Unity IOCP Socket + ThreadSafe Queue 1.Socket.BeginReceive系列接口在unityweb下是不正常的,页面刷新会导致问题 2.自己维护线程,会带来一点小麻烦 3.下面采用iocp+threadsafequeue 来实现异步网络
public class UserToken
public Socket sock;
public int offset;
public byte[] buf;
public bool isBody;
public TQueue<byte[]> q; // threadsafe queue public int Len {
get {
return buf.Length - offset;
``` ```
static void IO_Completed (object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
switch (e.LastOperation) {
case SocketAsyncOperation.Connect:
ProcessConnect (e);
break; case SocketAsyncOperation.Receive:
ProcessReceive (e);
break; case SocketAsyncOperation.Send:
ProcessSend (e);
Debug.Log ("error: " + e.LastOperation);
throw new Exception ("Invalid operation completed");
``` connect后进行receive ```
private static void ProcessConnect (SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success) {
// Successfully connected to the server
Debug.Log ("connect success"); var token = e.UserToken as UserToken;
var sock = token.sock;
var q = token.q; e.UserToken = new UserToken{
sock = sock,
q = q,
offset = 0,
isBody = false,
buf = new byte[4]
}; var ut = (UserToken)e.UserToken;
e.SetBuffer (ut.buf, ut.offset, ut.Len);
bool willRaiseEvent = ut.sock.ReceiveAsync (e);
if (!willRaiseEvent) {
ProcessReceive (e);
} } else {
throw new SocketException ((int)e.SocketError);
``` 使用线程安全的队列接收receive的数据 ```
ut.q.Enqueue (ut.buf);