弄清楚了多线程的本质之后,就会有一系列的问题,多线程会比单线程有多大的提升?设置多少个线程合适?见一些大神测试过,其结果也非常理想,但只是看看也不太过瘾,决定一试为快,本文将对Redis的多线程进行一个粗浅的测试验证。同时需要思考另外一个问题:面对多线程版本的Redis,和Redis cluster,该如何选择?
redis 6.0 的“多线程”特性让很多标题党高潮连连,参考图片源自于:美图技术团队侵删,核心的线程(Execute Command)还是单线程,多线程是指网络IO(socket)读写的多线程化。
如下图所示,读写网络socket中的数据是可以用多个线程,所以Redis的多线程也叫做io thread,相关参数:“io-threads”。另一个参数是io-threads-do-reads,这里涉及另外一个细节:多线程IO主要用在请求完成后返回结果集的过程,也就是socket写操作,至于读socket,单线程本身采用的多路IO复用技术,也不会产生瓶颈,因此Redis给出了一个io-threads-do-reads 参数,决定读socket的时候是否启用多线程。其实io-threads-do-reads是否启用,对性能的影响并不大,最后会做一个验证。
本机配置:centos 7,16C+32GB内存Redis版本
整个测试开始之前,经历了两次翻车才得以继续centos 7上默认的gcc是4.*版本,无法编译Redis 6.0,所以需要升级gcc,因为本机不支持yum安装,参考这里使用源码包安装,gcc编译的时候那个酸爽,本机16C+32GB内存的环境下,因为缺少某些依赖包,导致失败了几次,最终编译成功的一次,花了大概1个小时10分钟
If you want to test the Redis speedup using redis-benchmark, make sure you also run the benchmark itself in threaded mode, using the --threads option to match the number of Redis threads, otherwise you'll not be able to notice the improvements.
关于Thread IO的说明
################################ THREADED I/O #################################
# Redis is mostly single threaded, however there are certain threaded
# operations such as UNLINK, slow I/O accesses and other things that are
# performed on side threads.
# Now it is also possible to handle Redis clients socket reads and writes
# in different I/O threads. Since especially writing is so slow, normally
# Redis users use pipelining in order to speed up the Redis performances per
# core, and spawn multiple instances in order to scale more. Using I/O
# threads it is possible to easily speedup two times Redis without resorting
# to pipelining nor sharding of the instance.
# By default threading is disabled, we suggest enabling it only in machines
# that have at least 4 or more cores, leaving at least one spare core.
# Using more than 8 threads is unlikely to help much. We also recommend using
# threaded I/O only if you actually have performance problems, with Redis
# instances being able to use a quite big percentage of CPU time, otherwise
# there is no point in using this feature.
# So for instance if you have a four cores boxes, try to use 2 or 3 I/O
# threads, if you have a 8 cores, try to use 6 threads. In order to
# enable I/O threads use the following configuration directive:
# io-threads 4
# Setting io-threads to 1 will just use the main thread as usual.
# When I/O threads are enabled, we only use threads for writes, that is
# to thread the write(2) syscall and transfer the client buffers to the
# socket. However it is also possible to enable threading of reads and
# protocol parsing using the following configuration directive, by setting
# it to yes:
# io-threads-do-reads no
# Usually threading reads doesn't help much.
# NOTE 1: This configuration directive cannot be changed at runtime via
# CONFIG SET. Aso this feature currently does not work when SSL is
# enabled.
# NOTE 2: If you want to test the Redis speedup using redis-benchmark, make
# sure you also run the benchmark itself in threaded mode, using the
# --threads option to match the number of Redis threads, otherwise you'll not
# be able to notice the improvements.
大多数情况下redis是以单线程的方式运行的,然而,有一些线程操作,如断开链接,耗时的I/O操作(bgsave,expired key清理之类的操作)和其他任务是在side线程(主线程fork出来的子线程)中执行的。
因此在本机环境下,io-threads 4设置成2或者4个都ok,最多不超过8个,超出后性能反而会下降,同时也不能超出cpu的个数,正如配置文件中注释中说的,至少要留出一个CPU。
上文提到过io-threads-do-reads这个参数,它是决定socket读操作是否开启多线程,Redis的socket读操作采用多路IO复用技术,本身不会成为瓶颈,所以这个参数对多线程下测试影响比较小。依旧参考这里的这个图 侵删,这个io-threads-do-reads在笔者理解起来,就是socket读的线程,是否开启影响不大。
多线程版本的Redis和Redis Cluster的选择
redis集群有两种模式:sentinel和cluster,这里暂时先不提sentinel,来思考多线程版本的Redis和Redis Cluster的选择问题。
Redis的Cluster解决的就是扩展性和单节点单线程的阻塞隐患,如果Redis支持了多线程(目前多线程的Redis最对不建议超出8个线程),在不考虑单个节点网卡瓶颈的情况下,其实这两个问题都已经解决了,单节点可以支持多线程和充分利用多核CPU,单节点可以支持到25W QPS,还要啥自行车?
同时要考虑到Redis cluster的痛点:
这些所谓的痛点也不复存在了,所以这里就面临一个重新选择的问题:是使用多线程版本的Redis,还是使用Redis cluster?这是一个需要思考的问题。
关于redis-benchmark 测试时候 ./bin/redis-benchmark -d 128 -c 200 -n 1000000 -t set -q --threads 2,涉及的两个参数-c和--threads,个人是不太理解的