Example: SpinLock
Description: SpinLock is the lock implementation using AtomicInteger as a primitive synchronizer.
The contracts is based on the paper to be submitted to ECOOP14.
These contracts are specified with one abstract predicate for the resource exchange.
Author: Afshin Amighi
Status: Pass.
command: vct --chalice --progress --explicit SpinLock.java
*/ public class SpinLock{ //shared resource
private int data; // int SynchronizerRole (S) = 0, ThreadRole = 1;
// int UNLOCKED = 0 , LOCKED = 1; //@ resource handle(int role,int val);
//@ resource trans(int role,int last,int next)=( role == 1 ==> true );
//@ pure zfrac part(int rs,int s,int rt, int v){ return (rs == 0 && s == 0) ? 100:0; }
// for simplicity we take resource_invariant=Perm(data,p)
//@ resource inv(zfrac p)= Perm(data,p); /* ----------- AtomicInteger -----------------*/
given int r, l;
requires srh:handle(r,l) ** sra:trans(r,l,v) ** srr:inv(part(0,v,r,v)) ;
ensures seh:handle(r,v) ** ser:inv(part(0,l,r,l));
void set(int v); /*@
given int r, l;
requires crh:handle(r,l) ** cra:trans(r,x,n) ** crr:inv(part(0,n,r,n));
ensures \result ==> cehp:handle(r,n) ** cerp:inv(part(0,x,r,x));
ensures !\result ==> cehn:handle(r,l) ** cern:inv(part(0,n,r,n));
boolean compareAndSet(int x,int n); /*----------- SpinLock ----------------*/ //@ given int last;
//@ requires lrh: handle(1,last);
//@ ensures leh: handle(1,1) ** Perm(data,100);
public void dolock(){
boolean succ = false;
//@ int role = 1, S=0;
//@ SpinLock.trans tcra;
//@ SpinLock.inv tcrr , tces;
//@ fold tcrr:inv(part(S,1,role,1)); //@ loop_invariant !succ ==> invhn:handle(role,last) ** invpn: inv(part(S,1,role,1));
//@ loop_invariant succ ==> invhp:handle(role,1) ** invpp: inv(part(S,0,role,0));
while (!succ) /*@ with{ invhn = lrh; invpn = tcrr; } then { leh = invhp; tces = invpp; } */ {
//@ fold tcra:trans(role,0,1);
succ = compareAndSet(0,1) /*@ with{ r = role; l = last; crh = invhn; cra = tcra; crr = invpn; }
then{ invhn = cehn; invpn = cern; invhp = cehp; invpp = cerp; } */ ;
//@ unfold tces: inv(part(S,0,role,0));
} //@ requires urh:handle(1,1) ** Perm(data,100);
//@ ensures ueh: handle(1,0);
public void unlock(){
//@ int role = 1, S=0;
//@ int last = 1;
//@ SpinLock.inv tsrp;
//@ fold tsrp:inv(part(S,0,role,0));
//@ SpinLock.trans tsra;
//@ fold tsra:trans(role,last,0);
set(0) /*@ with{ r = role; l = last; srh = urh; sra = tsra; srr = tsrp; } then { ueh = seh; } @*/;
05-08 08:02