在本周一的推文中我们大致介绍了下 Open Core 峰会及到场嘉宾,(≧▽≦) 当然还有 Nebula Graph 在会场的展位位置图,本文我们来看看 Open Core 峰会第一天有哪些值得一看的议题。


微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

Adventures and Misadventures in Category Creation & OSS: The Neo4j Story - Emil Eifrem, Neo4j, Inc.

Neo4j Founder and CEO Emil Eifrem will share war stories from a journey that began with sketching out the property graph data model on a napkin, and has led to running the leading company in the fastest growing database category.

All the while trying (and sometimes succeeding!) to combine category creation, open source, developer marketing and enterprise selling into a complex brew that will one day lead to inevitable world domination.

微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

Creating Authentic Value: Open Source vs. Open Core - Deborah Bryant, Red Hat, Inc.

Recent emphasis on cloud technologies has put a spotlight on how software companies work in today’s business and technical environments. Some companies have moved from traditional software licenses and instead have chosen to try to protect their software through creative licenses such as “open core”. Unlike open source, where value is placed on community, collaboration, and services, open core businesses place their value on software features.

Red Hat’s successful experience as a completely open source company has shown that value is not in the code, but in the support and expertise by being a part of a true community. In this talk, Red Hat’s Deb Bryant will share observations and cautionary tales from the world’s most successful open source company on how open core has time and again been demonstrated to not be truly open, limits community innovation, and delivers essentially proprietary software to customers.

微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

Commercial Open Source Business Models - In the Age of Hyper-Clouds, GitLab bets on Buyer-based Open Core - Priyanka Sharma, GitLab Inc.

Today is the day of hyper clouds and companies based on open source projects have challenges building a business. GitLab, the first single application for the DevSecOps lifecycle, has grown 177% YoY at the same time. In this talk, Priyanka Sharma, Director of Technical Evangelism, GitLab Inc. will share the road the company took to success. She will talk about:

  • Implications of being a commercial open source (COSS) company today
  • The business models GitLab considered
  • Our chosen model of buyer based open core
  • How buyer based open core works
  • Advantages of our choice

This talk is ideal for anyone looking to understand how open source can be monetized and will provide unique insight whether you are a startup founder, end user, or cloud provider.

微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

Opening up the cloud with Crossplane - Bassam Tabbara, Upbound

Today, cloud computing is dominated by a few vertically integrated commercial providers. In this talk Bassam Tabbara, founder of the open source Crossplane project and CEO of Upbound.io, will discuss how the open source community can tip the market towards a more open, horizontally-integrated cloud ecosystem.

微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

Decentralization: A new opportunity for open source monetization - Ben Golub, Storj Labs

The emergence of cloud computing has spurred massive innovation, decoupling software from the infrastructure on which it runs. However it has also brought about huge challenges for open source companies in search of sustainable business models, causing them incorporate new licensing models other tactics to compete against the cloud computing giants. Decentralized cloud platforms make new economic models possible that allow open source platforms to monetize all their customers - not just their enterprise users.

This session will look at the intersection of open source, decentralization, and cloud and how it can empower open source platforms in new ways. It will also explore how decentralization and open source software can combine to eliminate downtime in the cloud, remove single points of failure, democratize trust, improve accountability, and radically improve security and privacy at a foundational level.

微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

Open Source Adoption: The Pitfalls and Victories - Ido Green, JFrog

In this talk, we’ll share some key insights so other project owners can avoid falling into the same holes we’ve fallen into. Further, we’ll share some interesting statistics about the DevOps market that will help you gain insight into your own domain, and how you can practically address larger market movements that the bosses’ bosses’ bosses are really caring about.

微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

On building a business around viable open-source project - Kohsuke Kawaguchi, CloudBees, Inc.Kohsuke Kawaguchi

In this talk, I’d like to look back at the history and share what worked and what didn’t work, such as the difficulty of justifying engineering efforts to OSS, how enterprise product can stifle open-source, and the impact and the consequences of hiring people from the comm

微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

Your Product and Your Project are Different - Sarah Novotny, Microsoft

Open source is a licensing and development model. Your open source project may be the basis for your product, but they are two different things. Let’s talk about a few challenges which can happen if that distinction is forgotten.

微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

The open source journey from Initical code to IPO - Shay Banon, Elasticsearch creator/founder

Elasticsearch creator/founder and Elastic CEO shares first-hand experiences writing the first million lines of code (likely more!) and guiding the company to an IPO eight years later.

微软、IBM、GitLab 等大厂全部到齐的 OCS 第一天有什么看点?-LMLPHP

PANEL - Investing in Open Source - From Promising Project to Enduring Company - Konstantine Buhler, Meritech Capital (Moderator)

Join two of the world's top open source investors, Martin Casado (Andreessen Horowitz) and Mike Volpi (Index Ventures) as they discuss open source investing. Every open source company begins with a passionate community. But the most enduring open source companies navigate a nuanced path to commercialization. Don't miss out as Martin and Mike share stories, discuss patterns, and offer insight into building incredible open source companies. The panel will be moderated by Konstantine Buhler (Meritech Capital).


05-28 03:13