How to sign your custom RPM package with GPG key # How to sign your custom RPM package with GPG key # Step:
# Generate gpg key pair (public key and private key)
# You will be prompted with a series of questions about encryption.
# Simply select the default values presented. You will also be asked
# to create a Real Name, Email Address and Comment (comment optional).
# If you get the following response:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
# some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
# disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
# generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Open up a separate terminal, ssh into your server and run this command:
# ls -R / gpg --gen-key # Step:
# Verify your gpg keys were created gpg --list-keys # Step:
# Export your public key from your key ring to a text file.
# You will use the information for Real Name and Email you used to
# create your key. I used Fernando Aleman and [email protected] gpg --export -a 'Fernando Aleman' > RPM-GPG-KEY-faleman # Step:
# Import your public key to your RPM DB
# If you plan to share your custom built RPM packages with others, make sure
# to have your public key file available online so others can verify RPMs sudo rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-faleman # Step:
# Verify the list of gpg public keys in RPM DB rpm -q gpg-pubkey --qf '%{name}-%{version}-%{release} --> %{summary}\n' # Step:
# Configure your ~/.rpmmacros file
# You can use the following command to edit if you are on the server:
# vi ~/.rpmmacros
# %_signature => This will always be gpg
# %_gpg_path => Enter full path to .gnupg in your home directory
# %_gpg_name => Use the Real Name you used to create your key
# %_gpbin => run `which gpg` (without ` marks) to get full path %_signature gpg
%_gpg_path /root/.gnupg
%_gpg_name Fernando Aleman
%_gpgbin /usr/bin/gpg # Step:
# Sign your custom RPM package
# You can sign each RPM file individually: rpm --addsign git- # Or you can `cd` into your RPMS folder and sign them all: rpm --addsign *.rpm # Step:
# Check the signature to make sure it was signed
# Watch for 'gpg OK' as in this example:
# git- (sha1) dsa sha1 md5 gpg OK rpm --checksig git- # Tip!
# Sign package during build
# To sign a package while it's being built, simply add '--sign' rpmbuild -ba --sign git.spec