手写C++ List,参考QList
template<typename T>
class List :public ContainerBase
explicit List()noexcept;
List(const List& t)noexcept;
List(List&& t)noexcept;
List& operator= (const List& t)noexcept;
List& operator= (List&& t)noexcept;
List& append(const T& t)noexcept;
List& removeAt(uint pos)noexcept;
List& removeAt(uint pos, uint len)noexcept;
List& insert(uint pos, const T& t)noexcept;
const T& at(uint pos)const;
void clear()noexcept;
List& removeOne(const T& t, uint pos = 0, bool onlyOne = true)noexcept;
uint size()const noexcept { return m_size; };
void swap(uint first, uint second)noexcept;
bool isEmpty()const noexcept { return m_size; }
template<typename T>
struct Node
T data;
Node<T>* previous = nullptr;
Node<T>* next = nullptr;
Node<T>() = default;
Node<T>(T* t, Node<T>* p, Node<T>* n) { data = t; previous = p; next = n; };
Node<T>(const Node<T>& t) { data = t.data; previous = t.previous; next = t.next; };
using NodeT = Node<T>;
NodeT* m_head /*头结点不存储数据*/;
NodeT* m_tail /*数据节点*/;
uint m_size;
NodeT* findNode(uint pos)const noexcept;
void _throw(bool v)const
if (v)
throw std::out_of_range("List request out of range");
class IteratorListConst :public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, NodeT>
friend List<T>;
NodeT* m_ptr;
IteratorListConst(NodeT* t)
: m_ptr(t)
IteratorListConst& operator++()
m_ptr = m_ptr->next;
return *this;
IteratorListConst operator++(int)
IteratorList temp = *this;
return temp;
IteratorListConst& operator--()
m_ptr = m_ptr->previous;
return *this;
IteratorListConst operator--(int)
IteratorList temp = *this;
return temp;
bool operator!=(const IteratorListConst& t)const
return m_ptr->data != t.m_ptr->data;
bool operator==(const IteratorListConst& t)const
return m_ptr->data == t.m_ptr->data;
const T & operator*()
return m_ptr->data;
const T * operator->()
return &m_ptr->data;
class IteratorList :public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, NodeT>
friend List<T>;
NodeT* m_ptr;
IteratorList(NodeT* t)
: m_ptr(t)
IteratorList& operator++()
m_ptr = m_ptr->next;
return *this;
IteratorList operator++(int)
IteratorList temp = *this;
return temp;
IteratorList& operator--()
m_ptr = m_ptr->previous;
return *this;
IteratorList operator--(int)
IteratorList temp = *this;
return temp;
bool operator!=(const IteratorList& t)const
return m_ptr->data != t.m_ptr->data;
bool operator==(const IteratorList& t)const
return m_ptr->data == t.m_ptr->data;
T& operator*()
return m_ptr->data;
T* operator->()
return &m_ptr->data;
IteratorList begin() noexcept { return IteratorList(m_head->next); };
IteratorList end()noexcept
if (m_tail != nullptr)
return IteratorList(m_tail);
return IteratorList(m_head->next);
IteratorListConst begin()const noexcept { IteratorListConst(m_head->next); };
IteratorListConst end() const noexcept
if (m_tail != nullptr)
return IteratorListConst(m_tail);
return IteratorListConst(m_head->next);
template<typename T>
MContainer::List<T>::List() noexcept
m_size = 0;
m_head = new NodeT;
m_tail = nullptr;
template<typename T>
MContainer::List<T>::List(const List& t) noexcept
m_size = t.m_size;
NodeT* srcPtr = t.m_head;
NodeT* desPtr = m_head;
while (srcPtr->next != nullptr)
NodeT* newNode = new NodeT(srcHead->next);
desPtr->next = newNode;
newNode->previous = desPtr;
desPtr = newNode;
srcHead = srcHead->next;
m_tail = desHead;
template<typename T>
MContainer::List<T>::List(List&& t) noexcept
m_size = t.m_size;
m_head = t.m_head;
m_tail = t.m_tail;
t.size = 0;
t.m_head = new NodeT;
t.m_tail = nullptr;
template<typename T>
