原因:我需要一个简单的issue tracker

why roundup: python,简单


# Roundup issue tracker configuration file
# Autogenerated at Wed Jul :: # WARNING! Following options need adjustments:
# [mail]: domain, host
# [tracker]: web [main] # Database directory path.
# The path may be either absolute or relative
# to the directory containig this config file.
# Default: db
database = db # Path to the HTML templates directory.
# The path may be either absolute or relative
# to the directory containig this config file.
# Default: html
templates = html # Path to directory holding additional static files
# available via Web UI. This directory may contain
# sitewide images, CSS stylesheets etc. and is searched
# for these files prior to the TEMPLATES directory
# specified above. If this option is not set, all static
# files are taken from the TEMPLATES directory
# The path may be either absolute or relative
# to the directory containig this config file.
# Default:
static_files = # Email address that roundup will complain to if it runs
# into trouble.
# If no domain is specified then the config item
# mail -> domain is added.
# Default: roundup-admin
admin_email = [email protected] # The 'dispatcher' is a role that can get notified
# of new items to the database.
# It is used by the ERROR_MESSAGES_TO config setting.
# If no domain is specified then the config item
# mail -> domain is added.
# Default: roundup-admin
dispatcher_email = [email protected] # Additional text to include in the "name" part
# of the From: address used in nosy messages.
# If the sending user is "Foo Bar", the From: line
# is usually: "Foo Bar" <[email protected]>
# the EMAIL_FROM_TAG goes inside the "Foo Bar" quotes like so:
# "Foo Bar EMAIL_FROM_TAG" <[email protected]>
# Default:
email_from_tag = From-Roundup # Roles that a user gets when they register with Web User Interface.
# This is a comma-separated string of role names (e.g. 'Admin,User').
# Default: User
new_web_user_roles = User # Roles that a user gets when they register with Email Gateway.
# This is a comma-separated string of role names (e.g. 'Admin,User').
# Default: User
new_email_user_roles = User # Send error message emails to the dispatcher, user, or both?
# The dispatcher is configured using the DISPATCHER_EMAIL setting.
# Default: user
error_messages_to = user # HTML version to generate. The templates are html4 by default.
# If you wish to make them xhtml, then you'll need to change this
# var to 'xhtml' too so all auto-generated HTML is compliant.
# Allowed values: html4, xhtml
# Default: html4
html_version = html4 # Default timezone offset, applied when user's timezone is not set.
# If pytz module is installed, value may be any valid
# timezone specification (e.g. EET or Europe/Warsaw).
# If pytz is not installed, value must be integer number
# giving local timezone offset from UTC in hours.
# Default: UTC
timezone = UTC # Register new users instantly, or require confirmation via
# email?
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: no
instant_registration = no # Offer registration confirmation by email or only through the web?
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
email_registration_confirmation = yes # Additional stop-words for the full-text indexer specific to
# your tracker. See the indexer source for the default list of
# stop-words (eg. A,AND,ARE,AS,AT,BE,BUT,BY, ...)
# Allowed values: comma-separated list of words
# Default:
indexer_stopwords = # Defines the file creation mode mask.
# Default:
umask = # Maximum size of a csv-field during import. Roundups export
# format is a csv (comma separated values) variant. The csv
# reader has a limit on the size of individual fields
# starting with python 2.5. Set this to a higher value if you
# get the error 'Error: field larger than field limit' during
# import.
# Default:
csv_field_size = # Sets the default number of rounds used when encoding passwords
# using the PBKDF2 scheme. Set this to a higher value on faster
# systems which want more security.
# PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function) is a
# password hashing mechanism that derives hash from the
# password and a random salt. For authentication this process
# is repeated with the same salt as in the stored hash.
# If both hashes match, the authentication succeeds.
# PBKDF2 supports a variable 'rounds' parameter which varies
# the time-cost of calculating the hash - doubling the number
# of rounds doubles the cpu time required to calculate it. The
# purpose of this is to periodically adjust the rounds as CPUs
# become faster. The currently enforced minimum number of
# rounds is .
# See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 and RFC2898
# Default:
password_pbkdf2_default_rounds = [tracker] # A descriptive name for your roundup instance.
