相信大多数人在学习Spring时 IOC 和 Bean 算得上是最常听到的两个名词,IOC在学习Spring当中出现频率如此之高必然有其原因。如果我们做一个比喻的话,把Bean说成Spring中主角的话,那么IOC便是这个主角进行演出的舞台,没有IOC作为Bean的承载,那么Bean便不会在编程中大放异彩。作为Spring核心组件的重要一员,了解其内部实现对我们编程和窥探Spring内幕是相当有帮助的,下面一步步从源码的角度来剖析IOC究竟是怎样实现的。
package org.springframework.beans.factory;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.core.ResolvableType;
* BeanFactory作为最原始同时也最重要的Ioc容器,它主要的功能是为依赖注入 (DI) 提供支持,BeanFactory 和相关的接口.这里定义的只是一系列的接口方法,通过这一系列的BeanFactory接口,可以使用不同的Bean的检索方法很方便地从Ioc容器中得到需要的Bean,从而忽略具体的Ioc容器的实现,从这个角度上看,这些检索方法代表的是最为基本的容器入口。
* @author Rod Johnson
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @author Chris Beams
* @since 13 April 2001
public interface BeanFactory {
* 转定义符"&" 用来引用实例,或把它和工厂产生的Bean区分开,就是说,如果一个FactoryBean的名字为a,那么,&a会得到那个Factory
* FactoryBean和BeanFactory 是在Spring中使用最为频繁的类,它们在拼写上很相似。一个是Factory,也就是Ioc容器或对象工厂;一个
* 是Bean。在Spring中,所有的Bean都是由BeanFactory(也就是Ioc容器)来进行管理的。但对FactoryBean而言,这个Bean不是简单的Be
* an,而是一个能产生或者修饰对象生成的工厂Bean,它的实现与设计模式中的工厂模式和修饰器模式类似。
* 五个不同形式的getBean方法,获取实例
* @param name 检索所用的Bean名
* @return Object(<T> T) 实例对象
* @throws BeansException 如果Bean不能取得
Object getBean(String name) throws BeansException;
<T> T getBean(String name, Class<T> requiredType) throws BeansException;
<T> T getBean(Class<T> requiredType) throws BeansException;
Object getBean(String name, Object... args) throws BeansException;
<T> T getBean(Class<T> requiredType, Object... args) throws BeansException;
* 让用户判断容器是否含有指定名字的Bean.
* @param name 搜索所用的Bean名
* @return boolean 是否包含其中
boolean containsBean(String name);
* 查询指定名字的Bean是否是Singleton类型的Bean.
* 对于Singleton属性,可以在BeanDefinition指定.
* @param name 搜索所用的Bean名
* @return boolean 是否包是Singleton
* @throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException 没有找到Bean
boolean isSingleton(String name) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
* 查询指定名字的Bean是否是Prototype类型的。
* 与Singleton属性一样,可以在BeanDefinition指定.
* @param name 搜索所用的Bean名
* @return boolean 是否包是Prototype
* @throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException 没有找到Bean
boolean isPrototype(String name) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
* 查询指定了名字的Bean的Class类型是否是特定的Class类型.
* @param name 搜索所用的Bean名
* @param typeToMatch 匹配类型
* @return boolean 是否是特定类型
* @throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException 没有找到Bean
boolean isTypeMatch(String name, ResolvableType typeToMatch) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
boolean isTypeMatch(String name, Class<?> typeToMatch) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
* 查询指定名字的Bean的Class类型.
