Now you are one step away from knowing who is that WARRIOR. The Fighter who will decide the fate of war between the 2 countries. The Pride of One and Envey of the Other... You have got the secrete file which has the crucial information to identify the fighter. But the file is encrypted with a RSA-Private key. Good news you have its corresponding public key in a file. Bad news there are 49 other keys. Whos is the Fighter.

我是在windows下在进行操作的,由于我安装了 git, 然后里面有 Git bash, 进入bash后有awk。


cmd> bash


bash-3.1$ awk '/BEGIN PUBLIC KEY/{n++}{print >"key" n ".txt" }' all_keys.txt


    system("openssl rsautl -inkey key$i.txt -pubin -in warrior.txt >> outx.txt");

perl脚本后,打开 outx.txt 文件,得到:

This fighter is a designation for two separate, heavily upgraded derivatives of the Su-35 'Flanker' jet plane. They are single-seaters designed by Sukhoi(KnAAPO).

Google:Sukhoi(KnAAPO) Fighter, 得到 flag: Sukhoi Su-35

05-11 22:07