- 针对数据集,生成样本代码
import imageio
from scipy import misc, ndimage
import numpy as np
import imghdr
import shutil
import os
import json
mat = np.array(
[[ 65.481, 128.553, 24.966 ],
[-37.797, -74.203, 112.0 ],
[ 112.0, -93.786, -18.214]])
mat_inv = np.linalg.inv(mat)
offset = np.array([16, 128, 128])
def rgb2ycbcr(rgb_img):
ycbcr_img = np.zeros(rgb_img.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
for x in range(rgb_img.shape[0]):
for y in range(rgb_img.shape[1]):
ycbcr_img[x, y, :] = np.round(, rgb_img[x, y, :] * 1.0 / 255) + offset)
return ycbcr_img
def ycbcr2rgb(ycbcr_img):
rgb_img = np.zeros(ycbcr_img.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
for x in range(ycbcr_img.shape[0]):
for y in range(ycbcr_img.shape[1]):
[r, g, b] = ycbcr_img[x,y,:]
rgb_img[x, y, :] = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(255, np.round(, ycbcr_img[x, y, :] - offset) * 255.0)))
return rgb_img
def my_anti_shuffle(input_image, ratio):
shape = input_image.shape
ori_height = int(shape[0])
ori_width = int(shape[1])
ori_channels = int(shape[2])
if ori_height % ratio != 0 or ori_width % ratio != 0:
print("Error! Height and width must be divided by ratio!")
height = ori_height // ratio
width = ori_width // ratio
channels = ori_channels * ratio * ratio
anti_shuffle = np.zeros((height, width, channels), dtype=np.uint8)
for c in range(0, ori_channels):
for x in range(0, ratio):
for y in range(0, ratio):
anti_shuffle[:,:,c * ratio * ratio + x * ratio + y] = input_image[x::ratio, y::ratio, c]
return anti_shuffle
def shuffle(input_image, ratio):
shape = input_image.shape
height = int(shape[0]) * ratio
width = int(shape[1]) * ratio
channels = int(shape[2]) // ratio // ratio
shuffled = np.zeros((height, width, channels), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(0, height):
for j in range(0, width):
for k in range(0, channels):
shuffled[i,j,k] = input_image[i // ratio, j // ratio, k * ratio * ratio + (i % ratio) * ratio + (j % ratio)]
return shuffled
def prepare_images(params):
ratio, training_num, lr_stride, lr_size = params['ratio'], params['training_num'], params['lr_stride'], params['lr_size']
hr_stride = lr_stride * ratio
hr_size = lr_size * ratio
# first clear old images and create new directories
for ele in ['training', 'validation', 'test']:
new_dir = params[ele + '_image_dir'].format(ratio)
if os.path.isdir(new_dir):
for sub_dir in ['/hr', 'lr']:
os.makedirs(new_dir + sub_dir)
image_num = 0
folder = params['training_image_dir'].format(ratio)
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(params['image_dir']):
for filename in filenames:
path = os.path.join(root, filename)
if imghdr.what(path) != 'jpeg':
hr_image = imageio.imread(path)
height = hr_image.shape[0]
new_height = height - height % ratio
width = hr_image.shape[1]
new_width = width - width % ratio
hr_image = hr_image[0:new_height,0:new_width]
blurred = ndimage.gaussian_filter(hr_image, sigma=(1, 1, 0))
lr_image = blurred[::ratio,::ratio,:]
height = hr_image.shape[0]
width = hr_image.shape[1]
vertical_number = height / hr_stride - 1
horizontal_number = width / hr_stride - 1
image_num = image_num + 1
if image_num % 10 == 0:
print ("Finished image: {}".format(image_num))
if image_num > training_num and image_num <= training_num + params['validation_num']:
folder = params['validation_image_dir'].format(ratio)
elif image_num > training_num + params['validation_num']:
folder = params['test_image_dir'].format(ratio)
#misc.imsave(folder + 'hr_full/' + filename[0:-4] + '.png', hr_image)
#misc.imsave(folder + 'lr_full/' + filename[0:-4] + '.png', lr_image)
for x in range(0, int(horizontal_number)):
for y in range(0, int(vertical_number)):
