Default solution

  1. Dynamics comes pre-loaded with a Default Solution
  2. Contains all the base objects, entities, workflows, security etc.
  3. A New Solution should be created for your business changes to keep them separate from the base solution.

Why Solutions

  1. Solutions organize required changes into a 'whole'
  2. Allows sets of changes to be deployed in one go
  3. Multiple solutions can be used to create incremental changes (or versions)
  4. Solutions help separate your changes from other installed solutions to prevent conflicts
  5. Solutions can be exported and packaged to deployment on other systems
  6. Solutions can be used to 'roll-back' changes

Multiple Solutions

  1. A solution is a container of components.
  2. You can either add existing components from the system or create new ones in your solution.
  3. If two solutions customize the same component - both solutions can see the component - care must be taken to avoid conflicts.
  4. Unmanaged Solutions are solutions you are working on.
  5. Solutions only become Managed if they are EXPORTED and installed on another system ( e.g. Dev to Live)

Publishers & Pre-fixes

  1. A Publisher shows other customizers who created an installed solutions.
  2. Publisher has an associated Prefix that is added to an internal 'schema' - this helps separate any components you create from that of other publishers.
  3. Prefixes can help identify your company, your customers, your division (sales, Support etc.), or even an individual.
  4. When exported as a Managed Solution only other Solutions with the same publisher will be able to modify your Solution.
04-15 01:23