List<T>& MContainer::List<T>::operator=(const List<T>& t) noexcept
m_size = t.m_size;
NodeT* srcPtr = t.m_head;
NodeT* desPtr = m_head;
while (srcPtr->next != nullptr)
NodeT* newNode = new NodeT(srcHead->next);
desPtr->next = newNode;
newNode->previous = desPtr;
desPtr = newNode;
srcHead = srcHead->next;
m_tail = desHead;
template<typename T>
List<T>& MContainer::List<T>::operator=(List<T>&& t) noexcept
m_size = t.m_size;
m_head = t.m_head;
m_tail = t.m_tail;
t.size = 0;
t.m_head = new NodeT;
t.m_tail = nullptr;
template<typename T>
delete m_head;
template<typename T>
List<T>& MContainer::List<T>::append(const T& t) noexcept
if (m_size + 1 >= m_maxSize)
return *this;
NodeT * node = new NodeT;
node->data = t;
if (m_size == 0)
m_head->next = node;
node->previous = m_head;
m_tail = node;
return *this;
m_tail->next = node;
node->previous = m_tail;
m_tail = node;
return *this;
template<typename T>
List<T>& MContainer::List<T>::removeAt(uint pos) noexcept
if (pos >= m_size)
return *this;
NodeT* ptr = findNode(pos);
if (ptr == m_tail)
if (ptr->previous != m_head)
m_tail = ptr->previous;
m_tail = nullptr;
ptr->previous->next = ptr->next;
if (ptr->next != nullptr)
ptr->next->previous = ptr->previous;
delete ptr;
return *this;
template<typename T>
List<T>& MContainer::List<T>::removeAt(uint pos, uint len) noexcept
if (pos >= m_size)
return *this;
if (pos + len >= m_size)
len = m_size - pos;
NodeT* ptr = findNode(pos);
NodeT * node = ptr;
NodeT *tail = nullptr;
if (pos + len == m_size)
tail = m_tail;
uint moveLen = len;
while (moveLen--)
ptr = node->next;
tail = ptr;
if (tail == m_tail)
if (node->previous == m_head)
m_tail = nullptr;
m_tail = node->previous;
node->previous->next = tail->next;
if (tail->next != nullptr)
tail->previous = node->previous;
while (node != tail)
NodeT * ptr = node->next;
delete node;
node = ptr;
delete tail;
m_size -= len;
return *this;
template<typename T>
List<T>& MContainer::List<T>::insert(uint pos, const T& t) noexcept
if (pos >= m_size + 1)
return *this;
if (m_size + 1 >= m_maxSize)
return *this;
NodeT* node = new NodeT;
node->data = t;
if (pos == 0)
NodeT* nextPtr = m_head->next;
if (nextPtr == nullptr)
m_head->next = node;
m_tail = node;
node->next = nextPtr;
nextPtr->previous = node;
node->previous = m_head;
else if (pos == m_size)
m_tail->next = node;
node->previous = m_tail;
m_tail = node;
NodeT* posNode = findNode(pos);
posNode->previous->next = node;
node->previous = posNode->previous;
posNode->previous = node;
node->next = posNode;
return *this;
template<typename T>
const T& MContainer::List<T>::at(uint pos) const
_throw(pos >= m_size);
return findNode(pos)->data;
template<typename T>
void MContainer::List<T>::clear() noexcept
NodeT * ptr = m_head->next;
while (ptr != nullptr)
NodeT * node = ptr->next;
delete ptr;
ptr = node;
m_size = 0;
m_tail = nullptr;
m_head->next = nullptr;
template<typename T>
List<T>& MContainer::List<T>::removeOne(const T& t, uint pos /*= 0*/, bool onlyOne /*= true*/) noexcept
if (pos >= m_size)
return *this;
NodeT* startFindNode = findNode(pos);
while (startFindNode != nullptr)
NodeT* nextNode = startFindNode->next;
if (startFindNode->data == t)
startFindNode->previous->next = startFindNode->next;
if (startFindNode->next != nullptr)
startFindNode->next->previous = startFindNode->previous;
delete startFindNode;
if (onlyOne)
startFindNode = nextNode;
return *this;
template<typename T>
void MContainer::List<T>::swap(uint first, uint second) noexcept
_throw(first >= m_size || second >= m_size);