* @param name 搜索所用的Bean名
* @return 指定的Bean或者null(没有找到合适的Bean)
* @throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException 没有找到Bean
Class<?> getType(String name) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
* 查询指定了名字的Bean的所有别名,这些都是在BeanDefinition中定义的
* @param name 搜索所用的Bean名
* @return 指定名字的Bean的所有别名 或者一个空的数组
String[] getAliases(String name);
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package org.springframework.beans.factory.xml;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
* XmlBeanFactory是BeanFactory的最简单实现类
* XmlBeanFactory的功能是建立在DefaultListableBeanFactory这个基本容器的基础上的,并在这个基本容器的基础上实行了其他诸如
* XML读取的附加功能。XmlBeanFactory使用了DefaultListableBeanFactory作为基础类,DefaultListableBeanFactory是一个很重
* 要的Ioc实现,会在下一章进行重点论述。
* @author Rod Johnson
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @author Chris Beams
* @since 15 April 2001
public class XmlBeanFactory extends DefaultListableBeanFactory {
private final XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(this);
* 根据给定来源,创建一个XmlBeanFactory
* @param resource Spring中对与外部资源的抽象,最常见的是对文件的抽象,特别是XML文件。而且Resource里面通常
* 是保存了Spring使用者的Bean定义,比如applicationContext.xml在被加载时,就会被抽象为Resource来处理。
* @throws BeansException 载入或者解析中发生错误
public XmlBeanFactory(Resource resource) throws BeansException {
this(resource, null);
* 根据给定来源和BeanFactory,创建一个XmlBeanFactory
* @param resource Spring中对与外部资源的抽象,最常见的是对文件的抽象,特别是XML文件。而且Resource里面通常
* 是保存了Spring使用者的Bean定义,比如applicationContext.xml在被加载时,就会被抽象为Resource来处理。
* @param parentBeanFactory 父类的BeanFactory
* @throws BeansException 载入或者解析中发生错误
public XmlBeanFactory(Resource resource, BeanFactory parentBeanFactory) throws BeansException {
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public class User{
private String name;
private int age;
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<bean id="user1" name="user1" class="com.yanxiao.ioc.User">
<property name="name" value="yanxiao"></property>
<property name="age" value="20"></property>
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package com.yanxiao.ioc;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource;
* Created by yanxiao on 2016/7/28.
public class MySimpleBeanFactory {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource("META-INF/beans.xml");
BeanFactory beanFactory = new XmlBeanFactory(resource);
User user = beanFactory.getBean("user1", User.class);
System.out.println(user.getName()+" : "+user.getAge());
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1 | XmlBeanFactory | 构造方法(Resource) |
2 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 构造方法(BeanFactory) |
3 | AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory | 构造方法(BeanFactory) |
4 | AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory | setParentFactory(BeanFactory) |
5 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | loadBeanDefinitions(Resource) |
6 | AbstractBeanDefinitionReader | getResourceLoader() |
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public static void main(String[] args) {
ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource("META-INF/beans.xml");
DefaultListableBeanFactory factory = new DefaultListableBeanFactory();
XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(factory);
User user = factory.getBean("user", User.class);
System.out.println(user.getName()+" : "+user.getAge());
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在上面的文章我们也简单提到过 Resource 接口的作用,其实Spring使用自己的抽象结构对整个框架中所用到资源进行统一的封装,封装这个接口的原因其实大家也大致可以想到,我们在编程当中所遇到的资源文件类型多种多样有File、InputStream、UrlResource、ContextResource等等,面对如此多的资源类型框架内部要是不设计出一套成熟合理的资源封装体系的话,无疑对框架的实现和开发者的编程来说造成很多的复杂性。面向对象编程当中的封装和继承特性,在Spring当中可谓应用的淋漓尽致,有时间自己可以花点功夫体会Spring框架这一套设计体系对我们的以后编写可扩展和可用代码有很大的好处。
继续展开上面Resource接口的介绍,该接口作为资源的一个原始封装,它继承自InputStreamResource接口,InputStreamResource只有InputStream getInputStream()
package org.springframework.core.io;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 20.01.2004
public interface InputStreamSource {
* 返回InputStream的类,比如File、Classpath下的资源和Byte Array等
* @return InputStream 返回一个新的InputStream的对象
* @throws IOException
InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;
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package org.springframework.core.io;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
* Resource接口抽象了所有Spring内部使用到的底层资源:File、URL、Classpath等。
* 同时,对于来源不同的资源文件,Resource也有不同实现:文件(FileSystemResource)、Classpath资源(ClassPathResource)、