# Default: Roundup issue tracker
name = Roundup issue tracker # The web address that the tracker is viewable at.
# This will be included in information sent to users of the tracker.
# The URL MUST include the cgi-bin part or anything else
# that is required to get to the home page of the tracker.
# You MUST include a trailing '/' in the URL.
# Default: NO DEFAULT
web = / # Email address that mail to roundup should go to.
# If no domain is specified then mail_domain is added.
# Default: issue_tracker
email = zxluo # Default locale name for this tracker.
# If this option is not set, the language is determined
# by OS environment variable LANGUAGE, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES,
# or LANG, in that order of preference.
# Default:
language = [web] # Setting this option enables Roundup to serve uploaded HTML
# file content *as HTML*. This is a potential security risk
# and is therefore disabled by default. Set to 'yes' if you
# trust *all* users uploading content to your tracker.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: no
allow_html_file = no # Whether to use HTTP Basic Authentication, if present.
# Roundup will use either the REMOTE_USER or HTTP_AUTHORIZATION
# variables supplied by your web server (in that order).
# Set this option to 'no' if you do not wish to use HTTP Basic
# Authentication in your web interface.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
http_auth = yes # Whether to use HTTP Accept-Language, if present.
# Browsers send a language-region preference list.
# It's usually set in the client's browser or in their
# Operating System.
# Set this option to 'no' if you want to ignore it.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
use_browser_language = yes # Setting this option makes Roundup display error tracebacks
# in the user's browser rather than emailing them to the
# tracker admin.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: no
debug = no # Setting this option makes Roundup migrate passwords with
# an insecure password-scheme to a more secure scheme
# when the user logs in via the web-interface.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
migrate_passwords = yes # Settings in this section are used by RDBMS backends only
[rdbms] # Name of the database to use.
# Default: roundup
name = roundup # Database server host.
# Default: localhost
host = localhost # TCP port number of the database server.
# Postgresql usually resides on port (if any),
# for MySQL default port number is .
# Leave this option empty to use backend default
# Default:
port = # Database user name that Roundup should use.
# Default: roundup
user = roundup # Database user password.
# Default: roundup
password = roundup # Name of the MySQL defaults file.
# Only used in MySQL connections.
# Default: ~/.my.cnf
read_default_file = ~/.my.cnf # Name of the group to use in the MySQL defaults file (.my.cnf).
# Only used in MySQL connections.
# Default: roundup
read_default_group = roundup # Number of seconds to wait when the SQLite database is locked
# Default: use a second timeout (extraordinarily generous)
# Only used in SQLite connections.
# Default:
sqlite_timeout = # Size of the node cache (in elements)
# Default:
cache_size = # Setting this option to 'no' protects the database against table creations.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
allow_create = yes # Setting this option to 'no' protects the database against table alterations.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
allow_alter = yes # Setting this option to 'no' protects the database against table drops.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
allow_drop = yes # Name of the PostgreSQL template for database creation.
# For database creation the template used has to match
# the character encoding used (UTF8), there are different
# PostgreSQL installations using different templates with
# different encodings. If you get an error:
# new encoding (UTF8) is incompatible with the encoding of
# the template database (SQL_ASCII)
# HINT: Use the same encoding as in the template database,
# or use template0 as template.
# then set this option to the template name given in the
# error message.
# Default:
template = [logging] # Path to configuration file for standard Python logging module.
# If this option is set, logging configuration is loaded
# from specified file; options 'filename' and 'level'
# in this section are ignored.
# The path may be either absolute or relative
# to the directory containig this config file.
# Default:
config = # Log file name for minimal logging facility built into Roundup.
