Parallelism When Cross Validating XGBoost Models

This raises the question as to how cross validation should be configured:

  • Disable multi-threading support in XGBoost and allow cross validation to run on all cores.
  • Disable multi-threading support in cross validation and allow XGBoost to run on all cores.
  • Enable multi-threading support for both XGBoost and Cross validation


Single Thread XGBoost, Parallel Thread CV: 359.854589  单线程xgboost, 并行线程交叉验证CV
Parallel Thread XGBoost, Single Thread CV: 330.498101 并行线程xgboost&单线程CV 比 单线程xgboost&并行线程交叉验证快
Parallel Thread XGBoost and CV: 313.382301 参考:
05-20 02:56