* URL资源(UrlResource)、InputStream资源(InputStreamResource)、Byte数组(ByteArrayResource)等等。
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 28.12.2003
public interface Resource extends InputStreamSource {
* 判断资源是否存在
* @return boolean 是否存在
boolean exists();
* 判断资源是否可读
* @return boolean 是否可读
boolean isReadable();
* 是否处于开启状态
* @return boolean 是否开启
boolean isOpen();
* 得到URL类型资源,用于资源转换
* @return URL 得到URL类型
* @throws IOException 如果资源不能打开则抛出异常
URL getURL() throws IOException;
* 得到URI类型资源,用于资源转换
* @return URI 得到URI类型
* @throws IOException 如果资源不能打开则抛出异常
URI getURI() throws IOException;
* 得到File类型资源,用于资源转换
* @return File 得到File类型
* @throws IOException 如果资源不能打开则抛出异常
File getFile() throws IOException;
* 获取资源长度
* @return long 资源长度
* @throws IOException 如果资源不能打开则抛出异常
long contentLength() throws IOException;
* 获取lastModified属性
* @return long 获取lastModified
* @throws IOException 如果资源不能打开则抛出异常
long lastModified() throws IOException;
* 创建一个相对的资源方法
* @param relativePath 相对路径
* @return Resource 返回一个新的资源
* @throws IOException 如果资源不能打开则抛出异常
Resource createRelative(String relativePath) throws IOException;
* 获取文件名称
* @return String 文件名称或者null
String getFilename();
* 得到错误处理信息,主要用于错误处理的信息打印
* @return String 错误资源信息
String getDescription();
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package org.springframework.core.io;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @author Sam Brannen
* @since 28.12.2003
* @see ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream(String)
* @see Class#getResourceAsStream(String)
public class ClassPathResource extends AbstractFileResolvingResource {
private final String path;
private ClassLoader classLoader;
private Class<?> clazz;
public ClassPathResource(String path) {
this(path, (ClassLoader) null);
public ClassPathResource(String path, ClassLoader classLoader) {
Assert.notNull(path, "Path must not be null");
String pathToUse = StringUtils.cleanPath(path);
//去掉路径最前面的 /
if (pathToUse.startsWith("/")) {
pathToUse = pathToUse.substring(1);
this.path = pathToUse;
this.classLoader = (classLoader != null ? classLoader : ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader());
* Create a new {@code ClassPathResource} for {@code Class} usage.
* The path can be relative to the given class, or absolute within
* the classpath via a leading slash.
* @param path relative or absolute path within the class path
* @param clazz the class to load resources with
* @see java.lang.Class#getResourceAsStream
public ClassPathResource(String path, Class<?> clazz) {
Assert.notNull(path, "Path must not be null");
this.path = StringUtils.cleanPath(path);
this.clazz = clazz;
* This implementation opens an InputStream for the given class path resource.
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream(String)
* @see java.lang.Class#getResourceAsStream(String)
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
InputStream is;
if (this.clazz != null) {
is = this.clazz.getResourceAsStream(this.path);
else if (this.classLoader != null) {
is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(this.path);
else {
is = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(this.path);
if (is == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(getDescription() + " cannot be opened because it does not exist");
return is;
* This implementation returns the name of the file that this class path
* resource refers to.
* @see org.springframework.util.StringUtils#getFilename(String)
public String getFilename() {
return StringUtils.getFilename(this.path);
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我们已经把资源层面上的接口和实现了解了,下面分析我们之前代码当中的DefaultListableBeanFactory factory = new DefaultListableBeanFactory();
public class DefaultListableBeanFactory extends AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory
implements ConfigurableListableBeanFactory, BeanDefinitionRegistry, Serializable {
* Create a new DefaultListableBeanFactory.
public DefaultListableBeanFactory() {
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public abstract class AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory extends AbstractBeanFactory
implements AutowireCapableBeanFactory {
* Create a new AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.
public AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory() {
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public abstract class AbstractBeanFactory extends FactoryBeanRegistrySupport implements ConfigurableBeanFactory {
* Create a new AbstractBeanFactory.