# If no file name specified, log messages are written on stderr.
# If above 'config' option is set, this option has no effect.
# The path may be either absolute or relative
# to the directory containig this config file.
# Default:
filename = # Minimal severity level of messages written to log file.
# If above 'config' option is set, this option has no effect.
# Allowed values: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR
# Default: ERROR
level = ERROR # Outgoing email options.
# Used for nozy messages and approval requests
[mail] # The email domain that admin_email, issue_tracker and
# dispatcher_email belong to.
# This domain is added to those config items if they don't
# explicitly include a domain.
# Do not include the '@' symbol.
# Default: NO DEFAULT
domain = bincube.cn # SMTP mail host that roundup will use to send mail
# Default: NO DEFAULT
host = c1.icoremail.net # SMTP login name.
# Set this if your mail host requires authenticated access.
# If username is not empty, password (below) MUST be set!
# Default:
username = [email protected] # SMTP login password.
# Set this if your mail host requires authenticated access.
# Default: NO DEFAULT
password = opensesame # Default port to send SMTP on.
# Set this if your mail server runs on a different port.
# Default:
port = # The local hostname to use during SMTP transmission.
# Set this if your mail server requires something specific.
# Default:
local_hostname = # If your SMTP mail host provides or requires TLS
# (Transport Layer Security) then set this option to 'yes'.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: no
tls = no # If TLS is used, you may set this option to the name
# of a PEM formatted file that contains your private key.
# The path may be either absolute or relative
# to the directory containig this config file.
# Default:
tls_keyfile = # If TLS is used, you may set this option to the name
# of a PEM formatted certificate chain file.
# The path may be either absolute or relative
# to the directory containig this config file.
# Default:
tls_certfile = # Character set to encode email headers with.
# We use utf- by default, as it's the most flexible.
# Some mail readers (eg. Eudora) can't cope with that,
# so you might need to specify a more limited character set
# (eg. iso--).
# Default: utf-
charset = utf- # Setting this option makes Roundup to write all outgoing email
# messages to this file *instead* of sending them.
# This option has the same effect as environment variable SENDMAILDEBUG.
# Environment variable takes precedence.
# The path may be either absolute or relative
# to the directory containig this config file.
# Default:
debug = # Add a line with author information at top of all messages
# sent by roundup
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
add_authorinfo = yes # Add the mail address of the author to the author information at
# the top of all messages.
# If this is false but add_authorinfo is true, only the name
# of the actor is added which protects the mail address of the
# actor from being exposed at mail archives, etc.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
add_authoremail = yes # Roundup Mail Gateway options
[mailgw] # Keep email citations when accepting messages.
# Setting this to "no" strips out "quoted" text from the message.
# Signatures are also stripped.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
keep_quoted_text = yes # Preserve the email body as is - that is,
# keep the citations _and_ signatures.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: no
leave_body_unchanged = no # Default class to use in the mailgw
# if one isn't supplied in email subjects.
# To disable, leave the value blank.
# Default: issue
default_class = issue # Default locale name for the tracker mail gateway.
# If this option is not set, mail gateway will use
# the language of the tracker instance.
# Default:
language = # Controls the parsing of the [prefix] on subject
# lines in incoming emails. "strict" will return an
# error to the sender if the [prefix] is not recognised.
# "loose" will attempt to parse the [prefix] but just
# pass it through as part of the issue title if not
# recognised. "none" will always pass any [prefix]
# through as part of the issue title.
# Default: strict
subject_prefix_parsing = strict # Controls the parsing of the [suffix] on subject
# lines in incoming emails. "strict" will return an
# error to the sender if the [suffix] is not recognised.
# "loose" will attempt to parse the [suffix] but just
# pass it through as part of the issue title if not
# recognised. "none" will always pass any [suffix]
# through as part of the issue title.
# Default: strict
subject_suffix_parsing = strict # Defines the brackets used for delimiting the prefix and
# suffix in a subject line. The presence of "suffix" in
# the config option name is a historical artifact and may
# be ignored.
# Default: []
subject_suffix_delimiters = [] # Controls matching of the incoming email subject line
# against issue titles in the case where there is no
# designator [prefix]. "never" turns off matching.
# "creation + interval" or "activity + interval"
# will match an issue for the interval after the issue's
# creation or last activity. The interval is a standard
# Roundup interval.
# Default: always
subject_content_match = always # Update issue title if incoming subject of email is different.
