anyconnect connection attempt has failed

在控制面板-网络与Internet-网络连接,右键AnyConnect secure连接适配器,点击属性


anyconnect connection attempt has failed-LMLPHP

10:24:57 Ready to connect.
10:25:19 Contacting
10:25:29 User credentials entered.
10:25:29 Establishing VPN session...
10:25:29 The AnyConnect Downloader is performing update checks...
10:25:29 Checking for profile updates...
10:25:29 Checking for product updates...
10:25:29 Checking for customization updates...
10:25:29 Performing any required updates...
10:25:29 The AnyConnect Downloader updates have been completed.
10:25:34 Establishing VPN session...
10:25:34 Establishing VPN - Initiating connection...
10:25:35 Establishing VPN - Examining system...
10:25:35 Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
10:26:16 Establishing VPN - Repairing VPN adapter...
10:27:01 Disconnect in progress, please wait...
10:27:01 Connection attempt has failed.
10:27:01 Ready to connect.
10:36:04 Contacting
10:36:10 User credentials entered.
10:36:11 Establishing VPN session...
10:36:11 The AnyConnect Downloader is performing update checks...
10:36:11 Checking for profile updates...
10:36:11 Checking for product updates...
10:36:11 Checking for customization updates...
10:36:11 Performing any required updates...
10:36:11 The AnyConnect Downloader updates have been completed.
10:36:20 Establishing VPN session...
10:36:20 Establishing VPN - Initiating connection...
10:36:21 Establishing VPN - Examining system...
10:36:21 Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
10:36:53 Establishing VPN - Repairing VPN adapter...
10:36:59 Disconnect in progress, please wait...
10:36:59 Connection attempt has failed.
10:36:59 Ready to connect.
10:42:08 Contacting
10:42:17 User credentials entered.
10:42:18 Establishing VPN session...
10:42:18 The AnyConnect Downloader is performing update checks...
10:42:18 Checking for profile updates...
10:42:18 Checking for product updates...
10:42:18 Checking for customization updates...
10:42:18 Performing any required updates...
10:42:18 The AnyConnect Downloader updates have been completed.
10:42:23 Establishing VPN session...
10:42:23 Establishing VPN - Initiating connection...
10:42:23 Establishing VPN - Examining system...
10:42:23 Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
10:42:23 Establishing VPN - Attempting to repair VPN adapter...
10:43:07 Establishing VPN - Repairing VPN adapter...
10:43:53 Disconnect in progress, please wait...
10:43:53 Connection attempt has failed.
10:43:53 Ready to connect.
10:43:57 Contacting
10:44:03 User credentials entered.
10:44:03 Establishing VPN session...
10:44:03 The AnyConnect Downloader is performing update checks...
10:44:03 Checking for profile updates...
10:44:03 Checking for product updates...
10:44:03 Checking for customization updates...
10:44:03 Performing any required updates...
10:44:03 The AnyConnect Downloader updates have been completed.
10:44:08 Establishing VPN session...
10:44:08 Establishing VPN - Initiating connection...
10:44:08 Establishing VPN - Examining system...
10:44:08 Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
10:44:50 Establishing VPN - Repairing VPN adapter...
10:45:36 Disconnect in progress, please wait...
10:45:36 Connection attempt has failed.
10:45:36 Ready to connect.
10:53:58 Contacting
10:54:58 Connection attempt has failed.
10:54:58 No valid certificates available for authentication.
10:54:58 Connection attempt has failed.
10:55:25 Contacting
10:55:35 User credentials entered.
10:55:35 Establishing VPN session...
10:55:35 The AnyConnect Downloader is performing update checks...
10:55:35 Checking for profile updates...
10:55:35 Checking for product updates...
10:55:35 Checking for customization updates...
10:55:35 Performing any required updates...
10:55:35 The AnyConnect Downloader updates have been completed.
10:55:45 Establishing VPN session...
10:55:45 Establishing VPN - Initiating connection...
10:55:45 Establishing VPN - Examining system...
10:55:45 Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
10:55:48 Establishing VPN - Configuring system...
10:55:48 Establishing VPN...
10:55:48 Connected to

04-26 16:09