编辑 X:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/win32/lib/ 第114行
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
# This is for AssertionError when running BanBanTong project
# 2015-02-10 MH 将下面两行注释掉
## assert sys.modules[modname] is old_mod
## assert mod is old_mod
# Magic utility that "redirects" to pywintypesxx.dll
import imp, sys, os
def __import_pywin32_system_module__(modname, globs):
# This has been through a number of iterations. The problem: how to
# locate pywintypesXX.dll when it may be in a number of places, and how
# to avoid ever loading it twice. This problem is compounded by the
# fact that the "right" way to do this requires win32api, but this
# itself requires pywintypesXX.
# And the killer problem is that someone may have done 'import win32api'
# before this code is called. In that case Windows will have already
# loaded pywintypesXX as part of loading win32api - but by the time
# we get here, we may locate a different one. This appears to work, but
# then starts raising bizarre TypeErrors complaining that something
# is not a pywintypes type when it clearly is!
# So in what we hope is the last major iteration of this, we now
# rely on a _win32sysloader module, implemented in C but not relying
# on pywintypesXX.dll. It then can check if the DLL we are looking for
# lib is already loaded.
if not sys.platform.startswith("win32"):
# These extensions can be built on Linux via the 'mainwin' toolkit.
# Look for a native 'lib{modname}.so'
# NOTE: The _win32sysloader module will probably build in this
# environment, so it may be better to use that here too.
for ext, mode, ext_type in imp.get_suffixes():
if ext_type==imp.C_EXTENSION:
for path in sys.path:
look = os.path.join(path, "lib" + modname + ext)
if os.path.isfile(look):
mod = imp.load_module(modname, None, look,
(ext, mode, ext_type))
# and fill our namespace with it.
# XXX - if this ever moves to py3k, this will probably
# need similar adjustments as below...
raise ImportError("No dynamic module " + modname)
# See if this is a debug build.
for suffix_item in imp.get_suffixes():
if suffix_item[0]=='_d.pyd':
suffix = '_d'
suffix = ""
filename = "%s%d%d%s.dll" % \
(modname, sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], suffix)
if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
# If we are running from a frozen program (py2exe, McMillan, freeze)
# then we try and load the DLL from our sys.path
# XXX - This path may also benefit from _win32sysloader? However,
# MarkH has never seen the DLL load problem with py2exe programs...
for look in sys.path:
# If the sys.path entry is a (presumably) .zip file, use the
# directory
if os.path.isfile(look):
look = os.path.dirname(look)
found = os.path.join(look, filename)
if os.path.isfile(found):
raise ImportError("Module '%s' isn't in frozen sys.path %s" % (modname, sys.path))
# First see if it already in our process - if so, we must use that.
import _win32sysloader
found = _win32sysloader.GetModuleFilename(filename)
if found is None:
# We ask Windows to load it next. This is in an attempt to
# get the exact same module loaded should pywintypes be imported
# first (which is how we are here) or if, eg, win32api was imported
# first thereby implicitly loading the DLL.
# Sadly though, it doesn't quite work - if pywintypesxx.dll
# is in system32 *and* the executable's directory, on XP SP2, an
# import of win32api will cause Windows to load pywintypes
# from system32, where LoadLibrary for that name will
# load the one in the exe's dir.
# That shouldn't really matter though, so long as we only ever
# get one loaded.
found = _win32sysloader.LoadModule(filename)
if found is None:
# Windows can't find it - which although isn't relevent here,
# means that we *must* be the first win32 import, as an attempt
# to import win32api etc would fail when Windows attempts to
# locate the DLL.
# This is most likely to happen for "non-admin" installs, where
# we can't put the files anywhere else on the global path.
# If there is a version in our Python directory, use that
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sys.prefix, filename)):
found = os.path.join(sys.prefix, filename)
if found is None:
# Not in the Python directory? Maybe we were installed via
# easy_install...
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)):
found = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
if found is None:
# give up in disgust.
raise ImportError("No system module '%s' (%s)" % (modname, filename))
# py2k and py3k differences:
# On py2k, after doing "imp.load_module('pywintypes')", sys.modules
# is unchanged - ie, sys.modules['pywintypes'] still refers to *this*
# .py module - but the module's __dict__ has *already* need updated
# with the new module's contents.
# However, on py3k, sys.modules *is* changed - sys.modules['pywintypes']
# will be changed to the new module object.
# SO: * on py2k don't need to update any globals.
# * on py3k we update our module dict with the new module's dict and
# copy its globals to ours.
old_mod = sys.modules[modname]
# Python can load the module
mod = imp.load_dynamic(modname, found)
# Check the sys.modules[] behaviour we describe above is true...
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
# This is for AssertionError when running BanBanTong project
# 2015-02-10 MH
## assert sys.modules[modname] is old_mod
## assert mod is old_mod
assert sys.modules[modname] is not old_mod
assert sys.modules[modname] is mod
# as above - re-reset to the *old* module object then update globs.
sys.modules[modname] = old_mod
__import_pywin32_system_module__("pywintypes", globals())