# Setting this to "no" will ignore the title part of the subject
# of incoming email messages.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: yes
subject_updates_title = yes # Regular expression matching a single reply or forward
# prefix prepended by the mailer. This is explicitly
# stripped from the subject during parsing.
# Value is Python Regular Expression (UTF8-encoded).
# Default: (\s*\W?\s*(fw|fwd|re|aw|sv|ang)\W)+
refwd_re = (\s*\W?\s*(fw|fwd|re|aw|sv|ang)\W)+ # Regular expression matching start of an original message
# if quoted the in body.
# Value is Python Regular Expression (UTF8-encoded).
# Default: ^[>|\s]*-----\s?Original Message\s?-----$
origmsg_re = ^[>|\s]*-----\s?Original Message\s?-----$ # Regular expression matching the start of a signature
# in the message body.
# Value is Python Regular Expression (UTF8-encoded).
# Default: ^[>|\s]*-- ?$
sign_re = ^[>|\s]*-- ?$ # Regular expression matching end of line.
# Value is Python Regular Expression (UTF8-encoded).
# Default: [\r\n]+
eol_re = [\r\n]+ # Regular expression matching a blank line.
# Value is Python Regular Expression (UTF8-encoded).
# Default: [\r\n]+\s*[\r\n]+
blankline_re = [\r\n]+\s*[\r\n]+ # Unpack attached messages (encoded as message/rfc822 in MIME)
# as multiple parts attached as files to the issue, if not
# set we handle message/rfc822 attachments as a single file.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: no
unpack_rfc822 = no # When parsing incoming mails, roundup uses the first
# text/plain part it finds. If this part is inside a
# multipart/alternative, and this option is set, all other
# parts of the multipart/alternative are ignored. The default
# is to keep all parts and attach them to the issue.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: no
ignore_alternatives = no # OpenPGP mail processing options
[pgp] # Enable PGP processing. Requires pyme.
# Allowed values: yes, no
# Default: no
enable = no # If specified, a comma-separated list of roles to perform
# PGP processing on. If not specified, it happens for all
# users.
# Default:
roles = # Location of PGP directory. Defaults to $HOME/.gnupg if
# not specified.
# Default:
homedir = # Nosy messages sending
[nosy] # Send nosy messages to the author of the message.
# Allowed values: yes, no, new
# Default: no
messages_to_author = no # Where to place the email signature.
# Allowed values: top, bottom, none
# Default: bottom
signature_position = bottom # Does the author of a message get placed on the nosy list
# automatically? If 'new' is used, then the author will
# only be added when a message creates a new issue.
# If 'yes', then the author will be added on followups too.
# If 'no', they're never added to the nosy.
# Allowed values: yes, no, new
# Default: new
add_author = new # Do the recipients (To:, Cc:) of a message get placed on the
# nosy list? If 'new' is used, then the recipients will
# only be added when a message creates a new issue.
# If 'yes', then the recipients will be added on followups too.
# If 'no', they're never added to the nosy.
# Allowed values: yes, no, new
# Default: new
add_recipients = new # Controls the email sending from the nosy reactor. If
# "multiple" then a separate email is sent to each
# recipient. If "single" then a single email is sent with
# each recipient as a CC address.
# Default: single
email_sending = single # Attachments larger than the given number of bytes
# won't be attached to nosy mails. They will be replaced by
# a link to the tracker's download page for the file.
# Default:
max_attachment_size =
05-11 09:42