00406930 ; StrToInt
00437D60 89049D 38A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx*4+0x43A738],eax ; gvar_0043A738:Integer
00437D67 EB 6A jmp short 00437DD3
00437D69 8D55 FC lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4] ; // 2的处理
00437D6C A1 28A74300 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]
00437D71 8B80 EC010000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1EC] ; TForm2.Edit2:TEdit
00437D77 E8 4454FEFF call 0041D1C0
00437D7C 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437D7F E8 ACEBFCFF call 00406930
00437D84 89049D 38A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx*4+0x43A738],eax
00437D8B EB 46 jmp short 00437DD3
00437D8D 8D55 FC lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4] ; // 3的处理
00437D90 A1 28A74300 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]
00437D95 8B80 F0010000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1F0] ; TForm2.Edit3:TEdit
00437D9B E8 2054FEFF call 0041D1C0
00437DA0 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437DA3 E8 88EBFCFF call 00406930
00437DA8 89049D 38A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx*4+0x43A738],eax
00437DAF EB 22 jmp short 00437DD3
00437DB1 8D55 FC lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4] ; // 4的处理
00437DB4 A1 28A74300 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]
00437DB9 8B80 F4010000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1F4] ; TForm2.Edit4:TEdit
00437DBF E8 FC53FEFF call 0041D1C0
00437DC4 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437DC7 E8 64EBFCFF call 00406930
00437DCC 89049D 38A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx*4+0x43A738],eax
00437DD3 E8 00FEFFFF call 00437BD8 ; // 这里是另外一个关键Call
00437DD8 33C0 xor eax,eax
00437DDA 5A pop edx
00437DDB 59 pop ecx
00437DDC 59 pop ecx
00437DDD 64:8910 mov dword ptr fs:[eax],edx
00437DE0 68 F57D4300 push 00437DF5
00437DE5 8D45 FC lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437DE8 E8 0FB9FCFF call 004036FC ; @LStrClr




00437BD8 push ebp
00437BD9 mov ebp,esp
00437BDB push 0
00437BDD push 0
00437BDF push ebx
00437BE0 push esi
00437BE1 xor eax,eax
00437BE3 push ebp
00437BE4 push 437D0C
00437BE9 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00437BEC mov dword ptr fs:[eax],esp
00437BEF lea edx,[ebp-4]
00437BF2 mov eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437BF7 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+20C]; TForm2.Edit5:TEdit
00437BFD call TControl.GetText
00437C02 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00437C05 call @LStrLen
00437C0A cmp eax,5
>00437C0D jl 00437CC2
00437C13 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00437C16 movzx eax,byte ptr [eax]
00437C19 mov ecx,0A
00437C1E cdq
00437C1F idiv eax,ecx
00437C21 mov [0043A72C],eax; gvar_0043A72C:Integer
00437C26 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00437C29 movzx eax,byte ptr [eax+2]
00437C2D mov ecx,0A
00437C32 cdq
00437C33 idiv eax,ecx
00437C35 mov [0043A730],eax; gvar_0043A730:Integer
00437C3A mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00437C3D movzx eax,byte ptr [eax+3]
00437C41 mov ecx,0A
00437C46 cdq
00437C47 idiv eax,ecx
00437C49 mov [0043A734],eax; gvar_0043A734:Integer
00437C4E mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00437C51 movzx eax,byte ptr [eax+4]
00437C55 mov ecx,0A
00437C5A cdq
00437C5B idiv eax,ecx
00437C5D mov [0043A738],eax; gvar_0043A738:Integer
00437C62 mov esi,1
00437C67 mov ebx,43A72C; gvar_0043A72C:Integer
00437C6C lea edx,[ebp-8]
00437C6F mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
00437C71 call IntToStr
00437C76 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]
00437C79 call @LStrLen
00437C7E dec eax
>00437C7F je 00437C8D
00437C81 mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
00437C83 mov ecx,0A
00437C88 cdq
00437C89 idiv eax,ecx
00437C8B mov dword ptr [ebx],eax
00437C8D inc esi
00437C8E add ebx,4
00437C91 cmp esi,5
<00437C94 jne 00437C6C
00437C96 mov esi,1
00437C9B mov eax,43A72C; gvar_0043A72C:Integer
00437CA0 mov edx,43A73C
00437CA5 mov ecx,dword ptr [edx]
00437CA7 cmp ecx,dword ptr [eax]
>00437CA9 je 00437CB2
00437CAB mov ecx,1
>00437CB0 jmp 00437CC7
00437CB2 xor ecx,ecx
00437CB4 inc esi
00437CB5 add edx,4
00437CB8 add eax,4
00437CBB cmp esi,5
<00437CBE jne 00437CA5
>00437CC0 jmp 00437CC7
00437CC2 mov ecx,1
00437CC7 test ecx,ecx
>00437CC9 jne 00437CDF
00437CCB mov eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437CD0 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+1E0]; TForm2.Button1:TButton
00437CD6 mov dl,1
00437CD8 call TControl.SetEnabled
>00437CDD jmp 00437CF1
00437CDF mov eax,[0043A728]; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437CE4 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+1E0]; TForm2.Button1:TButton
00437CEA xor edx,edx
00437CEC call TControl.SetEnabled
00437CF1 xor eax,eax
00437CF3 pop edx
00437CF4 pop ecx
00437CF5 pop ecx
00437CF6 mov dword ptr fs:[eax],edx
00437CF9 push 437D13
00437CFE lea eax,[ebp-8]
00437D01 mov edx,2
00437D06 call @LStrArrayClr
00437D0B ret
<00437D0C jmp @HandleFinally
<00437D11 jmp 00437CFE
00437D13 pop esi
00437D14 pop ebx
00437D15 pop ecx
00437D16 pop ecx
00437D17 pop ebp
00437D18 ret


