

  1. welcome: n. v. 欢迎
    welcome to + 地点 :Welcome to China. Welcome home/back:欢迎回来
    adj. 受欢迎的
    You're welcome. 没关系的
    You are welcome to Beijing.

  2. person-people-crowd
    I spotted her in the crowd.
    a crowd of people: 一群人
    a group of people: 有秩序的人群
    crowd: v. 拥挤,挤满
    a large crowd of people. = crowds of people. 人山人海

  3. hand: n. 手,指针
    minute hand. second hand. hour hand.
    second hand: 二手的,旧的。(所以买不到一支全新的表,因为肯定有一个指针是second hand)
    wait me a moment / wait me a few seconds. (缩写:for a few secs)

  4. shot: call out
    cry out: (小孩子)大声哭喊
    scream: 尖叫

  5. strike: v. 敲钟
    strike the clock. clock strike.

  6. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time.

  7. twenty minutes' time.
    -How far is the school from here?
    -3 minutes' time.

  8. waited and waited. (强调重复) 等了又等

  9. at that moment = just then.
    at the moment = now

05-11 10:48