1、过年的时候在手机上下载了2048玩了几天,心血来潮决定用py写一个,刚开始的时候想用QT实现,发现依赖有点大。正好看到graphics.py是基于tkinter做的封装就拿来练手,并借用了CSDN一位朋友封装的model.py(2048逻辑部分)2、由于是练手的所以不免有写的不好的地方请大家喷的轻点。先看看演示图片附上源码:2048主程复制代码 代码如下:#-*-coding:utf-8-*-#python3.3.5from graphics import*from tkinter.messagebox import askquestionfrom tkinter.messagebox import showinfo import time,random,model,configparserimport GUI_2048 as gclass Application(): ''' 初始化应用程序 ''' def __init__(self): self.matrix = model.init() self.win = g.init() self.create_r_2048(self.win) self.show_matrix(self.matrix) self.win.master.bind("", self.bind_key) while 1: update() ''' 创建网格上的16个方格、最佳成绩、当前分数 ''' def create_r_2048(self,win): p = Point(10, 190) n = 4 self.rt = [0 for row in range(n*n)] for i in range(n): for a in range(n): _p = Point(p.x + 60*i, p.y + 60*a) self.rt[i+4*a] = g.rectangle_2048(win,_p) #最佳成绩 self.zjcj = g._text(win,Point(135, 60 + 30),Point(135 + 115, 60 + 30 + 30),self.getMaxScore()) #当前分数 self.dqjf = g._text(win,Point(135, 120 + 30),Point(135 + 115, 120 + 30 + 30),'0') ''' 从配置文件中获取最佳成绩 ''' def getMaxScore(self): config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('config.ini') maxScore = config.get("Score", "maxScore") return maxScore ''' 把最佳成绩写入配置文件 ''' def setMaxScore(self,score): config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.optionxform = str config.read('config.ini') config.set("Score", "maxScore",str(score)) config.write(open("config.ini", "w")) ''' 初始化数据和界面,在游戏结束后调用 ''' def my_init(self): maxScore = self.getMaxScore() if int(maxScore) self.setMaxScore(model.getScore()) self.zjcj.setText(model.getScore()) matrix = model.init() self.dqjf.setText(model.getScore()) return matrix ''' 绑定键盘事件 捕获上下左右和Q键 ''' def bind_key(self, event): ''' key event ''' if model.is_over(self.matrix): if askquestion("GAME OVER","GAME OVER!\nDo you want to init it?") == 'yes': self.matrix = self.my_init() self.show_matrix(self.matrix) return else: self.win.close() else: if event.keysym.lower() == "q": self.win.close() elif event.keysym == "Left": self.matrix = model.move_left(self.matrix) elif event.keysym == "Right": self.matrix = model.move_right(self.matrix) elif event.keysym == "Up": self.matrix = model.move_up(self.matrix) elif event.keysym == "Down": self.matrix = model.move_down(self.matrix) if event.keysym in ["q", "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down"]: try: self.matrix = model.insert(self.matrix) self.dqjf.setText(model.getScore()) self.show_matrix(self.matrix) except: pass if model.is_win(self.matrix): if askquestion("WIN","You win the game!\nDo you want to init it?") == 'yes': self.matrix = self.my_init() self.show_matrix(self.matrix) return else: self.win.close() ''' 从二维数组中获取结果数据并展示在16方格中 ''' def show_matrix(self, matrix): for i in range(16): num = matrix[i//4][i%4] print(num) if num == 0: num = '' self.rectangle_2048(i,num) ''' 对16个方格做颜色和数字变更 ''' def rectangle_2048(self,i,num): c = color_rgb(200, 190, 180) if num == 2: c = color_rgb(240, 230, 220) elif num == 4: c = color_rgb(240, 220, 200) elif num == 8: c = color_rgb(240, 180, 120) elif num == 16: c = color_rgb(240, 140, 90) elif num == 32: c = color_rgb(240, 