NodeT * firstNode = findNode(first);
NodeT * secondNode = findNode(second);
T value = firstNode->data;
firstNode->data = secondNode->data;
secondNode->data = value;
template<typename T>
typename List<T>::Node<T>* MContainer::List<T>::findNode(uint pos)const noexcept
if (pos >= m_size)
NodeT* ptr = m_tail;
bool nextMove = false;
uint nodePos = m_size - 1;
if (pos < m_size / 2)
nextMove = true;
nodePos = 0;
ptr = m_head->next;
while (ptr != nullptr)
if (nodePos == pos)
return ptr;
if (nextMove)
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr = ptr->previous;
#define NodeSize sizeof(NodeT) * m_size
template<typename T>
class StaticList :public ContainerBase
explicit StaticList()noexcept;
StaticList(const StaticList& t)noexcept;
StaticList(StaticList&& t)noexcept;
StaticList& operator= (const StaticList& t)noexcept;
StaticList& operator= (StaticList&& t)noexcept;
StaticList& append(const T& t)noexcept;
StaticList& removeAt(uint pos)noexcept;
StaticList& removeAt(uint pos, uint len)noexcept;
StaticList& insert(uint pos, const T& t)noexcept;
const T& at(uint pos)const;
void clear()noexcept;
StaticList& removeOne(const T& t, uint pos = 0, bool onlyOne = true)noexcept;
uint size()const noexcept { return m_size; };
void swap(uint first, uint second)noexcept;
bool isEmpty()const noexcept { return m_size; }
uint m_maxSize = 0xFFFF;
uint m_size;
uint m_step;
uint m_capacity;
static constexpr unsigned short m_stepUint = 10;
template<typename T>
struct Node
T data;
int next = m_npos;
int previous = m_npos;
using NodeT = Node<T>;
NodeT * m_head; //头结点的previous为尾部数据节点下标
void _throw(bool v)const
if (v)
throw std::out_of_range("StaticList request out of range");
void creatMemory()noexcept
NodeT * node = new NodeT[m_capacity];
std::memcpy(node, m_head, NodeSize);
m_head = node;
int findNodeIndex(uint pos)const noexcept
if (pos >= m_size)
return m_npos;
int findIndex = m_head->next;
bool nextMove = true;
int index = 0;
if (pos > m_size / 2)
findIndex = m_head->previous;
nextMove = false;
index = m_size - 1;
while (index >= 0)
if (index == pos)
if (nextMove)
findIndex = m_head[findIndex].next;
findIndex = m_head[findIndex].previous;
return findIndex;
int getFreeIndex()
for (uint i = 1; i < m_capacity; i++)
if (m_head[i].previous == m_npos)
return i;
return m_npos;
template<typename T>
MContainer::StaticList<T>::StaticList() noexcept
m_size = 0;
m_step = m_stepUint;
m_capacity = m_step;
m_head = new NodeT[m_capacity];
template<typename T>
MContainer::StaticList<T>::StaticList(const StaticList& t) noexcept
m_size = t.m_size;
m_step = t.m_step;
m_capacity = t.m_capacity;
m_head = new NodeT[m_capacity];
std::memcpy(m_head, t.m_head, NodeSize);
template<typename T>
MContainer::StaticList<T>::StaticList(StaticList&& t) noexcept
m_size = t.m_size;
m_step = t.m_step;
m_capacity = t.m_capacity;
m_head = t.m_head;
t.m_head = nullptr;
t.m_size = 0;
t.m_capacity = 0;
t.m_step = m_stepUint;
template<typename T>
StaticList<T>& MContainer::StaticList<T>::operator=(const StaticList& t) noexcept
m_size = t.m_size;
m_step = t.m_step;
m_capacity = t.m_capacity;
m_head = new NodeT[m_capacity];
std::memcpy(m_head, t.m_head, NodeSize);
template<typename T>
StaticList<T>& MContainer::StaticList<T>::operator=(StaticList&& t) noexcept
m_size = t.m_size;
m_step = t.m_step;
m_capacity = t.m_capacity;
m_head = t.m_head;
t.m_head = nullptr;
t.m_size = 0;
t.m_capacity = 0;
t.m_step = m_stepUint;
template<typename T>
template<typename T>
StaticList<T>& MContainer::StaticList<T>::append(const T& t) noexcept