00437BD8    55              push ebp                                     ; // 处理数据的Call
00437BD9 8BEC mov ebp,esp
00437BDB 6A 00 push 0x0
00437BDD 6A 00 push 0x0
00437BDF 53 push ebx
00437BE0 56 push esi
00437BE1 33C0 xor eax,eax
00437BE3 55 push ebp
00437BE4 68 0C7D4300 push 00437D0C
00437BE9 64:FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00437BEC 64:8920 mov dword ptr fs:[eax],esp
00437BEF 8D55 FC lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437BF2 A1 28A74300 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728] ; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437BF7 8B80 0C020000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x20C] ; TForm2.Edit5:TEdit
00437BFD E8 BE55FEFF call 0041D1C0 ; TControl.GetText
00437C02 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437C05 E8 6EBDFCFF call 00403978 ; @LStrLen
00437C0A 83F8 05 cmp eax,0x5 ; // 与5做比较,不能小于5
00437C0D 0F8C AF000000 jl 00437CC2 ; // 小于5失败
00437C13 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437C16 0FB600 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax] ; // "bbdxf"
00437C19 B9 0A000000 mov ecx,0xA
00437C1E 99 cdq ; // edx = 0
00437C1F F7F9 idiv ecx ; // 除法, eax/ecx, 余数=ebx,结果=eax
00437C21 A3 2CA74300 mov dword ptr ds:[0x43A72C],eax ; gvar_0043A72C:Integer
00437C26 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437C29 0FB640 02 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x2] ; // 序号为2的字符
00437C2D B9 0A000000 mov ecx,0xA
00437C32 99 cdq
00437C33 F7F9 idiv ecx ; // 除法
00437C35 A3 30A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[0x43A730],eax ; gvar_0043A730:Integer
00437C3A 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437C3D 0FB640 03 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x3] ; // 序号为3的字符
00437C41 B9 0A000000 mov ecx,0xA
00437C46 99 cdq
00437C47 F7F9 idiv ecx ; // 除法
00437C49 A3 34A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[0x43A734],eax ; gvar_0043A734:Integer
00437C4E 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x4]
00437C51 0FB640 04 movzx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax+0x4] ; // 序号为4的字符
00437C55 B9 0A000000 mov ecx,0xA
00437C5A 99 cdq
00437C5B F7F9 idiv ecx ; // 除法
00437C5D A3 38A74300 mov dword ptr ds:[0x43A738],eax ; gvar_0043A738:Integer
00437C62 BE 01000000 mov esi,0x1
00437C67 BB 2CA74300 mov ebx,0043A72C ; gvar_0043A72C:Integer
00437C6C 8D55 F8 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8]
00437C6F 8B03 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx] ; // ebx=第一个余数的地址,递增+4,去下一个整数
00437C71 E8 8AECFCFF call 00406900 ; IntToStr
00437C76 8B45 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8] ; "9" "10"...
00437C79 E8 FABCFCFF call 00403978 ; @LStrLen
00437C7E 48 dec eax
