
我也做的事情和这个也很相似,只不过我要做的是六级联动,我觉得原理肯定是一样的,只要能做出来三级联动,那按照同样的道理,一定可以做出刘级联动。在网上搜索一番后发现有两种说法,在这里给大家一一阐述。第一:用ajax完成无刷新的方案,第二:使用.netdropdownlist自带的事件SelectedIndexChanged。 对于第一个方法,我是非常想用的,但是要做的东西非常急,新学一门技术时间可能不够(可能是自己懒),对于第二种,网上大多数的会出现不能触发的情况。   两种都是两难的选择,最终,我选择了第二种方式,我觉得不能触发的原因一定是某些设置没有做好。







 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
string sqlDaQu = "select distinct BigArea from Reference ";
DropListBind(DropDownListDaQu, TBigArea, sqlDaQu, "BigArea");
DropDownListDaQu.Items.Insert(, new ListItem("大区"));
} }
protected void DropDownListDaQu_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //当选择大区后触发
BigArea = DropDownListDaQu.SelectedValue.ToString();
string sqlQu = "select distinct Area from Reference where BigArea='" + BigArea + "' ";
DropListBind(DropDownListQu, TArea, sqlQu, "Area");
DropDownListQu.Items.Insert(, new ListItem("区"));
// Label1.Text = BigArea;
protected void DropDownListQu_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //当选择区后触发
Area = DropDownListQu.SelectedValue.ToString();
string sqlPian = "select distinct Piece from Reference where BigArea='" + BigArea + "' and Area='" + Area + "'";
DropListBind(DropDownListDaPian, TPiece, sqlPian, "Piece");
DropDownListDaPian.Items.Insert(, new ListItem("片"));
} protected void DropDownListDaPian_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Piece = DropDownListDaPian.SelectedValue.ToString();
string sqlXiaoPian = "select distinct SmallPiece from Reference where BigArea='" + BigArea + "' and Area='" + Area + "' and Piece='" + Piece + "'";
DropListBind(DropDownListXiaoPian, TSmallPiece, sqlXiaoPian, "SmallPiece");
DropDownListXiaoPian.Items.Insert(, new ListItem("小片"));
protected void DropDownListXiaoPian_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)//当选择片后触发
SmallPiece = DropDownListXiaoPian.SelectedValue.ToString();
string sqlDian = "select distinct Point from Reference where BigArea='" + BigArea + "' and Area='" + Area + "' and Piece='" + Piece + "'and SmallPiece='" + SmallPiece + "'";
DropListBind(DropDownListDian, TPoint, sqlDian, "Point");
DropDownListDian.Items.Insert(, new ListItem("点"));
protected void DropDownListDian_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)//当选择小片后触发
Point = DropDownListDian.SelectedValue.ToString();
string sqlProvince = "select distinct State from Reference where BigArea='" + BigArea + "' and Area='" + Area + "' and Piece='" + Piece + "'" +
"and SmallPiece='" + SmallPiece + "' and Point='" + Point + "'";
DropListBind(DropDownListProvince, TState, sqlProvince, "State");
DropDownListProvince.Items.Insert(, new ListItem("省"));


04-30 10:01