
Explain how to implement doubly linked lists using only one pointer value x.np per
item instead of the usual two (next and prev). Assume that all pointer values can be
interpreted as k-bit integers, and define x.np to be x.np = x.next XOR x.prev,
the k-bit “exclusive-or” of x.next and x.prev. (The value NIL is represented by 0.)
Be sure to describe what information you need to access the head of the list. Show
how to implement the SEARCH, INSERT, and DELETE operations on such a list.
Also show how to reverse such a list in O(1) time.


CLRS10.2-8练习 - 单指针值实现双向链表-LMLPHP

x.np = x.prev ^ x.next


考虑链表第一个元素x.np = NIL ^ x.next = x.next,即链表头存的指针值和普通双向链表的next指针相同

中间所有元素x.np = x.prev ^ x.next

考虑链表最后一个元素x.np = x.prev ^ NIL = x.prev,即链表最后一个元素存的指针和普通双向链表的prev指针相同



总之,np = prev ^ next, NIL = 0致使链表头元素和尾元素np值具有了特殊性,这正是此种表示的精妙之处,节省了O(n)的空间开销,但增加了运算开销(位运算),计算机执行位运算具有速度优势。


05-26 14:56