

acmm7 1003 1004

acmm8 1003 1004


SolvedAGym 100624AKingdoms
 BGym 100624BWho wants to live forever?
SolvedCGym 100624CChemist's vows
 DGym 100624DNon-boring sequences
AttemptedEGym 100624EWord equations
 FGym 100624FFarm and factory
 GGym 100624GJewel heist
SolvedHGym 100624HDarts
 IGym 100624IThe Dragon and the knights
SolvedJGym 100624JConservation
 KGym 100624KGraphic Madness


 AGym 100299ARubik's Rectangle
SolvedBGym 100299BWhat does the fox say?
SolvedCGym 100299CMagical GCD
 DGym 100299DSubway
 EGym 100299EEscape
SolvedFGym 100299FDraughts
 GGym 100299GHistory course
 HGym 100299HChain & Co.
SolvedIGym 100299ICrane
AttemptedJGym 100299JCaptain Obvious and the Rabbit-Man
 KGym 100299KDigraphs
SolvedLGym 100299LBus


 AURAL 1763Expert Flea
 BURAL 1764Transsib
 CURAL 1765Error 404
 DURAL 1766Humpty Dumpty
SolvedEURAL 1767The House of Doctor Dee
AttemptedFURAL 1768Circular Strings
SolvedGURAL 1769Old Ural Legend
 HURAL 1770The Party of Ural Champions
 IURAL 1771A Deputy's Morning
 JURAL 1772Ski-Trails for Robots
SolvedKURAL 1773Metro to Every Home


AttemptedAGym 101669AConcerts
 BGym 101669BBricks
 CGym 101669CChristmas Tree
 DGym 101669DHarry Potter and The Vector Spell
 EGym 101669ELooping Playlist
SolvedFGym 101669FBinary Transformations
SolvedGGym 101669GRobots
 HGym 101669HCat and Mouse
 IGym 101669ITetris
 JGym 101669JCunning Friends
SolvedKGym 101669KEscape Room
 LGym 101669LDivide and Conquer


SolvedAUVALive 5809Binary Matrix
AttemptedBUVALive 5810Candles
 CUVALive 5811Cards
 DUVALive 5812Game of Connect
 EUVALive 5813Guards
SolvedFUVALive 5814Packing for Holiday
SolvedGUVALive 5815Pair of Touching Circles
 HUVALive 5816Treasure Hunt
 IUVALive 5817Truchet Tiling
SolvedJUVALive 5818As Long as I Learn, I Live


 AGym 100886AThree Servers
 BGym 100886BGame on Bipartite Graph
 CGym 100886CBlack and White Board
 DGym 100886DCatenary
 EGym 100886EEvacuation Plan
 FGym 100886FEmpty Vessels
SolvedGGym 100886GMaximum Product
AttemptedHGym 100886HBiathlon 2.0
 IGym 100886IArchaeological Research
SolvedJGym 100886JSockets
 KGym 100886KToll Roads
04-30 23:53