
    "require": {
"php": "^5.6 || ^7.0",
"doctrine/doctrine-orm-module": "*",

执行composer install

2、在yourAPP/config/modules.config.php添加doctrine module

return [


* Local Configuration Override
* This configuration override file is for overriding environment-specific and
* security-sensitive configuration information. Copy this file without the
* .dist extension at the end and populate values as needed.
* @NOTE: This file is ignored from Git by default with the .gitignore included
* in ZendSkeletonApplication. This is a good practice, as it prevents sensitive
* credentials from accidentally being committed into version control.
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver as PDOMySqlDriver;
return [
'doctrine' => [
'connection' => [
'orm_default' => [
'driverClass' => PDOMySqlDriver::class,
'params' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => '',
'user' => 'xxx',
'password' => 'xxx',
'dbname' => 'user_shanmaohuwai',



I am using "doctrine/doctrine-orm-module": "0.7.0" with ZF2.

Once I create Entities I usually run following commands to sync and generate database automatically according to my entities.

./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:validate-schema
./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create

Is there a way to make this process reverse? I mean, Can I generate entities from existing database in mysql?


We use a batch script:


mkdir EXPORT
call .\vendor\bin\doctrine-module orm:convert-mapping --force --from-database annotation ./EXPORT/
call .\vendor\bin\doctrine-module orm:generate-entities ./EXPORT/ --generate-annotations=true pause

orm:convert-mapping and orm:generate-entities is probably what you are looking for.


There's a nice blog written on this here

Edit: It can be done by using the commands below:
1. convert-mapping (Table & Entity):

./vendor/doctrine/doctrine-module/bin/doctrine-module orm:convert-mapping --namespace="Album\\Entity\\" --force  --from-database annotation ./module/Album/src/

2. Generates getter and setter

./vendor/doctrine/doctrine-module/bin/doctrine-module orm:generate-entities ./module/Album/src/ --generate-annotations=true


Try just it

doctrine orm:convert-mapping -f --from-database annotation entities/

doctrine orm:generate-entities --generate-annotations="true" entities/


cd appdir
./vendor/doctrine/doctrine-module/bin/doctrine-module orm:convert-mapping --namespace="Application\\Entity\\" --force --from-database annotation ./module/Application/src/
./vendor/doctrine/doctrine-module/bin/doctrine-module orm:generate-entities ./module/Application/src/ --generate-annotations=true
05-23 22:02