Learning basic Linux commands



$ ls

This command is used to check the contents of
the directory.

$ pwd

This command is used to check the present
working directory.

$ mkdir work

We will work in a separate directory called
work in our home directory. Use this command
to create a new directory called work in the
current folder.

$ cd work

This command will change our working
directory to the newly created directory work.

$ pwd

This command can be used to verify whether
we moved to the expected directory.

$ touch hello.sh

This command is used to create a new empty
file called hello.sh in the current folder.

$ cp hello.sh bye.sh

This command is used to copy one file into
another file.
This will copy hello.sh as bye.sh.

$ mv bye.sh welcome.sh

This command is used to rename a file. This
will rename bye.sh as welcome.sh.

$ ll

This command will display detailed
information about files.

$ mv welcome.sh .welcome.sh
$ ls

Let's see some magic. Rename the file using the
mv command and the run the ls command.
Now, the ls command will not display our
file .welcome.sh. That file gets hidden. Any
filename or directory name starting with "."
(dot) becomes hidden.

$ ls -aThis command is used to see hidden files.
$ rm .welcolme.shThis command is used to delete the file.
04-24 07:18