
比如player 1占据了(0,1),那么row[0]++ col[1]++

表示第一行有1个O,第一列有1个X,假设PLAYER 1最终在第一行连成一排,那最终row[0] == n。

player 2占据了(0,2),那么 row[0]-- col[2]--

如果PLAYER最终在第三列连成一排,那么col[2] == -n

总之选手A,走到(a,b) 那个格所在行列+1,如果是对角线对角线+1,B的话就-1,先到N的就赢了。。。

public class TicTacToe
{ int[] rows;
int[] cols;
int d1;
int d2;
int n; /** Initialize your data structure here. */
public TicTacToe(int n)
this.n = n;
rows = new int[n];
cols = new int[n]; } /** Player {player} makes a move at ({row}, {col}).
@param row The row of the board.
@param col The column of the board.
@param player The player, can be either 1 or 2.
@return The current winning condition, can be either:
0: No one wins.
1: Player 1 wins.
2: Player 2 wins. */
public int move(int row, int col, int player)
int p = 0;
if(player == 1) p = 1;
else p = -1;
rows[row] += p;
if(rows[row] == n || rows[row] == -n) return player; cols[col] += p;
if(cols[col] == n || cols[col] == -n) return player; if(row == col)
d1 += p;
if(d1 == n || d1 == -n) return player;
} if(row+col == n-1)
d2 += p;
if(d2 == n || d2 == -n) return player;
return 0; } }




用x*n + y当做KEY,PLAYER当做VALUE来建立MAP。。



public class TicTacToe
{ Map<Integer,Integer> map;
int n;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
public TicTacToe(int n)
this.n = n;
map = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
} /** Player {player} makes a move at ({row}, {col}).
@param row The row of the board.
@param col The column of the board.
@param player The player, can be either 1 or 2.
@return The current winning condition, can be either:
0: No one wins.
1: Player 1 wins.
2: Player 2 wins. */
public int move(int row, int col, int player)
{ int key = row*n+col;
if(check(key,player)) return player;
else return 0;
} public boolean check(int k,int p)
// horizontal
int i = 0;
int row = k/n;
int col = k%n;
boolean[] check = new boolean[n]; int c = n-1; for(int j = -c; j <= c; j++)
int key = (row+j)*n + col;
if(row+j < 0 || row + j >= n) i = 0;
else if(map.containsKey(key) && map.get(key) == p)
{ check[i++] = true;
if(i == n)
boolean temp = true;
for(int m = 0; m < n;m++)
temp = temp&&check[m];
if(!temp) break;
if(temp) return true;
} }
else i = 0; }
i = 0; for(int j = -c; j <= c; j++)
int key = row*n + col+j; if(col+j < 0 || col + j >= n) i = 0;
else if(map.containsKey(key) && map.get(key) == p)
{ check[i++] = true;
if(i == n)
boolean temp = true;
for(int m = 0; m < n;m++)
temp = temp&&check[m];
if(!temp) break;
if(temp) return true;
else i = 0; }
i = 0; for(int j = -c; j <= c; j++)
int key = (row+j)*n + col-j;
if(row + j < 0 || col-j < 0 || row + j >= n || col -j >= n) i = 0;
else if(map.containsKey(key) && map.get(key) == p)
{ check[i++] = true;
if(i == n)
boolean temp = true;
for(int m = 0; m < n;m++)
temp = temp&&check[m];
if(!temp) break;
if(temp) return true;
else i = 0; } i = 0;
for(int j = -c; j <= c; j++)
int key = (row-j)*n + col-j;
if(row - j < 0 || col-j < 0 || row - j >= n || col -j >= n) i = 0;
else if(map.containsKey(key) && map.get(key) == p)
{ check[i++] = true;
if(i == n)
boolean temp = true;
for(int m = 0; m < n;m++)
temp = temp&&check[m];
if(!temp) break;
if(temp) return true;
else i = 0; } return false; /*
[[2],[0,1,1],[1,1,2],[1,0,1]] */ }
} /**
* Your TicTacToe object will be instantiated and called as such:
* TicTacToe obj = new TicTacToe(n);
* int param_1 = obj.move(row,col,player);

438MS 被100%的人干死了。。




05-06 22:23