PHP 7.3.0 第三个测试版 beta3 已发布,源码下载地址 >>>


  - Core:

  . Fixed #76773 (Traits used on the parent are ignored for child classes).


  . Fixed #76767 (‘asm’ operand has impossible constraints in zend_operators.h).


  . Fixed bug #76754 (parent private constant in extends class memory leak).


  . Fixed bug #76752 (Crash in ZEND_COALESCE_SPEC_TMP_HANDLER - assertion in

  _get_zval_ptr_tmp failed). (Laruence)

  - DOM:

  . Fixed bug #76285 (DOMDocument::formatOutput attribute sometimes ignored).

  (Andrew Nester, Laruence, Anatol)

  - iconv:

  . Fixed bug #68180 (iconv_mime_decode can return extra characters in a

  header). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #63839 (iconv_mime_decode_headers function is skipping headers).


  . Fixed bug #60494 (iconv_mime_decode does ignore special characters). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #55146 (iconv_mime_decode_headers() skips some headers). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #53891 (iconv_mime_encode() fails to Q-encode UTF-8 string). (cmb)

  - libxml:

  . Fixed bug #76777 ("public id" parameter of libxml_set_external_entity_loader

  callback undefined). (Ville Hukkamäki)

  - Opcache:

  . Fixed bug #76747 (Opcache treats path containing "test.pharma.tld" as a phar

  file). (Laruence)

  - SimpleXML:

  . Fixed bug #76712 (Assignment of empty string creates extraneous text node).


  - SPL:

  . Fixed bug #68825 (Exception in DirectoryIterator::getLinkTarget()). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #68175 (RegexIterator pregFlags are NULL instead of 0). (Tim


  - Standard:

  . Fixed bug #76778 (array_reduce leaks memory if callback throws exception).


  . Fixed bug #76755 (setcookie does not accept "double" type for expire time).


  . Fixed bug #76674 (improve array_* failure messages exposing what was passed

  instead of an array). (carusogabriel)

  此外,开发团队表示,这将是最后一个测试版,下个版本将进入 RC 阶段,并计划于9月13发布首个 RC 版。(编辑:雷林鹏 来源:网络)

05-11 15:25