但是也许Delphi XE5是Android平台的第一个版本,有些地方难免有疏漏,FireMonkey的封装没有提供更换字体的功能.
{ ******************************************************* } { } { Delphi FireMonkey Platform } { Copyright(c) 2013 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. } { } { ******************************************************* } unit FMX . FontGlyphs . Android; interface uses System . Types, System . Classes, System . SysUtils, System . UITypes, System . UIConsts, System . Generics . Collections, FMX . Types, FMX . Surfaces, FMX . FontGlyphs, FMX . PixelFormats, Androidapi . JNI . JavaTypes, Androidapi . JNI . GraphicsContentViewText, Androidapi . JNIBridge; {$SCOPEDENUMS ON} type TAndroidFontGlyphManager = class (TFontGlyphManager) private FPaint: JPaint; // Current metrics FSpacing: Single ; FTop: Single ; FTopInt: Integer ; FAscent: Single ; FDescent: Single ; FBottom: Single ; FBottomInt: Integer ; FLeading: Single ; FLeadingInt: Integer ; protected procedure LoadResource; override; procedure FreeResource; override; function DoGetGlyph( const Char : UCS4Char; const Settings: TFontGlyphSettings): TFontGlyph; override; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end ; implementation uses System . Math, System . Character, Androidapi . Bitmap, //引入System.IOUtils是为了能够获取Android的各种系统目录 System . IOUtils, // FMX . Graphics; { TAndroidFontGlyphManager } constructor TAndroidFontGlyphManager . Create; begin inherited Create; FPaint := TJPaint . Create; end ; destructor TAndroidFontGlyphManager . Destroy; begin FPaint := nil ; inherited ; end ; procedure TAndroidFontGlyphManager . LoadResource; const BoldAndItalic = [TFontStyle . fsBold, TFontStyle . fsItalic]; var TypefaceFlag: Integer ; Typeface: JTypeface; FamilyName: JString; Metrics: JPaint_FontMetrics; MetricsInt: JPaint_FontMetricsInt; FontFile: string ; begin FPaint . setAntiAlias( True ); FPaint . setTextSize(CurrentSettings . Size * CurrentSettings . Scale); FPaint . setARGB( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ); FPaint . setUnderlineText(TFontStyle . fsUnderline in CurrentSettings . Style); FPaint . setStrikeThruText(TFontStyle . fsStrikeOut in CurrentSettings . Style); if TOSVersion . Check( 4 , 0 ) then FPaint . setHinting(TJPaint . JavaClass . HINTING_ON); // Font try FamilyName := StringToJString(CurrentSettings . Family); if (BoldAndItalic * CurrentSettings . Style) = BoldAndItalic then TypefaceFlag := TJTypeface . JavaClass . BOLD_ITALIC else if TFontStyle . fsBold in CurrentSettings . Style then TypefaceFlag := TJTypeface . JavaClass . BOLD else if TFontStyle . fsItalic in CurrentSettings . Style then TypefaceFlag := TJTypeface . JavaClass . ITALIC else TypefaceFlag := TJTypeface . JavaClass . NORMAL; { Fix Begin 修改开始.如果在下载目录中存在跟字体同名的.ttf文件,那么优先使用ttf文件. 我是放在SD卡的下载目录中.大家可以按需要任意改这个位置. 甚至也可以放在Asset目录中,这样可以打包在APK中. } FontFile := TPath . GetSharedDownloadsPath + PathDelim + CurrentSettings . Family + '.ttf' ; if FileExists(FontFile) then Typeface := TJTypeface . JavaClass . createFromFile(StringToJString(FontFile)) else Typeface := TJTypeface . JavaClass . Create(FamilyName, TypefaceFlag); { Fix End 修改结束 } FPaint . setTypeface(Typeface); try Metrics := FPaint . getFontMetrics; MetricsInt := FPaint . getFontMetricsInt; // FSpacing := FPaint . getFontMetrics(Metrics); FTop := Metrics . top; FTopInt := MetricsInt . top; FAscent := Metrics . ascent; FDescent := Metrics . descent; FBottom := Metrics . bottom; FBottomInt := MetricsInt . bottom; FLeading := Metrics . leading; FLeadingInt := MetricsInt . leading; // SysDebug(FloatToStr(CurrentSettings.Size) + ':' + FloatToStr(CurrentSettings.Scale)); // Log.d(Format('Top=(%d %f) Bottom=(%d %f) Leading=(%d %f) FAscent=(%d %f)', [FTopInt, FTop, FBottomInt, FBottom, FLeadingInt, FLeading, MetricsInt.ascent, FAscent])); finally Metrics := nil ; MetricsInt := nil ; end ; finally FamilyName := nil ; Typeface := nil ; end ; end ; procedure TAndroidFontGlyphManager . FreeResource; begin if Assigned(FPaint) then FPaint . reset; end ; function TAndroidFontGlyphManager . DoGetGlyph( const Char : UCS4Char; const Settings: TFontGlyphSettings): TFontGlyph; var Text: JString; Bitmap: JBitmap; Canvas: JCanvas; GlyphRect: TRect; C, I, J, Width, Height: Integer ; Advance: Single ; Bounds: JRect; GlyphStyle: TFontGlyphStyles; PixelBuffer: Pointer ; Data: PIntegerArray; Path: JPath; PathMeasure: JPathMeasure; PathLength: Single ; Coords: TJavaArray< Single >; StartPoint, LastPoint, Point: TPointF; NewContour, HasStartPoint: Boolean ; begin try Text := StringToJString(System . Char . ConvertFromUtf32( Char )); Advance := FPaint . measureText(Text); // SysDebug(Format('%s %f', [System.Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Char), Advance])); Height := Abs (FTopInt) + Abs (FBottomInt) + 2 ; Width := Ceil( Abs (Advance)) + 2 ; try Bitmap := TJBitmap . JavaClass . createBitmap(Width, Height, TJBitmap_Config . JavaClass . ARGB_8888); try Bounds := TJRect . Create; FPaint . getTextBounds(Text, 0 , Text . length, Bounds); // Log.d(Format('Bounds=(%d %d %d %d) %d %d ', [Bounds.left, Bounds.top, Bounds.right, Bounds.bottom, Bounds.width, Bounds.height])); try Canvas := TJCanvas . JavaClass . init(Bitmap); Canvas . drawText(Text, 0 , -Trunc(FAscent), FPaint); finally Canvas := nil ; end ; GlyphStyle := []; if ((FAscent = 0 ) and (FDescent = 0 )) or not HasGlyph( Char ) then GlyphStyle := [TFontGlyphStyle . NoGlyph]; if TFontGlyphSetting . gsPath in Settings then GlyphStyle := GlyphStyle + [TFontGlyphStyle . HasPath]; Result := TFontGlyph . Create(TPoint . Create(Bounds . left, Abs (FTopInt - Bounds . top)), Advance, Abs (FTopInt) + Abs (FBottomInt) + Abs (FLeadingInt), GlyphStyle); if (TFontGlyphSetting . gsBitmap in Settings) and (HasGlyph( Char ) or ((FAscent <> 0 ) or (FDescent <> 0 ))) and (AndroidBitmap_lockPixels(TJNIResolver . GetJNIEnv, (Bitmap as ILocalObject).GetObjectID, @PixelBuffer) = 0 ) then begin Data := PIntegerArray(PixelBuffer); GlyphRect . left := Bounds . left; GlyphRect . Right := Bounds . Right; GlyphRect . top := Abs (Trunc(FAscent) - Bounds . top); GlyphRect . bottom := Abs (Trunc(FAscent) - Bounds . bottom); // Log.d(Format('GlyphRect=(%d %d %d %d) %d %d', [GlyphRect.Left, GlyphRect.Top, GlyphRect.Right, GlyphRect.Bottom, GlyphRect.Width, GlyphRect.Height])); if (GlyphRect . Width > 0 ) or (GlyphRect . Height > 0 ) then begin Result . Bitmap . SetSize(GlyphRect . Width + 1 , GlyphRect . Height + 1 , TPixelFormat . pfA8R8G8B8); if TFontGlyphSetting . gsPremultipliedAlpha in Settings then begin for I := GlyphRect . top to GlyphRect . bottom do Move(Data[I * Width + Max(GlyphRect . left, 0 )], Result . Bitmap . GetPixelAddr( 0 , I - GlyphRect . top)^, Result . Bitmap . Pitch); end else for I := GlyphRect . top to GlyphRect . bottom - 1 do for J := GlyphRect . left to GlyphRect . Right - 1 do begin C := Data[I * Width + J]; if C <> 0 then begin C := ((C shr 16 ) and $FF + (C shr 8 ) and $FF + (C and $FF )) div 3 ; Result . Bitmap . Pixels[J - GlyphRect . left, I - GlyphRect . top] := MakeColor( $FF , $FF , $FF , C); end end ; end ; AndroidBitmap_unlockPixels(TJNIResolver . GetJNIEnv, (Bitmap as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); end ; // Path if TFontGlyphSetting . gsPath in Settings then try Path := TJPath . Create; FPaint . getTextPath(Text, 0 , Text . length, Result . Origin . X, Result . Origin . Y, Path); PathMeasure := TJPathMeasure . Create; PathMeasure . setPath(Path, False ); Coords := TJavaArray< Single >.Create( 2 ); if PathMeasure . getLength > 0 then repeat PathLength := PathMeasure . getLength; NewContour := True ; HasStartPoint := False ; I := 0 ; while I < PathLength do begin if PathMeasure . getPosTan(I, Coords, nil ) then begin Point := PointF(Coords[ 0 ], Coords[ 1 ]); if NewContour then begin Result . Path . MoveTo(Point); NewContour := False ; HasStartPoint := False ; end else if Point <> LastPoint then begin if HasStartPoint and (LastPoint <> StartPoint) then if not SameValue (((Point . Y - StartPoint . Y) / (Point . X - StartPoint . X) ), ((Point . Y - LastPoint . Y) / (Point . X - LastPoint . X) ), Epsilon) then begin Result . Path . LineTo(Point); HasStartPoint := False ; end else else Result . Path . LineTo(Point); end ; LastPoint := Point; if not HasStartPoint then begin StartPoint := Point; HasStartPoint := True ; end ; end ; Inc(I); end ; if Result . Path . Count > 0 then Result . Path . ClosePath; until not PathMeasure . nextContour; Point := Result . Path . GetBounds . TopLeft; Result . Path . Translate(-Point . X + Result . Origin . X, -Point . Y + Result . Origin . Y); finally FreeAndNil(Coords); Path := nil ; PathMeasure := nil ; end ; finally Bounds := nil ; end ; finally Bitmap . recycle; Bitmap := nil ; end ; finally Text := nil ; end ; end ; end . |