Learning basic Linux commands
Command | Description |
$ ls | This command is used to check the contents of |
$ pwd | This command is used to check the present |
$ mkdir work | We will work in a separate directory called |
$ cd work | This command will change our working |
$ pwd | This command can be used to verify whether |
$ touch hello.sh | This command is used to create a new empty |
$ cp hello.sh bye.sh | This command is used to copy one file into |
$ mv bye.sh welcome.sh | This command is used to rename a file. This |
$ ll | This command will display detailed |
$ mv welcome.sh .welcome.sh | Let's see some magic. Rename the file using the |
$ ls -a | This command is used to see hidden files. |
$ rm .welcolme.sh | This command is used to delete the file. |