select ID,Username,namer=(case when(score<='') then '实习'
when(score>'' and score<='' ) then '赤脚医生'
when(score>'' and score<='' ) then '村卫生员'
when(score>'' and score<='' ) then '乡卫生员'
when(score>'' and score<='' ) then '镇卫生员'
when(score>'' and score<='' ) then '医师'
when(score>'' and score<='' ) then '主治医师'
when(score>'' and score<='' ) then '副主任医师'
when(score>'' and score<='' ) then '主任医师'
when(score>'' and score<='' ) then '健康大使'
else '健康大使' end )FROM jk01_YiWen_Question
WHERE UserID = dbo.jk01_Member.ID) as questionnum
例子来源于:SQL利用Case When Then多条件判断SQL 语句