public AbstractBeanFactory() {
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上面我们创建好了 DefaultListableBeanFactory 对象,已经有了容纳Bean的容器了,但我们通过刚才分析源码可以看到现在我们还没有对该factory进行其他实用性的操作,里面还没有任何东西。那么,我们定义在配置文件定义的Bean是如何进入Spring容器当中的,就得继续分析下面的代码了。我们先分析XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(factory);
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public int loadBeanDefinitions(Resource resource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
return loadBeanDefinitions(new EncodedResource(resource));
public int loadBeanDefinitions(EncodedResource encodedResource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
Assert.notNull(encodedResource, "EncodedResource must not be null");
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Loading XML bean definitions from " + encodedResource.getResource());
Set<EncodedResource> currentResources = this.resourcesCurrentlyBeingLoaded.get();
if (currentResources == null) {
currentResources = new HashSet<EncodedResource>(4);
if (!currentResources.add(encodedResource)) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(
"Detected cyclic loading of " + encodedResource + " - check your import definitions!");
// 调用DefaultResourceLoader的getResources方法完成具体的Resource定位
try {
InputStream inputStream = encodedResource.getResource().getInputStream();
try {
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(inputStream);
if (encodedResource.getEncoding() != null) {
return doLoadBeanDefinitions(inputSource, encodedResource.getResource()); //真正的逻辑核心
finally {
catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(
"IOException parsing XML document from " + encodedResource.getResource(), ex);
finally {
if (currentResources.isEmpty()) {
* 1.获取XML文件的验证模式,为正确加载XML做好准备
* 2.从定位好的资源位置处加载XML,对XML进行解析获得Document对象
* 3.返回的Document,在工厂中注册Bean
protected int doLoadBeanDefinitions(InputSource inputSource, Resource resource)
throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
try {
// 对XML文件进行解析获得Document对象, 这个解析过程由DefaultDocumentLoader完成
Document doc = doLoadDocument(inputSource, resource);
// 启动对BeanDefinition解析的详细过程, 解析过程中会使用到Spring的Bean配置规则
return registerBeanDefinitions(doc, resource);
catch (BeanDefinitionStoreException ex) {
throw ex;
catch (SAXParseException ex) {
throw new XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
"Line " + ex.getLineNumber() + " in XML document from " + resource + " is invalid", ex);
catch (SAXException ex) {
throw new XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
"XML document from " + resource + " is invalid", ex);
catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
"Parser configuration exception parsing XML from " + resource, ex);
catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
"IOException parsing XML document from " + resource, ex);
catch (Throwable ex) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
"Unexpected exception parsing XML document from " + resource, ex);
protected Document doLoadDocument(InputSource inputSource, Resource resource) throws Exception {
return this.documentLoader.loadDocument(inputSource, getEntityResolver(), this.errorHandler,
getValidationModeForResource(resource), isNamespaceAware());
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public Reader getReader() throws IOException {
if (this.charset != null) {
return new InputStreamReader(this.resource.getInputStream(), this.charset);
else if (this.encoding != null) {
return new InputStreamReader(this.resource.getInputStream(), this.encoding);
else {
return new InputStreamReader(this.resource.getInputStream());
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public static final int VALIDATION_AUTO = XmlValidationModeDetector.VALIDATION_AUTO;
public static final int VALIDATION_XSD = XmlValidationModeDetector.VALIDATION_XSD;
protected int getValidationModeForResource(Resource resource) {
int validationModeToUse = getValidationMode();
if (validationModeToUse != VALIDATION_AUTO) {
return validationModeToUse;
int detectedMode = detectValidationMode(resource);
if (detectedMode != VALIDATION_AUTO) {
return detectedMode;
protected int detectValidationMode(Resource resource) {
if (resource.isOpen()) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(
"Passed-in Resource [" + resource + "] contains an open stream: " +
"cannot determine validation mode automatically. Either pass in a Resource " +
"that is able to create fresh streams, or explicitly specify the validationMode " +
"on your XmlBeanDefinitionReader instance.");
InputStream inputStream;
try {
inputStream = resource.getInputStream();
catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(
"Unable to determine validation mode for [" + resource + "]: cannot open InputStream. " +
"Did you attempt to load directly from a SAX InputSource without specifying the " +
"validationMode on your XmlBeanDefinitionReader instance?", ex);
try {
return this.validationModeDetector.detectValidationMode(inputStream); //自动检测在detectValidationMode完成
catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException("Unable to determine validation mode for [" +
resource + "]: an error occurred whilst reading from the InputStream.", ex);
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public static final int VALIDATION_NONE = 0;
