arxiv上放出的物体检测的文章,在Pascal voc数据集上排第二。源码也已放出(,又可以慢慢把玩了。这篇文章遵循faster-rcnn“CNN feature extraction + region proposal + RoI classification”的pipeline,重新设计了feature extraction的网络结构。"The devil is in details",文章利用很多的cnn tricks,详述了网络设计的细节。

  • C.ReLU: Earlier building blocks in feature generation

PVANET----Deep but Lightweight Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection论文记录-LMLPHP


  • Inception: Remaining building blocks in feature generation

PVANET----Deep but Lightweight Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection论文记录-LMLPHP


  • HyperNet: Concatenation of multi-scale intermediate outputs

PVANET----Deep but Lightweight Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection论文记录-LMLPHP



combines 1) the last layer and 2) two intermediate layers whose scales are 2x and 4x of the last
layer, respectively.

  • The pvanet architecture

PVANET----Deep but Lightweight Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection论文记录-LMLPHP

  • Deep network training

文章用了residual connections 和batch normalization加速网络收敛。BN层加在ReLU层后面,学习率根据plateau detection自动调整。
RPN用了25个anchor(5 scales(3,6,9,16,25),5 aspect ratios(0.5,0.557,1.0,1.5,2.0))。最后的全连接层使用了简单的SVD分解,map有部分降低,检测速度加快。

  • result

PVANET----Deep but Lightweight Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection论文记录-LMLPHP

PVANET----Deep but Lightweight Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection论文记录-LMLPHP

04-16 05:45