LCR 152. 验证二叉搜索树的后序遍历序列
class VerifyTreeOrder:
LCR 152. 验证二叉搜索树的后序遍历序列
def solution(self, postorder: List[int]) -> bool:
return self.check(postorder, 0, len(postorder) - 1)
# 检查postorder[i, j] 是否为BST
def check(self, postorder, i, j):
if i >= j:
return True
root = postorder[j]
# postorder[i..left) 是左⼦树,应该都⼩于 root
left = i
while left < j and postorder[left] < root:
left += 1
# postorder[left..j) 是右⼦树,应该都大于 root
right = left
while right < j and postorder[right] > root:
right += 1
if right != j:
return False
# 递归检查左⼦树 [i..left) 和右⼦树 [left..j) 也符合 BST 的性质
return self.check(postorder, i, left - 1) and self.check(postorder, left, j - 1)