queue: Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation
1.1 Basic FIFO Queue
The following is programming codes:
import queue
q = queue.Queue()
for i in range(5):
while not q.empty():
print(q.get(), end=' ')
This example uses a single thread to illustrate that elements are removed from the queue in the same order in which they are inserted.
the result :
D:\Python39\python.exe D:/My_Project/queque_demo1.py
0 1 2 3 4
Process finished with exit code 0
1.2 LIFO Queue
The following is programming codes:
import queue
q = queue.LifoQueue()
for i in range(5):
while not q.empty():
print(q.get(), end=' ')
the result:
D:\Python39\python.exe D:/My_Project/queque_demo1.py
4 3 2 1 0
Process finished with exit code 0
1.3 Priority Queue
The following is programming codes:
import functools
import queue
import threading
class Job:
def __init__(self, priority, description):
self.priority = priority
self.description = description
print('New job:', description)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.priority == other.priority
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.priority < other.priority
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
q = queue.PriorityQueue()
q.put(Job(3, 'Mid-level job'))
q.put(Job(10, 'low-level job'))
q.put(Job(1, 'Important job'))
def process_job(q):
while 1:
next_job = q.get()
print('Processing job:', next_job.description)
workers = [
threading.Thread(target=process_job, args=(q,)),
threading.Thread(target=process_job, args=(q,)),
for w in workers:
w.daemon = True
The result:
D:\Python39\python.exe D:/My_Project/queque_demo1.py
New job: Mid-level job
New job: low-level job
New job: Important job
Processing job: Important job
Processing job: Mid-level job
Processing job: low-level job
Process finished with exit code 0