pragma solidity ^0.4.0;

contract byte1{
固定大小字节数组(Fixed-size byte arrays)
bytes1 只能存储1个字节,也就是二进制的8位内容 //一个字节=8位2进制/一个字母/符号/(1/3汉字)
bytes2 只能存储2个字节,也就是二进制的8*2位内容
bytes32 只能存储32个字节,也就是二进制的8*32=256位内容
十六进制:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
bytes1 a1=0x63; //0110 0011
//byte a2=0x632; Type int_const 1586 is not implicitly convertible to expected type bytes1 bytes1 b01 = 0x6c; //0110 1100 10->16 12*16**0 +6*16**1 = 108
bytes1 b11 = 0x69; //0110 1001 10->16 9*16**0 +6*16**1 = 105 //比较操作符 <= , <,>=,>,==,!= function max() constant returns(bool){
return b01 >= b11; //true
} //位操作符 &,|,^,~,>>,<<
function test1() constant returns(bytes1){
//return b01 | b11;
0110 1100
0110 1001
0110 1101 ->0x6d
return b01 ^ b11;
0110 1100
0110 1001
0000 0101 -> 0x05
//0x03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
bytes9 b9 =0x031323334353637383;
function testindex() constant returns(uint){
//return b9[4]; //0x43
return b9.length; //9 .length onlyread
//不可变数组 (长度不可变:b.length|内部存储的数据不可变:bytes[0])
function setlen(uint8 a){ //TypeError: Expression has to be an lvalue
b9.length = a;
} function setvalue(byte a){ //TypeError: Expression has to be an lvalue
b9[0] = a;
*/ bytes9 public g = 0x6c697975656368756e; //liyuechun string public name ='liyuechun';//动态字符串数组 function gByteLength() constant returns(uint){
return g.length;
function stingToBytes() constant returns(bytes){
return bytes(name);//还是string类型的动态字节数组
function setgByteLength(uint alen){
bytes(name).length = alen;
} function setgByteValue(bytes1 z){
bytes(name)[0]= z;
} pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract byte1{
bytes public b = new bytes(1); //bytes 声明动态大小字节数组
//bytes(1)=0x00 bytes(2)=0x0000 定义变量的初始值,b.push(6c696e) -> b=0x00006c696e
//bytes public b = bytes(1); TypeError: Explicit type conversion not allowed from "int_const 1" to "bytes storage pointer" function setLeng(uint a) public{ //3 0x000000 |0 0x
b.length = a;
function setValus(byte d,uint c ) public{ //0x06,0
b[c] = d;
} function setclear() public{
delete b;
05-11 16:09