

1. Testlink配置修改

1.1. config.inc.php

1.1.1. 日志路径配置

* @var string Path to store logs -
*for security reasons (see http://itsecuritysolutions.org/2012-08-13-TestLink-1.9.3-multiple-vulnerabilities/)
*put it out of reach via web or configure access denied.
//$tlCfg->log_path = '/var/testlink/logs/'; /* unix example */
$tlCfg->log_path = 'D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-12.1\www\testlink\logs\\';

1.1.2. 上传文件路径配置

* TL_REPOSITORY_TYPE_FS: the where the filesystem repository should be located
* We recommend to change the directory for security reason.
* (see http://itsecuritysolutions.org/2012-08-13-TestLink-1.9.3-multiple-vulnerabilities/)
* Put it out of reach via web or configure access denied.
//$g_repositoryPath = '/var/testlink/upload_area/'; /* unix example */
$g_repositoryPath = 'D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-12.1\www\testlink\upload_area\\'; 

1.1.3. 配置检查警告模式修改

There are security warnings for your consideration. See details on file: D:\Program Files\EasyPHP-12.1\www\testlink\logsconfig_check.txt. To disable any reference to these checkings, set $tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode = 'SILENT';
* @var string How to warning user when security weak points exists.
* 'SCREEN': messages will displayed on login screen, and tl desktop (default)
* 'FILE': a file with a list is created but users are not notified via GUI
* user will receive a message on screen.
* 'SILENT': same that FILE, but user will not receive message on screen.
//$tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode = 'FILE';
$tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode = 'SILENT';

1.1.4. 语言设置

/** @var string Default localization for users */
// The value must be available in $g_locales (see cfg/const.inc.php).
// Note: An attempt will be done to establish the default locale
// automatically using $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']
//$tlCfg->default_language = 'en_GB';
$tlCfg->default_language = 'zh_CN'; 

1.2. Testlink数据库配置

// Automatically Generated by TestLink Installer
define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
define('DB_USER', 'testlink');
define('DB_PASS', 'testlink');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_NAME', 'testlink');
define('DB_TABLE_PREFIX', 'tt');

1.3. Testlink和mantis集成 (这个我没有验证,因为bug系统公司用的不是mantis)

1、首页-Issue Tracker Management


Type:mantis (Interface: db)
<!-- Template mantisdbInterface -->

2、测试项目管理配置Issue Tracker,选择刚才配置::mantis (Interface: db)

05-17 23:10