hr_sub_image = hr_image[y * hr_stride : y * hr_stride + hr_size, x * hr_stride : x * hr_stride + hr_size]
lr_sub_image = lr_image[y * lr_stride : y * lr_stride + lr_size, x * lr_stride : x * lr_stride + lr_size]
imageio.imwrite("{}hr/{}_{}_{}.png".format(folder, filename[0:-4], y, x), hr_sub_image)
imageio.imwrite("{}lr/{}_{}_{}.png".format(folder, filename[0:-4], y, x), lr_sub_image)
if image_num >= training_num + params['validation_num'] + params['test_num']:
def prepare_data(params):
ratio = params['ratio']
params['hr_stride'] = params['lr_stride'] * ratio
params['hr_size'] = params['lr_size'] * ratio
for ele in ['training', 'validation', 'test']:
new_dir = params[ele + '_dir'].format(ratio)
if os.path.isdir(new_dir):
ratio, lr_size, edge = params['ratio'], params['lr_size'], params['edge']
image_dirs = [d.format(ratio) for d in [params['training_image_dir'], params['validation_image_dir'], params['test_image_dir']]]
data_dirs = [d.format(ratio) for d in [params['training_dir'], params['validation_dir'], params['test_dir']]]
hr_start_idx = ratio * edge // 2
hr_end_idx = hr_start_idx + (lr_size - edge) * ratio
sub_hr_size = (lr_size - edge) * ratio
for dir_idx, image_dir in enumerate(image_dirs):
data_dir = data_dirs[dir_idx]
print ("Creating {}".format(data_dir))
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(image_dir + "/lr"):
for filename in filenames:
lr_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
hr_path = image_dir + "/hr/" + filename
lr_image = imageio.imread(lr_path)
hr_image = imageio.imread(hr_path)
# convert to Ycbcr color space
lr_image_y = rgb2ycbcr(lr_image)
hr_image_y = rgb2ycbcr(hr_image)
lr_data = lr_image_y.reshape((lr_size * lr_size * 3))
sub_hr_image_y = hr_image_y[int(hr_start_idx):int(hr_end_idx):1,int(hr_start_idx):int(hr_end_idx):1]
hr_data = my_anti_shuffle(sub_hr_image_y, ratio).reshape(sub_hr_size * sub_hr_size * 3)
data = np.concatenate([lr_data, hr_data])
data.astype('uint8').tofile(data_dir + "/" + filename[0:-4])
def remove_images(params):
# Don't need old image folders
for ele in ['training', 'validation', 'test']:
rm_dir = params[ele + '_image_dir'].format(params['ratio'])
if os.path.isdir(rm_dir):
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open("./params.json", 'r') as f:
params = json.load(f)
print("Preparing images with scaling ratio: {}".format(params['ratio']))
print ("If you want a different ratio change 'ratio' in params.json")
print ("Splitting images (1/3)")
print ("Preparing data, this may take a while (2/3)")
print ("Cleaning up split images (3/3)")
print("Done, you can now train the model!")
import argparse
from PIL import Image
import imageio
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy import misc
import numpy as np
from prepare_data import *
from psnr import psnr
import json
import pdb
from espcn import ESPCN
def get_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='EspcnNet generation script')
parser.add_argument('--checkpoint', type=str,
help='Which model checkpoint to generate from',default="logdir_2x/train")
parser.add_argument('--lr_image', type=str,
help='The low-resolution image waiting for processed.',default="images/butterfly_GT.jpg")
parser.add_argument('--hr_image', type=str,
help='The high-resolution image which is used to calculate PSNR.')
parser.add_argument('--out_path', type=str,
help='The output path for the super-resolution image',default="result/butterfly_HR")
return parser.parse_args()
def check_params(args, params):
if len(params['filters_size']) - len(params['channels']) != 1:
print("The length of 'filters_size' must be greater then the length of 'channels' by 1.")
