1. 原理

jquery-mockjax是用于mock 前台ajax向后台请求的返回数据。


在你js代码要发送ajax请求的地方断点一下,然后比较在【引入jquery-mockjax】 和 【没有引入jquery-mockjax】的情况下$.ajax.toString()的值情况。


2. 提供的基本特性

1. 根据指定的url模拟基本本的json数据

url: '/restful/fortune',
responseTime: 750,
responseText: {
status: 'success',
fortune: 'Are you a turtle?'


url: '*'

url: '/data/*'

url: /^/data/(quote|tweet)$/i

2. 可以是返回text,xml

只要给其responseText responseXML设置相应的值即可


url: '/restful/api',
// Need to include the xmlDOM plugin to have this translated into a DOM
responseXML: '<document><quote>Hello world!</quote></document>'

3. 可以用proxy指向一个json文件,将json文件中的内容当做json数据mock回去

url: '/restful/api',
proxy: '/mocks/data.json'

4.response属性可以指向function 以达到mock数据可编程的目的(动态指定)

url: '/restful/api',
response: function() {
this.responseText = 'Hello world!';


url: '/restful/api',
// Simulate a network latency of 750ms
responseTime: 750,
responseText: 'A text response from the server'

6.通过status 设置的值mock http状态

url: '/restful/api',
// Server 500 error occurred
status: 500,
responseTime: 750,
responseText: 'A text response from the server'

7. 通过contentType设置的值mock contentType类型

url: '/restful/api',
contentType: 'text/json',
responseText: {
hello: 'World!'

8.给headers设置一个json对象,mock header信息

url: '/restful/api',
contentType: 'text/json',
responseText: {
hello: 'World!'
headers: {
etag: 'xyz123'

ref: http://appendto.com/2010/07/mock-your-ajax-requests-with-mockjax-for-rapid-development/

05-11 23:00