00437C7F 74 0C je short 00437C8D ; // 长度为1则跳转
00437C81 8B03 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx]
00437C83 B9 0A000000 mov ecx,0xA
00437C88 99 cdq
00437C89 F7F9 idiv ecx ; // 除法
00437C8B 8903 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx],eax ; // 将余数写回去
00437C8D 46 inc esi
00437C8E 83C3 04 add ebx,0x4
00437C91 83FE 05 cmp esi,0x5
00437C94 ^ 75 D6 jnz short 00437C6C ; // 处理之后,所有的余数都小于10
00437C96 BE 01000000 mov esi,0x1
00437C9B B8 2CA74300 mov eax,0043A72C ; gvar_0043A72C:Integer
00437CA0 BA 3CA74300 mov edx,0043A73C ; //---这个地址是Edit1-Edit4的整数值存放地址
00437CA5 8B0A mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[edx] ; // ecx = 1
00437CA7 3B08 cmp ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
00437CA9 74 07 je short 00437CB2
00437CAB B9 01000000 mov ecx,0x1
00437CB0 EB 15 jmp short 00437CC7 ; // 跳过去了
00437CB2 33C9 xor ecx,ecx
00437CB4 46 inc esi
00437CB5 83C2 04 add edx,0x4
00437CB8 83C0 04 add eax,0x4
00437CBB 83FE 05 cmp esi,0x5
00437CBE ^ 75 E5 jnz short 00437CA5
00437CC0 EB 05 jmp short 00437CC7
00437CC2 B9 01000000 mov ecx,0x1
00437CC7 85C9 test ecx,ecx ; // 测试ecx的值
00437CC9 75 14 jnz short 00437CDF ; // 关键跳转
00437CCB A1 28A74300 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728] ; 0x0 gvar_0043A728:TForm2
00437CD0 8B80 E0010000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1E0] ; TForm2.Button1:TButton
00437CD6 B2 01 mov dl,0x1
00437CD8 E8 7B54FEFF call 0041D158 ; TControl.SetEnabled
00437CDD EB 12 jmp short 00437CF1
00437CDF A1 28A74300 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x43A728]
00437CE4 8B80 E0010000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1E0]
00437CEA 33D2 xor edx,edx
00437CEC E8 6754FEFF call 0041D158 ; TControl.SetEnabled
00437CF1 33C0 xor eax,eax
00437CF3 5A pop edx
00437CF4 59 pop ecx
00437CF5 59 pop ecx
00437CF6 64:8910 mov dword ptr fs:[eax],edx
00437CF9 68 137D4300 push 00437D13
00437CFE 8D45 F8 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x8]
00437D01 BA 02000000 mov edx,0x2
00437D06 E8 15BAFCFF call 00403720 ; @LStrArrayClr
00437D0B C3 retn




等等,地址 0043A73C 地址处的值是从哪里来的呢?上下翻阅,也终究没找到,但是查看他们的值发现,他就是4个编辑框的值,即四个编辑框的整数值存放在地址0043A73C开头的4个int里面。还记得前面分析编辑框事件吗?看看那里,就是修改这个地址的值啊!



// CrackMeDemo.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
// #include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
char pName[] = "bbdxf";
char pNum[4] = {0};
pNum[0] = pName[0] / 0x0A;
pNum[1] = pName[2] / 0x0A;
pNum[2] = pName[3] / 0x0A;
pNum[3] = pName[4] / 0x0A;
for ( int i=0;i<4;i++)
if ( pNum[i]>=0x0A ) // 程序中是通过转为字符串,判断字符串长度
pNum[i] = pNum[i]/0x0A;
printf("Num: %d - %d - %d - %d\r\n",pNum[0],pNum[1],pNum[2],pNum[3]); system("pause");
return 0;


[反汇编练习] 160个CrackMe之032-LMLPHP


BY  笨笨D幸福

05-18 14:44