120, 90) elif num == 64: c = color_rgb(240, 90, 60) elif num == 128: c = color_rgb(240, 90, 50) elif num == 256: c = color_rgb(240, 200, 70) elif num == 512: c = color_rgb(240, 200, 70) elif num == 1024: c = color_rgb(0, 130, 0) elif num == 2048: c = color_rgb(0, 130, 0) ''' 循环设置颜色和数字 ''' self.rt[i][0].setFill(c) self.rt[i][1].setText(num)#mainApplication()2048gui部分复制代码 代码如下:#-*-coding:utf-8-*-#python3.3.5from graphics import*#初始化并构建2048界面def init(): win = GraphWin("2048", 260, 450) win.master.geometry('+400+150') #屏幕位置 c = color_rgb(206, 194, 180) win.setBackground(c) hint(win) _title(win) _grid(win) maxScore(win) curScore(win) return win #2048方格def rectangle_2048(win, p1 = Point(10, 10),txt='',c = color_rgb(206, 194, 180)): p2 = Point(p1.x + 60, p1.y + 60) r = _rectangle(win,p1,p2,c) t = _text(win,p1,p2,txt) return r,t#挂牌def hint(win,p1 = Point(10, 10)): p2 = Point(p1.x + 240, p1.y + 40) c = color_rgb(187, 173, 164) _rectangle(win,p1,p2,c) t = _text(win,p1,p2,'真英雄 挑战2048~') t.setTextColor(color_rgb(238, 231, 221)) return t#标题logodef _title(win,p1 = Point(10, 60)): p2 = Point(p1.x + 120, p1.y + 120) c = color_rgb(228, 184, 0) _rectangle(win,p1,p2,c) t = Text(Point((p2.x + p1.x) / 2, (p2.y + p1.y) / 2), '2048') t.setSize(35) t.setStyle('bold') t.setTextColor('white') t.draw(win)#画正方形def _rectangle(win,p1,p2,c): r = Rectangle(p1, p2) r.setFill(c) r.setOutline(color_rgb(198, 186, 174)) r.draw(win) return r#写文字 def _text(win,p1,p2,txt): t = Text(Point((p2.x + p1.x) / 2, (p2.y + p1.y) / 2), txt) t.draw(win) return t#网格def _grid(win,p1 = Point(10, 190)): #上面 p_u_1 = Point(p1.x + 60, p1.y) p_u_2 = Point(p1.x + 120, p1.y) p_u_3 = Point(p1.x + 180, p1.y) p_u_4 = Point(p1.x + 240, p1.y) #左面 p_l_1 = Point(p1.x, p1.y + 60) p_l_2 = Point(p1.x, p1.y + 120) p_l_3 = Point(p1.x , p1.y + 180) p_l_4 = Point(p1.x , p1.y + 240) #右面 p_r_1 = Point(p1.x + 240, p1.y + 60) p_r_2 = Point(p1.x + 240, p1.y + 120) p_r_3 = Point(p1.x + 240, p1.y + 180) p_r_4 = Point(p1.x + 240, p1.y + 240) #下面 p_d_1 = Point(p1.x + 60 , p1.y + 240) p_d_2 = Point(p1.x + 120 , p1.y + 240) p_d_3 = Point(p1.x + 180 , p1.y + 240) p_d_4 = Point(p1.x + 240 , p1.y + 240) c = color_rgb(198, 186, 174) #画横线 l_W_1 = Line(p1, p_u_4) l_W_2 = Line(p_l_1, p_r_1) l_W_3 = Line(p_l_2, p_r_2) l_W_4 = Line(p_l_3, p_r_3) l_W_5 = Line(p_l_4, p_r_4) l_W_1.setFill(c) l_W_2.setFill(c) l_W_3.setFill(c) l_W_4.setFill(c) l_W_5.setFill(c) l_W_1.draw(win) l_W_2.draw(win) l_W_3.draw(win) l_W_4.draw(win) l_W_5.draw(win) #画竖线 l_H_1 = Line(p1, p_l_4) l_H_2 = Line(p_u_1, p_d_1) l_H_3 = Line(p_u_2, p_d_2) l_H_4 = Line(p_u_3, p_d_3) l_H_5 = Line(p_u_4, p_d_4) l_H_1.setFill(c) l_H_2.setFill(c) l_H_3.setFill(c) l_H_4.setFill(c) l_H_5.setFill(c) l_H_1.draw(win) l_H_2.draw(win) l_H_3.draw(win) l_H_4.draw(win) l_H_5.draw(win)#最佳成绩def maxScore(win,p1 = Point(135, 60)): p2 = Point(p1.x + 115, p1.y + 30) c = color_rgb(187, 173, 164) _rectangle(win,p1,p2,c) _text(win,p1,p2,'最佳成绩:')#当前分数def curScore(win,p1 = Point(135, 120)): p2 = Point(p1.x + 115, p1.y + 30) c = color_rgb(187, 173, 164) _rectangle(win,p1,p2,c) _text(win,p1,p2,'当前分数:')以上就是本文的全部内容了,希望大家能够喜欢。 09-08 06:39