assert(m_capacity <= m_maxSize);
NodeT* newNode = nullptr;
if (m_size == 0)
newNode = &m_head[1];
newNode->data = t;
newNode->next = 2;
newNode->previous = 1;
m_head->next = 1;
m_head->previous = 1;
NodeT* tailNode = &m_head[m_head->previous];
int newIndex = getFreeIndex();
newNode = &m_head[newIndex];
newNode->data = t;
newNode->previous = m_head->previous;
tailNode->next = newIndex;
m_head->previous = newIndex;
if (m_size >= m_capacity)
if (m_capacity + m_step >= m_maxSize)
m_capacity = m_maxSize;
m_capacity += m_step;
template<typename T>
StaticList<T>& MContainer::StaticList<T>::removeAt(uint pos) noexcept
if (pos >= m_size)
return *this;
if (pos == m_size - 1)
NodeT* tail = &m_head[m_head->previous];
m_head[tail->previous].next = m_npos;
if (tail->previous == 0)
m_head->previous = m_npos;
m_head->previous = tail->previous;
tail->previous = m_npos;
int index = findNodeIndex(pos);
int previousIndex = m_head[index].previous;
int next = m_head[index].next;
m_head[previousIndex].next = next;
m_head[next].previous = previousIndex;
return *this;
template<typename T>
StaticList<T>& MContainer::StaticList<T>::removeAt(uint pos, uint len) noexcept
if (pos >= m_size)
return *this;
if (len == 1)
return removeAt(pos);
if (pos + len >= m_size)
len = m_size - pos;
int index = findNodeIndex(pos);
if (pos + len == m_size)
return *this;
int endIndex = index;
for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++)
endIndex = m_head[endIndex].next;
int preIndex = m_head[index].previous;
int nextIndex = m_head[endIndex].next;
m_head[preIndex].next = m_head[endIndex].next;
if (nextIndex == m_npos)
m_head->previous = preIndex;
m_head[nextIndex].previous = preIndex;
m_size -= len;
for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++)
NodeT* node = &m_head[index];
index = node->next;
node->previous = m_npos;
node->next = m_npos;
return *this;
template<typename T>
StaticList<T>& MContainer::StaticList<T>::insert(uint pos, const T& t) noexcept
if (pos > m_size)
return *this;
if (pos == m_size)
return append(t);
int index = findNodeIndex(pos);
int previous = m_head[index].previous;
int newIndex = getFreeIndex();
NodeT * newNode = &m_head[newIndex];
newNode->data = t;
m_head[previous].next = newIndex;
newNode->next = index;
newNode->previous = previous;
m_head[index].previous = index;
if (m_size >= m_capacity)
if (m_capacity + m_step >= m_maxSize)
m_capacity = m_maxSize;
m_capacity += m_step;
return *this;
template<typename T>
const T& MContainer::StaticList<T>::at(uint pos) const
_throw(pos >= m_size);
int index = findNodeIndex(pos);
return m_head[index].data;
template<typename T>
void MContainer::StaticList<T>::clear() noexcept
m_size = 0;
m_step = m_stepUint;
m_capacity = m_step;
m_head = new NodeT[m_capacity];
template<typename T>
StaticList<T>& MContainer::StaticList<T>::removeOne(const T& t, uint pos /*= 0*/, bool onlyOne /*= true*/) noexcept
if (pos >= m_size)
return *this;
int index = m_head->next;
for (uint i = 0; i < m_size; i++, index = m_head[index]->next)
if (pos < i)
if (m_head[index]->data == t)
if (onlyOne)
return *this;
template<typename T>
void MContainer::StaticList<T>::swap(uint first, uint second) noexcept
_throw(first >= m_size);
_throw(second >= m_size);
if (first == second)
int lNode, rNode;
int index = m_head->next;
for (uint i = 0; i <= first || i <= second; i++)
if (i == first)
lNode = i;
if (i == second)
rNode = i;
index = m_head[index]->next;
T t = m_head[lNode]->data;
m_head[lNode]->data = m_head[rNode]->data;
m_head[rNode]->data = t;