1. Create site.

    SharePoint report site.-LMLPHP

  2. Upload rdl files into Dashboards lib.

    SharePoint report site.-LMLPHP

  3. Manage Data source.

    Select the rdl file and click …

    SharePoint report site.-LMLPHP

    Data sources defined in the rdl file should be listed here.

    SharePoint report site.-LMLPHP

    Click the data source name.

    If you select custom data source, you can change the connection string, credentials, etc.

    SharePoint report site.-LMLPHP

    If you select shared data source, shared data source is listed.


  4. How to create shared data source.

    Create a xml file and paste the following content into it.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <DataSourceDefinition xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2006/03/reportdatasource">


    <ConnectString>Data Source=<server>,<port>;Initial Catalog=<database name></ConnectString>






    And save it with file extension rsds.

    After uploading it into the Dashboards library, you can select it when managing data sources for rdl files.

05-11 13:51