return False
return True
def generate():
args = get_arguments()
with open("./params.json", 'r') as f:
params = json.load(f)
if check_params(args, params) == False:
sess = tf.Session()
net = ESPCN(filters_size=params['filters_size'],
loss, images, labels = net.build_model()
lr_image = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8)
lr_image_data = imageio.imread(args.lr_image)
lr_image_ycbcr_data = rgb2ycbcr(lr_image_data)
lr_image_y_data = lr_image_ycbcr_data[:, :, 0:1]
lr_image_cb_data = lr_image_ycbcr_data[:, :, 1:2]
lr_image_cr_data = lr_image_ycbcr_data[:, :, 2:3]
lr_image_batch = np.zeros((1,) + lr_image_y_data.shape)
lr_image_batch[0] = lr_image_y_data
sr_image = net.generate(lr_image)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
model_loaded = net.load(sess, saver, args.checkpoint)
raise Exception("Failed to load model, does the ratio in params.json match the ratio you trained your checkpoint with?")
if model_loaded:
print("[*] Checkpoint load success!")
print("[*] Checkpoint load failed/no checkpoint found")
sr_image_y_data =, feed_dict={lr_image: lr_image_batch})
sr_image_y_data = shuffle(sr_image_y_data[0], params['ratio'])
sr_image_ycbcr_data =np.array(Image.fromarray(lr_image_ycbcr_data).resize(params['ratio'] * np.array(lr_image_data.shape[0:2]),Image.BICUBIC))
edge = params['edge'] * params['ratio'] / 2
sr_image_ycbcr_data = np.concatenate((sr_image_y_data, sr_image_ycbcr_data[int(edge):int(-edge),int(edge):int(-edge),1:3]), axis=2)
sr_image_data = ycbcr2rgb(sr_image_ycbcr_data)
imageio.imwrite(args.out_path + '.png', sr_image_data)
if args.hr_image != None:
hr_image_data = misc.imread(args.hr_image)
model_psnr = psnr(hr_image_data, sr_image_data, edge)
print('PSNR of the model: {:.2f}dB'.format(model_psnr))
sr_image_bicubic_data = misc.imresize(lr_image_data,
params['ratio'] * np.array(lr_image_data.shape[0:2]),
misc.imsave(args.out_path + '_bicubic.png', sr_image_bicubic_data)
bicubic_psnr = psnr(hr_image_data, sr_image_bicubic_data, 0)
print('PSNR of Bicubic: {:.2f}dB'.format(bicubic_psnr))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import os
import sys
import time
import json
import time
import tensorflow as tf
from reader import create_inputs
from espcn import ESPCN
import pdb
except Exception as e:
xrange = range
# 批次
# epochs
# learning rate
# logdir
LOGDIR_ROOT = './logdir_{}x'
def get_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='EspcnNet example network')
# 权重
parser.add_argument('--checkpoint', type=str,
help='Which model checkpoint to load from', default=None)
# batch_size
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=BATCH_SIZE,
help='How many image files to process at once.')
# epochs
parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=NUM_EPOCHS,
help='Number of epochs.')
# 学习率
parser.add_argument('--learning_rate', type=float, default=LEARNING_RATE,
help='Learning rate for training.')
# logdir_root
parser.add_argument('--logdir_root', type=str, default=LOGDIR_ROOT,
help='Root directory to place the logging '
'output and generated model. These are stored '
'under the dated subdirectory of --logdir_root. '
'Cannot use with --logdir.')
