With airdecap-ng you can decrypt WEP/WPA/WPA2 capture files. As well, it can also be used to strip the wireless headers from an unencrypted wireless capture.
It outputs a new file ending with ”-dec.cap” which is the decrypted/stripped version of the input file.
通过airdecap-ng,您可以解密基于WEP/WPA/WPA2加密的pcap文件。当然,airdecap-ng也可以用来给未加密的无线数据包剥离无线帧头(即802.11帧的首部)。它会生成一个以"-dec.cap"结尾命名的新文件,以此作为原始输入文件的 解密后/解封装 版本。
airdecap-ng [options] <pcap file>
Wildcards may be used on the input file name providing it only matches a single file. In general, it is recommended that you use a single file name as input, not wildcarding.
您或许会在输入的pcap文件名中使用通配符,但请保证(使用通配符后)匹配的还是一个单一的文件。通常来说,airdecap-ng要求您以一个唯一的文件名作为输入,而非通配符。(可以理解为airdecap-ng一次仅能处理一个文件,所以您的输入不能通配多于一个文件。 )
Usage Examples【使用示例】
The following removes the wireless headers from an open network (no WEP) capture:
airdecap-ng -b 00:09:5B:10:BC:5A open-network.cap
The following decrypts a WEP-encrypted capture using a hexadecimal WEP key:
airdecap-ng -w 11A3E229084349BC25D97E2939 wep.cap
The following decrypts a WPA/WPA2 encrypted capture using the passphrase:
airdecap-ng -e 'the ssid' -p passphrase tkip.cap
Usage Tips【使用小贴士】
WPA/WPA2 Requirements【(成功解密使用)WPA/WPA2(保护的数据包)的前提】
The capture file must contain a valid four-way handshake. For this purpose having (packets 2 and 3) or (packets 3 and 4) will work correctly. In fact, you don't truly need all four handshake packets.
As well, only data packets following the handshake will be decrypted. This is because information is required from the handshake in order to decrypt the data packets.
How to use spaces, double quote and single quote in AP names?
Usage Troubleshooting【使用故障诊断】
None at this time.