

获取种子我们需要和其他的peer交互,所以需要使用peer wire protocal发送握手数据包,握手数据包是68字节,第一个字节必须是19代表长度,后面是协议固定为BitTorrent protocol刚好19个字节,然后再跟着8个保留字节。现在一共是28字节,最后40字节分别是infohash和nodeid这样合起来刚好是68字节

public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
byte[] infoHash = DHTUtil.hexStr2Bytes(this.infoHash);
byte[] sendBytes = new byte[68];
System.arraycopy(HANDSHAKE_BYTES, 0, sendBytes, 0, 28);
System.arraycopy(infoHash, 0, sendBytes, 28, 20);
System.arraycopy(routingTable.getNodeId(), 0, sendBytes, 48, 20);


这个握手协议发送一个参数为m的字典,格式如下:前面4字节是长度字段,后面1字节是message id用来确认消息,紧接着一个字节0代表握手,在后面就是m参数的那个字典实际的数据了,官方介绍是这样的

This message is sent as any other bittorrent message, with a 4 byte length prefix and a single byte identifying the message (the single byte being 20 in this case). At the start of the payload of the message, is a single byte message identifier. This identifier can refer to different extension messages and only one ID is specified, 0. If the ID is 0, the message is a handshake message which is described below. The layout of a general extended message follows (including the message headers used by the bittorrent protocol):
uint32_t length prefix. Specifies the number of bytes for the entire message. (Big endian)
uint8_t bittorrent message ID, = 20
uint8_t extended message ID. 0 = handshake, >0 = extended message as specified by the handshake.


public void sendHandshakeMsg(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception{
Map<String, Object> extendMessageMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> extendMessageMMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
extendMessageMMap.put("ut_metadata", 1);
extendMessageMap.put("m", extendMessageMMap);
byte[] tempExtendBytes = bencode.encode(extendMessageMap);
byte[] extendMessageBytes = new byte[tempExtendBytes.length + 6];
extendMessageBytes[4] = 20;
extendMessageBytes[5] = 0;
byte[] lenBytes = DHTUtil.int2Bytes(tempExtendBytes.length + 2);
System.arraycopy(lenBytes, 0, extendMessageBytes, 0, 4);
System.arraycopy(tempExtendBytes, 0, extendMessageBytes, 6, tempExtendBytes.length);

如果返回的消息里面包含ut_metadata和metadata_size,那么说明就支持种子下载协议,metadata_size代表种子的大小,因为每次下载最多是16Kb,所以我们需要根据返回的metadata_size进行分块下载。其中有两个参数一个是msg_type 具体的值有0 1 2,0 代表request也就是发起请求,1 代表data也就是数据,2 reject代表拒绝,还有一个参数是piece代表需要下载第几块数据。看起来还是挺简单的

private void sendMetadataRequest(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String s){
int ut_metadata= Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s.indexOf("ut_metadatai") + 12, s.indexOf("ut_metadatai") + 13));
String str=s.substring(s.indexOf("metadata_sizei") + 14, s.length());
int metadata_size=Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0, str.indexOf("e")));
int blockSize = (int) Math.ceil((double) metadata_size / (16 << 10));
for (int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
Map<String, Object> metadataRequestMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
metadataRequestMap.put("msg_type", 0);
metadataRequestMap.put("piece", i);
byte[] metadataRequestMapBytes = bencode.encode(metadataRequestMap);
byte[] metadataRequestBytes = new byte[metadataRequestMapBytes.length + 6];
metadataRequestBytes[4] = 20;
metadataRequestBytes[5] = (byte) ut_metadata;
byte[] lenBytes = DHTUtil.int2Bytes(metadataRequestMapBytes.length + 2);
System.arraycopy(lenBytes, 0, metadataRequestBytes, 0, 4);
System.arraycopy(metadataRequestMapBytes, 0, metadataRequestBytes, 6, metadataRequestMapBytes.length);





05-08 14:53