$octets = encode_utf8($string); Equivalent to "$octets = encode("utf8", $string)". The characters in
$string are encoded in Perl's internal format, and the result is returned
as a sequence of octets. Because all possible characters in Perl have a
(loose, not strict) UTF-8 representation, this function cannot fail. 等价于 "$octets = encode("utf8", $string)". 这个$string里的字符是编码成Perl内部的格式, 结果是返回一个有序的八位字节。 因为所有的字符在Perl有一个(非正式的,不是严格的)表示,这个函数不能失败 encode_utf8 把字符编码成字节 decode_utf8
$string = decode_utf8($octets [, CHECK]); Equivalent to "$string = decode("utf8", $octets [, CHECK])". The sequence
of octets represented by $octets is decoded from UTF-8 into a sequence of
logical characters. Because not all sequences of octets are valid UTF-8,
it is quite possible for this function to fail. For CHECK, see "Handling
Malformed Data". 等价于
"$string = decode("utf8", $octets [, CHECK])". 有序的八位字节 通过 $octets 表示被解码从 UTF-8 到一个有序的逻辑字符。 因为不是所有的有序的八位字节 是正确的UTF-8 解码UTF-8到字符
04-14 17:38