public static final int VALIDATION_AUTO = 1;
public static final int VALIDATION_DTD = 2;
public static final int VALIDATION_XSD = 3;
private static final String DOCTYPE = "DOCTYPE";
public int detectValidationMode(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
try {
boolean isDtdValidated = false;
String content;
while ((content = reader.readLine()) != null) {
content = consumeCommentTokens(content);
if (this.inComment || !StringUtils.hasText(content)) {
if (hasDoctype(content)) {
isDtdValidated = true;
if (hasOpeningTag(content)) {
return (isDtdValidated ? VALIDATION_DTD : VALIDATION_XSD);
catch (CharConversionException ex) {
finally {
private boolean hasDoctype(String content) {
return content.contains(DOCTYPE);
private boolean hasOpeningTag(String content) {
if (this.inComment) {
return false;
int openTagIndex = content.indexOf('<');
return (openTagIndex > -1 && (content.length() > openTagIndex + 1) &&
Character.isLetter(content.charAt(openTagIndex + 1)));
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protected Document doLoadDocument(InputSource inputSource, Resource resource) throws Exception {
return this.documentLoader.loadDocument(inputSource, getEntityResolver(), this.errorHandler,
getValidationModeForResource(resource), isNamespaceAware());
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public Document loadDocument(InputSource inputSource, EntityResolver entityResolver,
ErrorHandler errorHandler, int validationMode, boolean namespaceAware) throws Exception {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = createDocumentBuilderFactory(validationMode, namespaceAware);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Using JAXP provider [" + factory.getClass().getName() + "]");
DocumentBuilder builder = createDocumentBuilder(factory, entityResolver, errorHandler);
return builder.parse(inputSource);
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这个过程调用的是XmlBeanDefinitionReader类的registerBeanDefinitions(Document doc, Resource resource)
public int registerBeanDefinitions(Document doc, Resource resource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
BeanDefinitionDocumentReader documentReader = createBeanDefinitionDocumentReader();
int countBefore = getRegistry().getBeanDefinitionCount();
// 具体的解析过程在BeanDefinitionDocumentReader的registerBeanDefinitions方法中完成
documentReader.registerBeanDefinitions(doc, createReaderContext(resource));
return getRegistry().getBeanDefinitionCount() - countBefore;
protected BeanDefinitionDocumentReader createBeanDefinitionDocumentReader() {
return BeanDefinitionDocumentReader.class.cast(BeanUtils.instantiateClass(this.documentReaderClass));
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public static final String BEAN_ELEMENT = BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.BEAN_ELEMENT;
public static final String NESTED_BEANS_ELEMENT = "beans";
public static final String ALIAS_ELEMENT = "alias";
public static final String ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE = "alias";
public void registerBeanDefinitions(Document doc, XmlReaderContext readerContext) {
this.readerContext = readerContext;
logger.debug("Loading bean definitions");
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); // 获得Document的根元素
protected void doRegisterBeanDefinitions(Element root) {
BeanDefinitionParserDelegate parent = this.delegate;
this.delegate = createDelegate(getReaderContext(), root, parent);
if (this.delegate.isDefaultNamespace(root)) {
String profileSpec = root.getAttribute(PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE);
if (StringUtils.hasText(profileSpec)) {
String[] specifiedProfiles = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(
profileSpec, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.MULTI_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_DELIMITERS);
if (!getReaderContext().getEnvironment().acceptsProfiles(specifiedProfiles)) {
parseBeanDefinitions(root, this.delegate);
this.delegate = parent;
protected void parseBeanDefinitions(Element root, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) {
if (delegate.isDefaultNamespace(root)) {
NodeList nl = root.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
Node node = nl.item(i);
if (node instanceof Element) {
Element ele = (Element) node;
if (delegate.isDefaultNamespace(ele)) {
parseDefaultElement(ele, delegate);
else {
delegate.parseCustomElement(ele); /
else {
delegate.parseCustomElement(root); // 解析自定义元素根节点
private void parseDefaultElement(Element ele, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) {
if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, IMPORT_ELEMENT)) { // 解析import元素
else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, ALIAS_ELEMENT)) { // 解析alias元素
else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, BEAN_ELEMENT)) { // 解析bean元素
processBeanDefinition(ele, delegate);
else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, NESTED_BEANS_ELEMENT)) { // 解析内嵌beans元素, 作为根节点递归解析
protected void processBeanDefinition(Element ele, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) {
// 具体的解析委托给BeanDefinitionParserDelegate来完成
// BeanDefinitionHolder是BeanDefinition的封装类, 封装了BeanDefinition、Bean的名字和别名, 用它来完成向IoC容器注册.