# 返回参数
return parser.parse_args()
def check_params(args, params):
if len(params['filters_size']) - len(params['channels']) != 1:
print("The length of 'filters_size' must be greater then the length of 'channels' by 1.")
return False
return True
def train():
args = get_arguments()
# load json
with open("./params.json", 'r') as f:
params = json.load(f)
# 存在
if check_params(args, params) == False:
logdir_root = args.logdir_root # ./logdir
if logdir_root == LOGDIR_ROOT:
logdir_root = logdir_root.format(params['ratio']) # ./logdir_{RATIO}x
logdir = os.path.join(logdir_root, 'train') # ./logdir_{RATIO}x/train
# Load training data as np arrays
# 加载数据
lr_images, hr_labels = create_inputs(params)
# 网络模型
net = ESPCN(filters_size=params['filters_size'],
loss, images, labels = net.build_model()
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=args.learning_rate)
trainable = tf.trainable_variables()
optim = optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list=trainable)
# set up logging for tensorboard
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir)
summaries = tf.summary.merge_all()
# set up session
sess = tf.Session()
# saver for storing/restoring checkpoints of the model
saver = tf.train.Saver()
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
if net.load(sess, saver, logdir):
print("[*] Checkpoint load success!")
print("[*] Checkpoint load failed/no checkpoint found")
steps, start_average, end_average = 0, 0, 0
start_time = time.time()
for ep in xrange(1, args.epochs + 1):
batch_idxs = len(lr_images) // args.batch_size
batch_average = 0
for idx in xrange(0, batch_idxs):
# On the fly batch generation instead of Queue to optimize GPU usage
batch_images = lr_images[idx * args.batch_size : (idx + 1) * args.batch_size]
batch_labels = hr_labels[idx * args.batch_size : (idx + 1) * args.batch_size]
steps += 1
summary, loss_value, _ =[summaries, loss, optim], feed_dict={images: batch_images, labels: batch_labels})
writer.add_summary(summary, steps)
batch_average += loss_value
# Compare loss of first 20% and last 20%
batch_average = float(batch_average) / batch_idxs
if ep < (args.epochs * 0.2):
start_average += batch_average
elif ep >= (args.epochs * 0.8):
end_average += batch_average
duration = time.time() - start_time
print('Epoch: {}, step: {:d}, loss: {:.9f}, ({:.3f} sec/epoch)'.format(ep, steps, batch_average, duration))
start_time = time.time(), saver, logdir, steps)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
start_average = float(start_average) / (args.epochs * 0.2)
end_average = float(end_average) / (args.epochs * 0.2)
print("Start Average: [%.6f], End Average: [%.6f], Improved: [%.2f%%]" \
% (start_average, end_average, 100 - (100*end_average/start_average)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
model 实现tensorflow版本
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import sys
import pdb
def create_variable(name, shape):
'''Create a convolution filter variable with the specified name and shape,
and initialize it using Xavier initialition.'''
initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer_conv2d()
variable = tf.Variable(initializer(shape=shape), name=name)
return variable
def create_bias_variable(name, shape):
'''Create a bias variable with the specified name and shape and initialize
it to zero.'''
initializer = tf.constant_initializer(value=0.0, dtype=tf.float32)
return tf.Variable(initializer(shape=shape), name)
class ESPCN:
def __init__(self, filters_size, channels, ratio, batch_size, lr_size, edge):
self.filters_size = filters_size
self.channels = channels
self.ratio = ratio
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.lr_size = lr_size
self.edge = edge
self.variables = self.create_variables()
def create_variables(self):
var = dict()
var['filters'] = list()
# the input layer
# the hidden layers
for idx in range(1, len(self.filters_size) - 1):
self.channels[idx - 1],
# the output layer
var['biases'] = list()
for channel in self.channels:
var['biases'].append(create_bias_variable('bias', [channel]))
var['biases'].append(create_bias_variable('bias', [float(self.ratio)**2]))
image_shape = (self.batch_size, self.lr_size, self.lr_size, 3)
var['images'] = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=image_shape, name='images')
label_shape = (self.batch_size, self.lr_size - self.edge, self.lr_size - self.edge, 3 * self.ratio**2)
var['labels'] = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=label_shape, name='labels')
return var
def build_model(self):
images, labels = self.variables['images'], self.variables['labels']
input_images, input_labels = self.preprocess([images, labels])
output = self.create_network(input_images)
reduced_loss = self.loss(output, input_labels)
return reduced_loss, images, labels
def save(self, sess, saver, logdir, step):
# print('[*] Storing checkpoint to {} ...'.format(logdir), end="")
if not os.path.exists(logdir):
checkpoint = os.path.join(logdir, "model.ckpt"), checkpoint, global_step=step)
# print('[*] Done saving checkpoint.')
def load(self, sess, saver, logdir):
print("[*] Reading checkpoints...")
