
package com.elasticsearch;

import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoDistance;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.DistanceUnit;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.*; /**
* Created by lw on 14-7-16.
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* elasticsearch以提供了一个完整的Java查询dsl其余查询dsl。
* FilterBuilders工厂构建
* API:
* <a></a>
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public class Es_FilterBuilders_DSL { /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* and Filter
* 一个过滤器匹配文档匹配的布尔组合其他过滤器。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder andFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.andFilter(
FilterBuilders.prefixFilter("name", "葫芦1493")
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* bool Filter
* 一个过滤器匹配文档匹配的布尔组合其他过滤器。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder boolFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.boolFilter()
.must(FilterBuilders.termFilter("name", "葫芦1493娃"))
.should(FilterBuilders.termFilter("home", "山西省太原市7077街道"));
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* exists filter
* 一个过滤器来过滤字段唯一字段存在。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder existsFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.existsFilter("home");
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* ids filter
* 创建一个新的id筛选提供 doc/映射类型。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder idsFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.idsFilter(Es_Utils.INDEX_DEMO_01_MAPPING, "type2")
.addIds("SNt0KdNbRdKmXJVaXfNxEA", "UDKtO4o9TgmDHIT4bk_OWw", "jkAZoHe9RWyjxyOnBCTdrw"); // Type is optional
//FilterBuilders.idsFilter().addIds("1", "4", "100");
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* limit filter
* 一个过滤器,用于限制结果提供的极限值(每个shard * 2 )。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder limitFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.limitFilter(2);//返回碎片shard*2 个结果
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* type filter
* 过滤type
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder typeFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.typeFilter(Es_Utils.INDEX_DEMO_01_MAPPING);
} /**
* TODO NotSolved
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* geo bounding box filter
* 定义一个过滤器来过滤基于边界框左上角和右下角的位置/分
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder geoBoundingBoxFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.geoBoundingBoxFilter("pin.location")
.topLeft(40.73, -74.1)
.bottomRight(40.717, -73.99);
} /**
* TODO NotSolved
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* geodistance filter
* 一个过滤器来过滤基于一个特定的距离从一个特定的地理位置/点。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder geoDistanceFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.geoDistanceFilter("pin.location")
.point(40, -70)
.distance(200, DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS)
.optimizeBbox("memory") // Can be also "indexed" or "none"
.geoDistance(GeoDistance.ARC); // Or GeoDistance.PLANE
} /**
* TODO NotSolved
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* geo distance range filter
* 一个过滤器来过滤基于一个特定的范围从一个特定的地理位置/点。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder geoDistanceRangeFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.geoDistanceRangeFilter("pin.location")
.point(40, -70)
.optimizeBbox("memory") // Can be also "indexed" or "none"
.geoDistance(GeoDistance.ARC); // Or GeoDistance.PLANE
} /**
* TODO NotSolved
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* geo polygon filter
* 一个过滤器来过滤基于多边形定义为一组位置/分。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder geoPolygonFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.geoPolygonFilter("pin.location")
.addPoint(40, -70)
.addPoint(30, -80)
.addPoint(20, -90);
} /**
* TODO NotSolved
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* has child / has parent filters
* 构造一个子过滤器,子类型和查询与文档、过滤的结果是父* *文档。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder hasChildFilter() {
// Has Child
QueryBuilders.termQuery("tag", "something")); // Has Parent
return FilterBuilders.hasParentFilter("blog",
QueryBuilders.termQuery("tag", "something"));
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* match all filter
* 一个过滤器匹配所有文件。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder matchAllFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.matchAllFilter();
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* missing filter
* 一个过滤器来过滤字段唯一文件不存在。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder missingFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.missingFilter("name")
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* not filter
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder notFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.notFilter(
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* or filter
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder orFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.orFilter(
FilterBuilders.termFilter("name", "葫芦1493娃"),
FilterBuilders.termFilter("name", "葫芦5083娃")
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* prefix filter
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder prefixFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.prefixFilter("name", "葫芦5083");
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* query filter
* 一个过滤器,仅包装一个查询。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder queryFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.queryFilter(
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* range filter
* 过滤器,限制搜索结果值在给定的范围内。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder rangeFilter() {
.includeUpper(false); // A simplified form using gte, gt, lt or lte
return FilterBuilders.rangeFilter("age")
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* script filter
* 过滤器基于脚本的构建。
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder scriptFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.scriptFilter(
"doc['age'].value > param1"
).addParam("param1", 1000);
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* term filter
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder termFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.termFilter("name", "葫芦5083娃");
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* terms filter
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* The execution option now has the following options :
* <p/>
* plain
* The default. Works as today. Iterates over all the terms, building a bit set matching it, and filtering. The total filter is cached.
* <p/>
* fielddata
* Generates a terms filters that uses the fielddata cache to compare terms.
* This execution mode is great to use when filtering on a field that is already loaded into the fielddata cache from faceting, sorting, or index warmers.
* When filtering on a large number of terms, this execution can be considerably faster than the other modes.
* The total filter is not cached unless explicitly configured to do so.
* <p/>
* bool
* Generates a term filter (which is cached) for each term, and wraps those in a bool filter.
* The bool filter itself is not cached as it can operate very quickly on the cached term filters.
* <p/>
* and
* Generates a term filter (which is cached) for each term, and wraps those in an and filter.
* The and filter itself is not cached.
* <p/>
* or
* Generates a term filter (which is cached) for each term, and wraps those in an or filter.
* The or filter itself is not cached. Generally, the bool execution mode should be preferred.
protected static FilterBuilder termsFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.termsFilter("name", "葫芦5083娃", "葫芦3582娃")
.execution("plain"); // 执行模式 Cane be either "plain", "bool" "and". Defaults to "plain".
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* nested filter
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder nestedFilter() {
return FilterBuilders.nestedFilter("obj1",
.must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("", "blue"))
} /**
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* caching
* 缓存 过滤器
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected static FilterBuilder cache() {
return FilterBuilders.andFilter(
FilterBuilders.prefixFilter("name", "葫芦3582")
} public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
searchTest(cache()); } catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
} private static void searchTest(FilterBuilder filterBuilder) {
.addListener(new ActionListener<SearchResponse>() {
public void onResponse(SearchResponse searchResponse) {
} @Override
public void onFailure(Throwable e) { }


04-22 11:28