BeanDefinitionHolder bdHolder = delegate.parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele);
if (bdHolder != null) {
bdHolder = delegate.decorateBeanDefinitionIfRequired(ele, bdHolder);
try {
BeanDefinitionReaderUtils.registerBeanDefinition(bdHolder, getReaderContext().getRegistry());
catch (BeanDefinitionStoreException ex) {
getReaderContext().error("Failed to register bean definition with name '" +
bdHolder.getBeanName() + "'", ele, ex);
getReaderContext().fireComponentRegistered(new BeanComponentDefinition(bdHolder));
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public class BeanDefinitionParserDelegate {
public static final String BEANS_NAMESPACE_URI = "http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans";
public static final String MULTI_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_DELIMITERS = ",; ";
* Value of a T/F attribute that represents true.
* Anything else represents false. Case seNsItive.
public static final String TRUE_VALUE = "true";
public static final String FALSE_VALUE = "false";
public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE = "default";
public static final String DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT = "description";
public static final String AUTOWIRE_NO_VALUE = "no";
public static final String AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME_VALUE = "byName";
public static final String AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE_VALUE = "byType";
public static final String AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR_VALUE = "constructor";
public static final String AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT_VALUE = "autodetect";
public static final String DEPENDENCY_CHECK_ALL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = "all";
public static final String DEPENDENCY_CHECK_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = "simple";
public static final String DEPENDENCY_CHECK_OBJECTS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = "objects";
public static final String NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "name";
public BeanDefinitionHolder parseBeanDefinitionElement(Element ele) {
return parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele, null);
public BeanDefinitionHolder parseBeanDefinitionElement(Element ele, BeanDefinition containingBean) {
// 解析Bean定义资源文件中的<Bean>元素,主要处理<Bean>元素的id,name和aliase属性
String id = ele.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE);
String nameAttr = ele.getAttribute(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
List<String> aliases = new ArrayList<String>();
if (StringUtils.hasLength(nameAttr)) {
String[] nameArr = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(nameAttr, MULTI_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_DELIMITERS);
String beanName = id;
if (!StringUtils.hasText(beanName) && !aliases.isEmpty()) {
beanName = aliases.remove(0);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("No XML 'id' specified - using '" + beanName +
"' as bean name and " + aliases + " as aliases");
if (containingBean == null) {
checkNameUniqueness(beanName, aliases, ele);
// 对<bean>元素进行详细解析
AbstractBeanDefinition beanDefinition = parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele, beanName, containingBean);
if (beanDefinition != null) {
if (!StringUtils.hasText(beanName)) {
try {
if (containingBean != null) {
beanName = BeanDefinitionReaderUtils.generateBeanName(
beanDefinition, this.readerContext.getRegistry(), true);
else {
beanName = this.readerContext.generateBeanName(beanDefinition);
String beanClassName = beanDefinition.getBeanClassName();
if (beanClassName != null &&
beanName.startsWith(beanClassName) && beanName.length() > beanClassName.length() &&
!this.readerContext.getRegistry().isBeanNameInUse(beanClassName)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Neither XML 'id' nor 'name' specified - " +
"using generated bean name [" + beanName + "]");
catch (Exception ex) {
error(ex.getMessage(), ele);
return null;
String[] aliasesArray = StringUtils.toStringArray(aliases);
return new BeanDefinitionHolder(beanDefinition, beanName, aliasesArray);
return null;
public AbstractBeanDefinition parseBeanDefinitionElement(
Element ele, String beanName, BeanDefinition containingBean) {
this.parseState.push(new BeanEntry(beanName));
String className = null;
