cratedb支持的geo 查询还相对比较全,开发基本的功能已经够用了


docker run -d -p 4200:4200 crate


  • 创建表
CREATE TABLE country (
name string,
country_code string primary key,
shape geo_shape INDEX USING "geohash" WITH (precision='100m'),
capital string,
capital_location geo_point
) WITH (number_of_replicas=0);
  • 添加数据
INSERT INTO country (mame, country_code, shape, capital, capital_location)
{type='Polygon', coordinates=[
[[16.979667, 48.123497], [16.903754, 47.714866],
[16.340584, 47.712902], [16.534268, 47.496171],
[16.202298, 46.852386], [16.011664, 46.683611],
[15.137092, 46.658703], [14.632472, 46.431817],
[13.806475, 46.509306], [12.376485, 46.767559],
[12.153088, 47.115393], [11.164828, 46.941579],
[11.048556, 46.751359], [10.442701, 46.893546],
[9.932448, 46.920728], [9.47997, 47.10281],
[9.632932, 47.347601], [9.594226, 47.525058],
[9.896068, 47.580197], [10.402084, 47.302488],
[10.544504, 47.566399], [11.426414, 47.523766],
[12.141357, 47.703083], [12.62076, 47.672388],
[12.932627, 47.467646], [13.025851, 47.637584],
[12.884103, 48.289146], [13.243357, 48.416115],
[13.595946, 48.877172], [14.338898, 48.555305],
[14.901447, 48.964402], [15.253416, 49.039074],
[16.029647, 48.733899], [16.499283, 48.785808],
[16.960288, 48.596982], [16.879983, 48.470013],
[16.979667, 48.123497]]
[16.372778, 48.209206]


  • 支持match
SELECT name from country
WHERE match("shape",
'LINESTRING (13.3813 52.5229, 11.1840 51.5497, 8.6132 50.0782, 8.3715 47.9457, 8.5034 47.3685)'
  • intersects distance within
SELECT within(capital_location, shape) AS capital_in_country
FROM country; SELECT distance(capital_location, 'POINT(0.0 90.0)') as from_northpole
FROM country ORDER BY country_code; SELECT intersects(
{type='LineString', coordinates=[[13.3813, 52.5229],
[11.1840, 51.5497],
[8.6132, 50.0782],
[8.3715, 47.9457],
[8.5034, 47.3685]]},
shape) as berlin_zurich_intersects
FROM country ORDER BY country_code;


05-21 10:04