




上门有测试php-r3,Pux,FastRoute,Symfony2 Dumped,Symfony2 以及Aura v2这几个路由控制器的性能,总体来说R3和FastRoute在最坏的情况下表现最好。其中R3和Pux是C语言实现的插件,有语言上面的性能优势。


首先fork了一份这个benchmark的库,并把自己的Router的测试代码加上去了。同样的测试条件。由于R3没有装上,还有Pux安装失败。所以本次测试仅仅针对FastRoute,Symfony2 Dumped,Symfony2,Aura v2以及Router。


首先是最坏情况下的测试,其中包含了两个测试用例,一个是找不到的404 还有一个是在列表最后一个才能匹配到的,也就是最坏的两种情况。

Worst-case matching

This benchmark matches the last route and unknown route. It generates a randomly prefixed and suffixed route in an attempt to thwart any optimization. 1,000 routes each with 9 arguments.

This benchmark consists of 10 tests. Each test is executed 1,000 times, the results pruned, and then averaged. Values that fall outside of 3 standard deviations of the mean are discarded.

Test Name Results Time + Interval Change
Router - unknown route (1000 routes) 993 0.0000232719 +0.0000000000 baseline
Router - last route (1000 routes) 981 0.0000955424 +0.0000722705 311% slower
FastRoute - unknown route (1000 routes) 990 0.0005051955 +0.0004819236 2071% slower
FastRoute - last route (1000 routes) 998 0.0005567203 +0.0005334484 2292% slower
Symfony2 Dumped - unknown route (1000 routes) 998 0.0006116139 +0.0005883420 2528% slower
Symfony2 Dumped - last route (1000 routes) 998 0.0007765370 +0.0007532651 3237% slower
Symfony2 - unknown route (1000 routes) 996 0.0028456177 +0.0028223458 12128% slower
Symfony2 - last route (1000 routes) 993 0.0030129542 +0.0029896823 12847% slower
Aura v2 - last route (1000 routes) 989 0.1707107230 +0.1706874511 733450% slower
Aura v2 - unknown route (1000 routes) 988 0.1798588730 +0.1798356011 772760% slower

查看上表的数据,我自己的Router在两种测试用例的最坏情况下都是表现最好的。并且把其他几个远远的甩出几条街。看来这个主要得益于使用树形结构的PHP数组来存储路由表。所以进行遍历的时候始终能达到O(log n)的时间复杂度。


First route matching

This benchmark tests how quickly each router can match the first route. 1,000 routes each with 9 arguments.

This benchmark consists of 5 tests. Each test is executed 1,000 times, the results pruned, and then averaged. Values that fall outside of 3 standard deviations of the mean are discarded.

Test Name Results Time + Interval Change
FastRoute - first route 998 0.0000498390 +0.0000000000 baseline
Symfony2 Dumped - first route 995 0.0000517531 +0.0000019141 4% slower
Router - first route 994 0.0001499363 +0.0001000972 201% slower
Aura v2 - first route 998 0.0008559464 +0.0008061073 1617% slower
Symfony2 - first route 998 0.0012734995 +0.0012236604 2455% slower




09-19 02:24