if (ele.hasAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE)) {
className = ele.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE).trim();
try {
String parent = null;
if (ele.hasAttribute(PARENT_ATTRIBUTE)) {
parent = ele.getAttribute(PARENT_ATTRIBUTE);
// 根据<Bean>元素配置的class名称和parent属性值创建BeanDefinition, 为载入Bean定义信息做准备
AbstractBeanDefinition bd = createBeanDefinition(className, parent);
parseBeanDefinitionAttributes(ele, beanName, containingBean, bd);
bd.setDescription(DomUtils.getChildElementValueByTagName(ele, DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT));
// 对<Bean>元素的meta(元数据)、lookup-method、replaced-method等子元素进行解析
parseMetaElements(ele, bd);
parseLookupOverrideSubElements(ele, bd.getMethodOverrides());
parseReplacedMethodSubElements(ele, bd.getMethodOverrides());
parseConstructorArgElements(ele, bd); // 解析<Bean>元素的构造方法参数
parsePropertyElements(ele, bd); // 解析<Bean>元素的<property>属性
parseQualifierElements(ele, bd);
return bd;
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
error("Bean class [" + className + "] not found", ele, ex);
catch (NoClassDefFoundError err) {
error("Class that bean class [" + className + "] depends on not found", ele, err);
catch (Throwable ex) {
error("Unexpected failure during bean definition parsing", ele, ex);
finally {
return null;
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public class DefaultListableBeanFactory extends AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory
implements ConfigurableListableBeanFactory, BeanDefinitionRegistry, Serializable {
/** Map of bean definition objects, keyed by bean name */
private final Map<String, BeanDefinition> beanDefinitionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BeanDefinition>(256);
public void registerBeanDefinition(String beanName, BeanDefinition beanDefinition)
throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
Assert.hasText(beanName, "Bean name must not be empty");
Assert.notNull(beanDefinition, "BeanDefinition must not be null");
// 对解析得到的BeanDefinition校验
if (beanDefinition instanceof AbstractBeanDefinition) {
try {
((AbstractBeanDefinition) beanDefinition).validate();
catch (BeanDefinitionValidationException ex) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(beanDefinition.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
"Validation of bean definition failed", ex);
BeanDefinition oldBeanDefinition;
oldBeanDefinition = this.beanDefinitionMap.get(beanName);
if (oldBeanDefinition != null) {
if (!isAllowBeanDefinitionOverriding()) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(beanDefinition.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
"Cannot register bean definition [" + beanDefinition + "] for bean '" + beanName +
"': There is already [" + oldBeanDefinition + "] bound.");
else if (oldBeanDefinition.getRole() < beanDefinition.getRole()) {
if (this.logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
this.logger.warn("Overriding user-defined bean definition for bean '" + beanName +
"' with a framework-generated bean definition: replacing [" +
oldBeanDefinition + "] with [" + beanDefinition + "]");
else if (!beanDefinition.equals(oldBeanDefinition)) {
if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
this.logger.info("Overriding bean definition for bean '" + beanName +
"' with a different definition: replacing [" + oldBeanDefinition +
"] with [" + beanDefinition + "]");
else {
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("Overriding bean definition for bean '" + beanName +
"' with an equivalent definition: replacing [" + oldBeanDefinition +
"] with [" + beanDefinition + "]");
this.beanDefinitionMap.put(beanName, beanDefinition);
else {
if (hasBeanCreationStarted()) {
synchronized (this.beanDefinitionMap) {
this.beanDefinitionMap.put(beanName, beanDefinition);
List<String> updatedDefinitions = new ArrayList<String>(this.beanDefinitionNames.size() + 1);
this.beanDefinitionNames = updatedDefinitions;
if (this.manualSingletonNames.contains(beanName)) {
Set<String> updatedSingletons = new LinkedHashSet<String>(this.manualSingletonNames);
this.manualSingletonNames = updatedSingletons;
else {
this.beanDefinitionMap.put(beanName, beanDefinition);
this.frozenBeanDefinitionNames = null;
if (oldBeanDefinition != null || containsSingleton(beanName)) {
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