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(logdir)
if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
ckpt_name = os.path.basename(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(logdir, ckpt_name))
return True
return False
def preprocess(self, input_data):
# cast to float32 and normalize the data
input_list = list()
for ele in input_data:
if ele is None:
ele = tf.cast(ele, tf.float32) / 255.0
input_images, input_labels = input_list[0][:,:,:,0:1], None
# Generate doesn't use input_labels
ratioSquare = self.ratio * self.ratio
if input_data[1] is not None:
input_labels = input_list[1][:,:,:,0:ratioSquare]
return input_images, input_labels
def create_network(self, input_labels):
'''The default structure of the network is:
input (3 channels) ---> 5 * 5 conv (64 channels) ---> 3 * 3 conv (32 channels) ---> 3 * 3 conv (3*r^2 channels)
Where `conv` is 2d convolutions with a non-linear activation (tanh) at the output.
current_layer = input_labels
for idx in range(len(self.filters_size)):
conv = tf.nn.conv2d(current_layer, self.variables['filters'][idx], [1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID')
with_bias = tf.nn.bias_add(conv, self.variables['biases'][idx])
if idx == len(self.filters_size) - 1:
current_layer = with_bias
current_layer = tf.nn.tanh(with_bias)
return current_layer
def loss(self, output, input_labels):
residual = output - input_labels
loss = tf.square(residual)
reduced_loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
tf.summary.scalar('loss', reduced_loss)
return reduced_loss
def generate(self, lr_image):
lr_image = self.preprocess([lr_image, None])[0]
sr_image = self.create_network(lr_image)
sr_image = sr_image * 255.0
sr_image = tf.cast(sr_image, tf.int32)
sr_image = tf.maximum(sr_image, 0)
sr_image = tf.minimum(sr_image, 255)
sr_image = tf.cast(sr_image, tf.uint8)
return sr_image
- 读取文件
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import os
import pdb
def create_inputs(params):
Loads prepared training files and appends them as np arrays to a list.
This approach is better because a FIFOQueue with a reader can't utilize
the GPU while this approach can.
sess = tf.Session()
lr_images, hr_labels = [], []
training_dir = params['training_dir'].format(params['ratio'])
# Raise exception if user has not ran yet
if not os.path.isdir(training_dir):
raise Exception("You must first run before you can train")
lr_shape = (params['lr_size'], params['lr_size'], 3)
hr_shape = output_shape = (params['lr_size'] - params['edge'], params['lr_size'] - params['edge'], 3 * params['ratio']**2)
for file in os.listdir(training_dir):
train_file = open("{}/{}".format(training_dir, file), "rb")
train_data = np.fromfile(train_file, dtype=np.uint8)
lr_image = train_data[:17 * 17 * 3].reshape(lr_shape)
hr_label = train_data[17 * 17 * 3:].reshape(hr_shape)
return lr_images, hr_labels
import numpy as np
import math
def psnr(hr_image, sr_image, hr_edge):
#assume RGB image
hr_image_data = np.array(hr_image)
if hr_edge > 0:
hr_image_data = hr_image_data[hr_edge:-hr_edge, hr_edge:-hr_edge].astype('float32')
sr_image_data = np.array(sr_image).astype('float32')
diff = sr_image_data - hr_image_data
diff = diff.flatten('C')
rmse = math.sqrt( np.mean(diff ** 2.) )
return 20*math.log10(255.0/rmse)
训练过程有个BUG:bias is not unsupportd,但是也能学习。