
;功能: 读取PCI 配置信息,存入文件zpci_config.txt
;环境: DOS + MASM5
;时间: 2015/08
;说明: 通过端口CF8h / CFCh 来读取
;功能: 在文件中换行
nextrow macro
mov buffer ,0dh
mov buffer+,0ah
mov dx,offset buffer
mov cx,
mov ah,40h
int 21h
;功能:把ascii 表示的字符写入文件
tofile macro ascii
mov buffer,ascii
mov dx,offset buffer
mov cx,
mov ah,40h
int 21h
dseg segment use16
busnum dw 0000h ;总线号0 - 00FFh
devnum dw 001fh ;设备号0 - 001Fh
funnum dw 0007h ;功能号0 - 0007h
regnum dw 00ffh ;寄存器0 - 00FFh
config_addr dd 00000000h ;用来暂存eax中的地址
buff_num db 'bus:device:function:'
config_data dd 00000000h ;用来存放eax中的pci数据
fname db '\zpci_config.txt', ;文件名
buffer db
dseg ends
cseg segment use16
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg
mov ax,dseg
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset fname
mov cx, ;common file
mov ah,3ch ;creat file
int 21h
mov bx,ax ;save file handle
mov busnum,0000h
mov devnum,0000h
mov funnum,0000h
mov regnum,0000h
call print_num ;打印busnum:devnum:funnum = 00:00:00
nextrow ;换行
call pci_read ;读取pci 配置空间
cmp regnum,00h
jnz continue ;判断不是第一个寄存器
cmp ax,0ffffh ;判断设备是否存在
jz nextfun ;不存在,跳到下一个fun
call writefile
add regnum, ;只能每次读4个寄存器
cmp regnum,00ffh ;判断
ja nextfun ;256B 已读完,跳到下一个function
jmp nextreg ;否则,读下一个reg
mov regnum,0000h
inc funnum
cmp funnum,0007h
ja nextdev ;funnum 大于 7,跳到下一个dev
call print_num
jmp nextreg
mov regnum,0000h
mov funnum,0000h
inc devnum
cmp devnum,001fh
ja nextbus ;devnum 大于 1fh,跳到下一个bus
call print_num
jmp nextreg
mov regnum,0000h
mov funnum,0000h
mov devnum,0000h
inc busnum
cmp busnum,0005h
ja endd ;busnum 大于5,跳到结束
call print_num
jmp nextreg
mov ah,3eh ;close file
int 21h
mov ah,4ch ;return DOS
int 21h
print_num proc
mov config_addr,eax ;保护eax中的地址
mov dx,offset buff_num
mov cx,
mov ah,40h
int 21h
mov ax,busnum
push ax
shr al,
call toascii
tofile al
pop ax
call toascii
tofile al
tofile 2Dh
mov ax,devnum
push ax
shr al,
call toascii
tofile al
pop ax
call toascii
tofile al
tofile 2Dh
mov ax,funnum
push ax
shr al,
call toascii
tofile al
pop ax
call toascii
tofile al
mov eax,config_addr ;恢复eax
print_num endp
;---------------------- writefile ----------------------------
;函数功能: 把eax 中的值写入文件
;入口参数: eax
;出口参数: 无
writefile proc
mov config_data,eax ;用config_data暂存eax中的pci数据
push eax
shr al,
call toascii
tofile al
pop eax
call toascii
tofile al
tofile 20h
mov eax,config_data
shr eax,
push eax
shr al,
call toascii
tofile al
pop eax
call toascii
tofile al
tofile 20h
mov eax,config_data
shr eax,
push eax
shr al,
call toascii
tofile al
pop eax
call toascii
tofile al
tofile 20h
mov eax,config_data
shr eax,
push eax
shr al,
call toascii
tofile al
pop eax
call toascii
tofile al
tofile 20h
writefile endp
;子程序名: toascii
;功能: 把al的低4位的值转成ascii码,存入al
;入口参数: al
;出口参数: al
toascii proc
and al,0fh
add al,90h
adc al,40h
toascii endp
;子程序名: pci_read
;功能: 根据eax中的地址读取pci的配置空间,并存入eax
;入口参数: busnum、devnum、funnum、regnum
;出口参数: eax
pci_read proc
;protect register
push ebx
push dx
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
add eax,1h
shl eax,
;bus number
mov ebx,ds:[]
and ebx,0ffh
shl ebx,
add eax,ebx
;device number
xor ebx,ebx
mov ebx,ds:[]
and ebx,0ffh
shl ebx,
add eax,ebx
;function number
xor ebx,ebx
mov ebx,ds:[]
and ebx,0ffh
shl ebx,
add eax,ebx
xor ebx,ebx
mov ebx,ds:[]
and ebx,0ffh
add eax,ebx
;read IO
mov dx,0cf8h
out dx,eax
mov dx,0cfch
in eax,dx
;resume register
pop dx
pop ebx
pci_read endp
cseg ends
end start
04-21 04:28